Carry as a Healer – Endwalker White Mage Guide [Final Fantasy XIV]

White Mage absolutely crushes dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV. A lot of people suffer from healxiety or, even if they do pick up healer, worry too much about the tank’s mental health. Throw on that white robe and learn to let those tanks suffer a bit. This video guide covers White Mage’s role in higher level endgame dungeons, but a lot of what I go over can apply to newer players and transfer into harder 8-man content. We’ll cover the best ways to keep your tank moving and mobs dying, with gameplay and ms paint graphs to help.

All game knowledge is current as of Patch 6.2 in FFXIV Endwalker!

0:00 Baka Mitai
0:14 Intro
0:45 Keeping the Tank Alive
2:19 Dealing Damage
4:45 Putting Both Together
5:49 Closing Thoughts
6:02 Outro

Hopefully you learn something and feel inspired to get out there and kill some tanks!

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Big shout out to Microsoft for making the hit program “Paint.”


27 thoughts on “Carry as a Healer – Endwalker White Mage Guide [Final Fantasy XIV]”

  1. This is a really amazing video full of A+ advice, I main WHM, it's honestly my favourite job, and if you're new to healing I recommend picking it up as it's a very good kit to onboard you into balancing DPS and Healing.

    I saw someone in the comments mention Plenary Indulgence, and no lie, that's one of the first things I tell people to use once they get it at lvl 70. It often gets overlooked but it has great utility. It's paired with Cure 3, Medica 2, and Rapture. Lasts 10 seconds, but it boosts the HP recovery of those tools with 200 cure potency, which is amazing when there's a lot of incoming AoE damage you need to heal through.

    Really helps with large pack pulls when you don't have access to Temperance (lvl 80). It's also A+ when progging new content, giving your MP more mileage as everyone perishes through the learning curve ;3

    One thing to note on the Blood Lily, is don't be tempted to spam your Rapture/Solace JUST to proc it. It's a DPS loss over casting Glare. Like Specstre mentions in the video, use 1 to 2 during the down-time between pulls so you don't overcap. But during actual combat, trying to force a Blood Lily is a damage loss. Your Blood Lily will generate very fast if you're prioritising Lilies for healing over Cure 2. They also generate much faster now at 20 seconds per lily (used to be 30 seconds).

  2. I feel like a badass cause I already do all these things. Also makes me mad I don't always get all the comms now 🤣 jk jk…kinda. Mostly. Great guide! It's to the point and gets all the things you need to know. Using assize on cooldown is a must!! I never see other whm doing it. Popping lucid dream at about 7-8k mp will keep you topped up 100% of the time. I honestly never think of my mp unless I died in a raid lol.

  3. As a healer main who is recently training my tank classes, I want to shout and scream at all the WHM that don't use regen. You're not doing your job when you don't put regen on the tank when they start their pull, don't refresh regen in the middle of their pull, and you're not doing your job when you neglect to cast regen and straight up letting the tank die to a dungeon boss that has no mechanics.

    And before anyone says anything, this happened four times on a single day, in a lv65 dungeon, and all of these healers were LV90 WHMs. I've since set up an auto translated "WHM Regen. Please use it. <se.10>" macro on the hotbar, and I've since encountered two more WHM that just aren't using regen at all and I had to kick these healers when I was forced to Hallowed Ground, died anyway, came back up and Hallowed Ground again but died again.

    As long as you use Regen as a WHM, you only ever need your ogcd stuff like assize, asylum, divine benison and "oops you're below half health have this" tetragammaton. It's very easy to just straight up never touch a lily in lv80+ content, and you gotta delibarely throw lilies in the air to purposely nourish blood lilies.

  4. As a new white mage, this is so helpful! I’ve been looking for guidance on how to play this job… thank you for covering the options and how to use the rotation! Really enjoyed your reframing certain skills as DPS with healing just as a side note and your explanation helped me understand lilies much more
    Thank you!!
    Would definitely enjoy more healing content because I’m planning on leveling up WHM, AST and Sage

  5. Divine Benison and Aquaveil's effects stack, and throwing both on the MT just prior to a tank buster minimizes needing to waste MP on healing the tank afterward, leaving you free to dps.
    During trash pulls, once the tank has gathered all the mobs together, after the 1st holy, slap a Medica2 on the party before going back to holy spam. Use this in between lilies to keep the party HP up and reduce the chances of your DPS dying from aoe once all the mobs gain stun immunity.

  6. 1:42 As a healer main I didn't know this changed! I have seen gameplay of ppl regen pre-pull and still see mobs instantly go for them before the tank can gain aggro. Maybe it wasn't regen but a diff healer with Eos heals or something? Gonna try this out today.
    3:05 Idk why but I thought blood lilies only charged when afflatus was used in combat. Is that also old news or am I prolly getting it mixed up with another skill?

  7. Ah yes. I like this parse shown at start. Its kind of irony that the lower WHM healing parse, the better healer he usually is. If as WHM you got any decent healing parse, it means you suck at healing and using medica 2 way to much overhealing instead of doing dps, or it means your shield cohealer suck by not applying shields and insta lowering your parse at same time.

  8. I'm newer to ff14. Have a lvl57 goon but wanted to mix it up with heals soon because I've healed most other mmos that I've played. I was considering the white mage or wait for sage at lvl70. Was this video only to demonstrate the damage potential of white mage? It looked like the sage had much more healing done with much less overhealing. Any recommendations or advice?

  9. Im a sprout currently in post HW after about 2 months of lazy playing, i just got into alliance raid for 1st part of void ark and absolutely shocked to see 2 white mages out dps-ing everyone by almost 100%, kinda looking forward to starting a new healer class soon when i have time

    Ps: using act to track how well im doing with my dps rotations and improve so i was shocked to see 2 white mages doing 1.5k dps while the dps classes were doing around 800

  10. your healer videos have been what's finally encouraged me to start healing at a higher level ^^ As a smn main I always felt like I was leaving sch on the wayside, but it's starting to get some use now. I would love to hear any tips you have for scholar! Especially if you're a summoner transferring to it

  11. "White mage is a great job at all levels of play" I dunno, the hardest part of playing white mage is getting synced into that painful selection of levels in the early 50s where cure 1 isn't worth casting and you don't have healing options besides the regens and cure 2 because holy mp batman. I definitely think until you actually get tools like Afflatus and Benison, every other healer is much better built. Not that this niche window of synced content is particularly relevant, but it's worth bearing in mind that White Mage takes a few more levels to really get going than the others, especially considering we're all one bad levelling roulette away from a breakdown


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