Mike Yberra is a high level Mythic+ dungeon runner and sells boosts for gold. Mike Yberra is also joint leader of Blizzard entertainment and therefore in charge of the shop that sells the WoW token so that people have gold. Which they can then give to Mike for a boost. How bad is the boosting problem in WoW, would losing the WoW token fix things, and why is FFXIV doing the right thing? Join us for a special Weekly Reset Special Extra Report!
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WoW Token, World of Warcraft Boosting, Pay 2 Win, P2W, Taliesin and Evitel, Weekly Reset, Shadowlands, 9.2
You are incorrect. If the token was removed all of those things would only exist if Blizzard lets them exist. It is not a given. They CAN police their own game, if only they gave a shit.
Lol ads are for chumps…. Brave browser FTW!!!
They need to have a seperate coin for wow tokens, where you can’t trade it to players (aka wow token money) can have a icon next to gold that’s like a wow token icon, with anything you like AH stuff it will automatically use your wow token stuff, might help curve the boosting stuff a bit? Without actually removing wow token.
I don’t think blizz will do this though since they get quite a bit of money from wow tokens + boosting
Limit tokens to once per month.
Who needs more than 200k for general consuming monthly.
The problem for me is that tokens are the #1 efficient source of gold, farming gold in-game should always be more effective.
As it stands you can purchase 20 tokens per week, that's about 4mil. (subject to change/region)
The most effective gold farming methods in the entire game come out at around 40-60k per hour. (farming-crafting-selling methods, not talking about playing the ah or economy)
That's on average 80 hours of farming per week to compete with the wow token, 11.5 hours per day.
If the best way to make gold was to farm it in-game.. I think people would be less hostile towards the wow token.
How much gold do you make per day? (@everyone)
One 200k token per month is 6.6k per day.
One 200k token per week is 28.5k per day.
Twenty 200k tokens per week (the current limit) is 571.5k per day.
At one point you will only see hardcore players and the folks that pay the fee to act like them play this game and the casual and normal gamers? well they will eventually realize this company does not value your time it values the mighty dollar the booster and the company have a'lot in common huh?…(sigh).
12:24 Tali, you owe me some gold for my repairs. That line KILLED me.
Future Taliesin- "In the future everyone wears sunglasses"
Love it.
PvP boosting is a real problem. But you cant change much about it without completely changing the rated pvp system. The pve one however…. Is fine. Like in real world people sell their experience and time providing a service to others that dont have that experience or time. I like the ff14 idea. What i want to see in wow are those nice message boards in all major cities used by players to list certain services that cannot be selled dirrectly in AH. Such as boosting. Forbid all kinds of spam in chat/lfg tool and only leave that message board. This way everyone who wants such service knows where to find it. Problem solved.
Meanwhile after your shadowbringers stream. I went to the official final fantasy stream and they after discussing endwalker stuff. Ran an all Paladin high end run with players twice. Did a screenshot contest and did a trivia contest for real prizes. It was for Europe, America tomorrow having an event. As a comparison.
Future Taliesin is the coolest guy I will ever foresee.
Banno—-what? I swear I morph into the Jonah-Hill-Rubbing-His-Eye gif more every day
wow is more pay to win then black desert what you on about, bruh the people that have the gold buy the game time cards and sell them on shady websites to make realmoney
i have spent over £3200 on wow tokens and i'd like to say, the argument for it being consumer friendly is right but also false
If you look at wow classic, it wasn't the best for casuals at making gold but if they tried they's have enough to cover repairs etc..
If you design a game where gold is hard to get but isnt easy to get either then you can find a balance where hardcore ppl can still buy mounts and expansions and game-time while casuals can simply earn enough to cover what they need the most.
I understand where you're coming from but wow game design is too far off the charts where you need to buy tokens to be able to do anything because gold farming is incredibly lack lusture unless you play the AH which all you're doing then is taking other peoples gold that they bought with £££
so again it's a lose lose win situation
However you have to play wow to care about this is definitely not how i play wow. The only way I'd care that someone could buy gear with real money is if it gave some significant boost that was only possible to get with real money.
This just seems to make everything more accessible to all types of players. I honestly don't see who any of this hurts. Crybaby pvpers I guess, but I don't understand those guys anyway. No life > money? Why?
This entire argument is hilarious. How long into a run of any kind does it take to discover someone clearly purchased their rating. If YOU know how to play, it doesn't take long to figure out THEY don't. So you move on & have a laugh with your friends. A lot of players don't like boosts because they want to be able to look at your M+ or PVP rating & instantly know if you're good or not. That forces people to either spend the months it takes to get the rating, or buy boosts. Stop judging people based on an arbitrary ratings system & give them a chance. Then maybe they won't feel the need to boost.
