Would it be fair to assume that Final Fantasy 14 success is scaring Blizzard and World of Warcraft?
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Wait, did warfare start releasing content faster while I wasn't looking? Like… ACTUAL content. Not some fun new mini-game mode or a new set of skins
You guys seems don't get it. The more good mmos have, the better will be for the players in general. You don't get to stay only with one MMO. Ppl love diversity (even in games), it's in our nature after all. My MMO always been FFXIV, but I stopped right after the main story of SHB and haven't been in FFXIV since then because I play other MMO's (although not that good), still find an enjoyment. GW2, ESO, SWTOR, LoTRO, Rift (if you will), BDO, or anything that your souls desires. Yoshida recommend to it's players to try out other games because you might get burn out which will happen eventually if you stick to only one game.
I used to adore Blizzard back in the days, and I was probably their top fan when the company had soul, but that's not the case anymore. The original saying was; WoW died with Arthas, and I believe in that because right now the company is ruled by literal clowns. WoW is… at the current state complete shit for me, and since 2011 has been.
What Yoshida did is, he took the positive from Blizzard and adopted to his own understandings how you should run an game/mmo. Yoshida-San is absolute unit and that's why ppl love him so much. The formula is quite simple; if you take care of your gamers, the gamers will take care for you. Respect and you will recieve respect. 2 simple things and yet very effective, even in the gaming industry.
I don't think WoW has an engine that could mimic ff14 msq feel, nor does it have the writers for it.
How the game let's you enjoy… they encourage you to handicap your gameplay… by yourself… WoW.
Blizzard still has an opportunity here, I'm sure Square would pay a fortune for their empty servers.
this might be the wake up call blizzard gets to finally fix their shit
It shows that what hurt the World of Warcraft the most was taking out Master Loot. And only focusing on your loot aka Personal Loot.
Edit: They need to bring back Master Loot.
I 100% agree with you on the state of wow. I also think another reason why blizzard is bleeding so much, espeacilly recently is beacuse ff14 showed us that "holy shit we dont have to settle for these bullshit tattics blizzard employs" imo ff14 is just a better quality game and when it actually started to get some recognition it blew up im not surprised this happend.
WoW isn't gonna be able to bounce back from this. Too many MMOs are coming out in a time when blizzard is at its lowest and will take years to get back everything they've lost. Years that they don't have to recoup.
FFXIV has a 0.5% drop chance on current mounts. Once it is an expansion old, it is bumped to 20% if you run it level syncd. If not it is a flat 1%. So either way it is buffed.
Blizz and FF should be hella scared of the RIOT MMO. Arcane has shown that they can do story telling. League shows that they know how to make games accessable for the masses… I think RIOT has the best shot to reach a new generation for the overaged MMO playerbase. If RIOT goes all in they have prolly the best shot in giving us a true new big no 1 themepark MMO.
What made me drop WoW during WotLK was the continuous axing of community oriented game design elements. WoW servers used to be a vibrant community where your reputation actually mattered. The actual game was nothing more than a platform to facilitate community interaction while working towards goals. Blizzard did everything in their power to make sure that community didn't matter. They did this by continually introducing short cut game mechanics that progressed the individual at the expense of the community health. It is now basically a single player game with zero community to speak of. There is zero value for any player looking for the original intention of the game philosophies that created WoW.
Not sure of any of this but once players bite the bullet and try 14, if they stick with the story and finish shadowbriners / endwalker they will always come back.
I don't understand why people think Yoshida still plays WOW. WOW is garbage now. He PLAYED WOW, during its glory days, and had the ARR developers play it. This would've been during WOTLK/Cataclysm.
If WoW had a dungeon “upscaling” feature designed to be solo-able (and optionally duo-able) with an increased drop chance for cosmetics and mounts, I’d probably give it a try. Make it just difficult enough to be a challenge. Like Asmon explained, embracing completionism would SELL LIKE CRAZY!
If blizzard deals with a sense of pride which hinders them taking inspiration from FFXIV, they must remember that FFXIV would never be successful if it wasn't for the first gen WOW that inspired FFXIV…. that's the key to solve their current failure; FFXIV took inspiration from WOW, WOW should not shy out doing the same. However, instead, they try to 'mimic' which is … a painful trainwreck to watch. Sigh. I hope Blizzard will overcome this … as non-WOW player… I want to someday join their world.
