Cats Explain FFXIV Post-Heavensward [Dragonsong War]

0:00 – 3.1 “As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness”
2:34 – 3.2 “The Gears of Change”
3:45 – 3.3 “Revenge of the Horde”
5:52 – Outro

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The Dragonsong War (竜詩戦争, Ryū Shi Sensō?, lit. Dragon Poetry War) is a military conflict in Final Fantasy XIV between the Holy See of Ishgard and the draconic Dravanian Horde, fought over a thousand years and dominating the cultures and lifestyles of both states. The war has been fought for as long as the Holy See existed.

According to the Holy See, early in the Sixth Astral Era, the legendary King Thordan set out to build a bridge across the Sea of Clouds to what would become the city-state of Ishgard. Thordan claimed he had been chosen by Halone, the Fury, but was struck down by the great wyrm Nidhogg. Thordan’s son, Haldrath, exacted revenge by removing Nidhogg’s eye, and Ishgard has been at war with Nidhogg’s people, the Dravanians, ever since. Nidhogg has led seven assaults against Ishgard, though the city-state survived all of them.

The Dragonsong War resulted in Ishgard’s exclusion from the rest of Eorzea: though Ishgard fought in the Autumn War against Ala Mhigo, they declined to join the Eorzean Alliance to focus on their crusade against the Dravanian Horde. As such, they were present at neither the Battle of Carteneau nor Operation Archon, though the former caused drastic environmental damage to Coerthas. The Dravanian Horde was similarly set back by the loss of the Wyrmking, Midgardsormr, at the Battle of Silvertear Skies.


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