Yes, some people will STILL pay for boosts. Some people want bragging rights, even if they are fake. Guess what. That has always happened, it always will. It happens in real life… Of course it happens in video games.
Theres only lose if you remove the tokenthats if blizzard doesnt do nothing about the bots and boosting (with punishments and bans) instead of proofiting and endorsing itI want to buy an Illidan kill in timewalking Black Temple. I'm only in it for the transmog. Nothing pay to win about it
Your point about the token not being available in classic although true is naive. Many of the carries there accept tokens from live. Same with the spammers
where is the girl at?
Steve Bannon, if body odor was a person.
I kinda wanna know what'd happen if we started to do some flash mobs of pro-bono high-level carries, or ones that are ridiculously cheap.
Y'know. Kinda like GameStop, but in reverse.
I was waiting for you to do this for so long! Thank you! Pay to play and pay to win.
People who plays the most are the ones who benefit from the WoW token system? Really? How many of those who actually uses gold to buy sub are just run sellers? and how many of the run sellers are those who bought the gold with WoW tokens?
What is the purpose of buying WoW tokens at this point? Buying runs? Buying gear?
honestly blizz just gotta add a boosting only channel so trade chat can be used for trade and a boosting tab in group finder
boom solved players can just opt out of these if they dont wanna see those
it still exists but in a more not straight in your face way
still boosting is partly still pay to win and i will avoid using it at all costs only when necessary for things that are really important to me
Hey man, just think of it this way. At this rate you only have to preverbally piss in everyone's cheerios for checks statistics 290 more weeks in a row before the channel reenters the womb. =D Magical times.
Might even be able to hit -2000 subs next week. I believe in you fam! <3
As a stay at home parent I kinda need/use the tokens to fund all my blizz games, wish there was a way we could all get what we want and whats best for the game here.
About time you own the fact your you Tali.
I see 0 problem with any of it tbh, I quit almost a year ago, but none of this factored into my decision to do so. WoW's PVE and PVP scene having boosts does not equate to being coached or actually getting any practical experience, you are there for the ride and your only duty is to not be an absolute detriment to the people carrying you, once your boost is over and you get your achievement you are pretty much just as unskilled as you were when you hired the person. There is no "Winning" with these boosts, the only thing that it does is give achievements and mounts. Which anyone can tell who is boosted and who isn't from watching them play, achievements are not winning. If a guild wants to make bank to support their own hardcore raiding style by doing carry runs then go for it. Carries have been a thing for a long time, tokens provide too much benefit to the players who use gold to get them to get rid of them, even enabling some to just play the game. Also another thing, gold is so easy to get in game that boosts are affordable to a lot of people anyways regardless of the token.
Lol ff14 literally just made it against TOS to do this…
WoW token sounds nice in concept, but in practice the earn rate is worse than free premium currency in mobile gacha games. So realistically nobody farming it aside from bots.
How to be a blizzard simp 101. "You can buy mounts with gold". Yeah, but yeah, do we need store mounts? Nop. Case closed.
Ffxiv Banning ppl to sell gold and blizzard making money selling gold
SE throwing Tali an assist for this video.
Great video, I agree with all points made.
I think boosting needs it's own chat/board where you announce, and blizzard should probably make some tool to monitor LFG and outright ban people advertising boosts there, usually I don't see them on EU though, I think people might report them too frequently?
But you could have a tool to monitor all the LFGs across all servers/regions and just a couple of guys working to go through it once every few minutes, I know extra costs but it would clear the whole thing right up.
Chat spam should also be regulated, and perhaps we could have something cool like a posting board for boosts/WTB boosts on something similar to an auction house, basically what "adventurers" in stories have (looking for someone to help kill this dragon, 30 platinum)
I also agree that the max level BoEs and ESPECIALLY the legendries should not be so heavily tied to gold, it's bad optics when you have the toke just like you said in the video.
This game, and company, has just gotten worse and worse. Such a shame.
I don't think the legendary items being BoE are an issue I think the problem is how difficult it is to get in to craft them. The lower the barrier to craft something the less it become worth overall as one could just spend their own time getting the thing instead.
I'd just like to point out regarding ESO store being used as an example:
besides being able to buy your mount speed/stamina/inventory upgrades – which does not make give you better conditions to win or stay ahead of anything in-game, as all ESO players know it – , the store is focused on cosmetical content and save-your-time content – which is all unlockable with gold but u can spend gold or time in game to achieve it. And even the save-your-time content will not put you ahead of other players. What puts you ahead of other players is unlocking content through playing it – and all the conveniences and save-your-time content don't make it easier, believe me.
As a matter of fact, ESO still has one best offers for your money in the mmo scene – if you buy an expansion or dlc, u can play it anytime you want, NO SUBSCRIPTION NEEDED. The subscription only exists as a quality of life content and is optional.