4ish hours on content gated to take a few months…
I have been playing Endwalker, and I think it's boring. It's all the same as the other expansion. This expansion is not sustainable, and I can see ppl get bored of this very quickly. This is the honest truth. Endwalker is boring, I've been forcing myself to go through this storyline to see if anything changes, and nothing so far. This is a boring expansion, and I think the FF14 community is going out of their way to make it seem like it's so awesome of a game until you start playing it, and your find yourself being extremely bored hoping for something new to appear.
The addiction is a Dopamine hit.
WoW messed up a long time ago and has been riding this idea of retention for some time that people are finally able to see it because of competition of the MMORPG market. FFXIV is a completely different game and it treats its players (often referred as the warriors of light from Yoshi-P) because he has shown to really care about them. They also spent years doing things to make it better for a varied player base to try to have fun elements for all types of people that play the game. Will WoW ever be like them, no they need to overhaul a ton of things to do stuff like that and honestly I think it wont be worth it by how things are as of now. Honestly I think the best move they can do is, this being more likely a thing, is selling off the company and walking away to get that added cash out of it and be done. I will not be surprised if there was already talks going on about selling going on now that no one knows about yet.
FFXIV is a fad brought on by a dead market and blizzard literally chasing away their playerbase. Nothing about that game is good enough to sustain long term with strong competition. Now that wow is done for, another mmo has a chance to develop with a strong launch, I’ll give FF 2-3 years before it’s knocked off by a new mmo.
It would take a Yoshi-P to save WoW, and I highly doubt another Yoshi-P will be born in the next ten thousand years.
There are undoubtedly people that are addicted to WoW. I would not say that the majority of people having fun with WoW are addicted to it though. To me that seems like a bit of an over generalization. The majority of people that are having fun playing the game fall in to a few different camps.
1. The people who legitimately enjoy the kind of game being developed. Liking something that you and/or your community doesn't like does not equal addiction. I think cauliflower is absolutely horrible, but some people like it. I wouldn't say that means the majority of people that enjoy cauliflower are addicted to it.
2. The people that don't play the game enough to have grown bored of it. These are the 1-2 hours every few days gamers. The 50 hour work week parents that also do work on their home and have family movie nights gamers. They play very casually hop on and either share a few laughs with guildmates they have had for 15+ years or do some other form of casual content within the game.
3. The people that have friends that also play WoW. This is the category I would land in. The people that log in and run M+ with a full group of longtime friends. That hop on discord after work, shoot the shit laugh and joke. I have been to these peoples weddings watched as they started having children and genuinely enjoy their company. This means it doesn't necessarily matter what game we play us playing it together makes the time spent fun and enjoyable. To use my group as an example we play tons of games together. Some play FF14, some play Dead by Daylight, others play Dota and League etc etc etc. No matter what game we all choose play together on that day we usually enjoy it, so yes I would say I enjoy playing parts of WoW and yet can still notice the issues I have with it that I would like to see changed.
I know it is trendy and what not to shit on all things WoW and act like it has zero undrstandable positive traits. However that doesn't make other people legitimately liking the game fictional and that they only say they like the game out of addiction. In fact I would suggest that instead of the people that say they enjoy the game being addicted. The people that scream it is awful at the top of their lungs and STILL play even though they say they hate it that are more often than not addicted. Why play a game you hate and have zero fun with if not for addiction or monetary gain?
It’s Pride. When me and the boys play vr fighting for Scotland playing some bagpipes we don’t let anyone tell us what we doing is wrong or right. I’m very high when i say this but I believe wow devs are on there own journey for Scotland let there travels be strong and victory be righteous. In the end what I’m saying is they want to figure it out themselves and be more unique. Wow is cool but I been playing Final fantasy my whole life I currently own almost all of them. All but crisis core but again I’ll support wow
Ion was a casual back in tbc, and he’s still a casual now. He’s ruined the game, plain and simple.
I dont think ian has anything to do with it. The company wants an addictive game with pay to win mechanics and he has to deliver. Why do they want it? Cuz these type of mobile games make the highest amount of revenue candycrush etc simple as that. They don't think about other stuff like fun respecting player time and shit
Im ok with shit rng on stuff but would be nice to have an endgoal like badges to buy ur shit after 3958439859385983 runs cuz otherwise its fucking gambling so me personally…yeah fuck that and all those people say its an engaging practice.
You are literally describing genshin impact when talking about wow, it's crazy, they create games as gambling devices now a days to addict ppl to play their games.
World of warcraft is a dead p2w win game run by boosting communitys
Do you know the definition of insanity? 14:40
Pride is the last to fall….and ussually when it's too late
Well to be fair, even FFXIV is scared with its own success