Every critique of wow i have ever seen makes me always cherish even more for how ESO works and is more friendly to players – as it is also more adult, given how many topics, e.g. same-sex npc couples being relatively common and treated with respect by the story, are treated in the game.
I was watching the first half thinking to myself, I wonder what Tali thinks of the Final Fantasy 14 ToS change they just did, then future Tali appeared and answered my question…. Future Tali knows all, sees all, fear him.
Don't really get the issue with boosting, a mythic sylv kill is like 9 million gold
How many people are really paying for that? I'm gonna say very very few people. How many people are gonna pay for that in tokens? Even fewer. Honestly feel like the people who whine about trading boosts for gold are kids who don't understand the concept of money. Someone has or can do something you want ? You pay for it. Buying boosts for RL money is wrong. Buying boosts for gold is fine. Get over it.
Wow isn't pay to win. If blizz was selling the boost it would be pay to win. I just bought a Taz hardmode moist for 250k without spending a penny on tokens, just gold I got in the game.
Long story short, not all of us have jobs where we get to review or stream video games. Some of us work 65 hour weeks away from our gaming setups. Wow isn't pay to win, a sylv mythic kill is 9 million gold. Find someone willing to buy toke s to pay that, 99.999 percent of wow players wouldnt pay 600 quid for a boss kill.
3:29 I think I remember hearing about that before.
I liked the WoW token when I could afford one without paying an external service to help me make the in game gold I need to NOT pay Blizzard. When bots and TSM auto-flippers didn't make mat farming completely unsustainable for a casual to make money off of, when the raw gold to token ratio wasn't skewed completely out of the hands of a solo player being capable of making. When World of Warcraft was capable of being a game that rewarded your time versus a job that demanded I work harder. I liked the tokens then.
Back when the token was 75k gold, and you could make 5k gold doing Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Firelands EACH, meaning that just doing each of those every week netted you 60k gold and you just needed to make up that last 15k with your garrison or an alt character or something, I liked the wow token.
Back when the token was 100k and you could make 75k gold crafting a Legion craftable legendary each month and then make up the last 25k by farming bloods of Sargeras or making 2-5k gold doing MoP raids, I liked the wow token.
Back when the token was 160k and could make that by getting 5k in LFR, Highmaul, and Blackrock Foundry, and then 2-4k in any MoP raid each week on top of making 500-700k per run of ANY WoD dungeon that was repeatably farmable. It was a lot more work, but it was still possible to make ends meet if you really wanted to. Even then, when I really couldn't spend Token on anything except my monthly sub each month….I still liked the wow token.
But now…when the token costs 200k+ and every dungeon nets you 75-200 gold, when every raid gets you 1-2k a run, when the best source of raw gold is the 4k per character just doing dailies and so the only really viable source of raw gold you can make is doing daily and weekly world quests on 3 characters and you're trapped in Shadowlands, working your ass off to work your ass off so you get to relax and work your ass off…
…just personally….it seems like Blizzard doesn't want the positives of the wow token, and only want to reap the benefits of its more abusive nature. The last time I asked someone how much a boosted run would be, they asked for 550k gold up front.
In order to make that using just raw gold, I would need to play for a minimum of 2 hours every day on 7 or 8 characters. That's 14 hours a day minimum just doing world quest dailies for a MONTH in order to afford a boost…..or it's $45.
Fuck. That. Bullshit.
am I the only one that doesn't give a toss about the walk out or the accusations? not because I condone them or anything but because there has been no evidence brought forth
If you have the money, what isn't pay to win?
You telling me Jeffrey Bezos couldn't buy himself a football grand final win?
"now you have to think it's a good idea because ffxiv did it" lol no, trash weeb games make no difference to my opinion but tbh it is a good idea
So, you don't mind group finder and trade chat spammed by boost sellers? OK
Also "chinese hackers" is a myth, been rmting in games since forever. Why RMT? Because it's way cheaper than getting gold through the game.
I feel like it is better if players can just farm their gold and exchange it for WoW time or blizzard balance, but the token no longer giving you gold when you buy it with money.
My guild have been boosting me since MoP, please dont ban boosts!!
I had a friend who was in contact with a boost guild. They payed him just to search new possible clients to their business (payed only when he found, not as a salary). My friend and I were on a server in which those guilds didn't have characters (different languages, etc.) but that wasn't an issue. They could boost anyway, paying to boost their own character so they had in every server. In the end, same people get the money.
With SL, in my opinion, Blizzard did a poor job changing M+. People had to do raids just to "upgrade" their items. M+ had a cristal top, once you got to 10-15, you couldn't have better items. At least not better than on Nathria. So that killed the game for me. Raids were full with "newbie" people (to say something), and it was so frustrating… Eventually my friends quitted, and I so did because no one played WoW again :/
(Srry bout my english, im not a native speaker)