BEST ZONE IN ENDWALKER? – Meteion MVP, Big Lorebombs (MSQ Reaction) – Cobrak FFXIV


The amount of wholesome, epic and otherwise glorious moments in the zone of Elips is mindblowing. That plus Meteion? Could this be the BEST zone in Endwalker?

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37 thoughts on “BEST ZONE IN ENDWALKER? – Meteion MVP, Big Lorebombs (MSQ Reaction) – Cobrak FFXIV”

  1. I'm still miffed they skipped describing a couple seats from the talk with Emet around 12:30 he forgot to talk about what Nabriales and Deudalaphon did. I'm still hoping they give us interactions with the rest of the 14 in their Unsundered forms

  2. Your Dynamis comparison with real-life phenomenon was spot on. That's basically what it is!
    Elpis is perfect and it constantly had me teary eyed. Also love how the theme is kinda similar to ShB Amaurot theme. Ancients & their zones always go with the soft piano motiff and I love it. BTW. fun fact. Emet's transformed form is the one you fought in ShB.

  3. Dynamis has been mentioned before. Its part of the name of "Dynamis Dice" in Bozjan Front. FF uses mythology heavily in general, however its on full blast in this expansion. The definition of Entelechy and Dynamis particularly, are great descriptors for what we are.

  4. a few google searches later….
    In Greek philosophy, Dynamis means "potentiallity" as in "potential not yet realized" and another half, actuallity is coined in two words, Energeia and Entelecheia.
    For Entelechy, it comes to mean "that which realizes or makes actual what is otherwise merely potential", or in other words, someone or something that make potential (Dynamis) reality.

    As for Akasa, sometimes written as Akasha….

    Potential spoiler:

    The Nyaya and Vaisheshika schools of Hindu philosophy state that akasha or aether is the fifth physical substance, which is the substratum of the quality of sound.
    It is the one, eternal, and all-pervading physical substance, which is imperceptible.

    In the Shiva Purana, it identifies akasha as having "the only attribute of sound"


  5. Someone add that dynamis was brought up before in bosja southern front but there's another mention to it before in the omega raids. The whole thing was the fact that omega senced another form of power we drew from and was searching on how to obtain it

  6. I forget where in the lore in Endwalker that they kind of hint at it, but Dynamis is also a description for "Limit Break". You're able to do unbelievable things because of the build up of emotions and unleash it as a limit break. There was a dialogue option for it that you can respond with pretty much saying that you're known to pull off crazy things in the midst of battle.

  7. entelechy is actually a philosophical term. a difference between matter and form, the actual and the potential. one can say man is an entelechy because of the potential for rational thought, which separates them from the animals. rational thought and action cant be quantified via physical means thus there is no measurement, and without it a man is not a man. one of those things that can be discussed at great length and have no concrete definitive determination.

  8. Hey Cob!
    The Elpis and Garlemald sections are/were incredible, and it's great to see you two experience it, too! Meteion is such a treasure!
    Also, don't suppose you and Soph need a tank for any of the dungeons / trials at all? I'm at the same point in the story if you guys are interested, on the same datacenter. 😀

  9. Meteion's voice actress is my absolute favorite in this expansion. She has such heart-wrenchingly innocent and emotional lines, and…well…other stuff later on that her actress is equally amazing at conveying. Hermes/Amon/Fandaniel is a very near second place for his versatility as well.

  10. About that volcano incident…

    Story time!

    There's a bunch of written side stories on the official game site. One takes place in Amarout. In it, you hear the story of how we, as Azem, stole Lahabrea's concept, named Ifrita, to channel the energy of an erupting volcano into to prevent it from destroying an island.

    Our motivation? The island had really delicious grapes.

    The story has been made into many memes and fanart. 😉 Just look up "FF14 Azem grapes" and enjoy. :3

  11. I love this story section so much! hihi <3, especially when you finally meet "her". I think you and Sophie are pretty spot on with the IRL comparison for Dynamis. In-game, I guess the most seen application of Dynamis is our Limit Breaks… Elidibus did try to mimic LB with Aether, but I guess our Dynamis is stronger (Elidibus' LB4 could'nt exceed our Tank's LB3). Looking forward to the next… its gonna be a BIG one!

    Then that part with the conversation with Venat. When she asked me those 2 questions, I might be overthinking it, but I somehow felt its a question for me as the player and not on my character. hahaha.

  12. it's such a delight watching you both go through the story, your observations and insights help me to think about it in new ways and I really appreciate it. thanks for sharing more, looking forward to the next!

  13. I found it strange here that they didnt mention the Echo. After all, the Echo allows us to speak with people in a different language because we percieve the meaning of their words by connecting to their soul – unconcious though it may be. It sounded a whole lot like what Meteion does.

    Fun fact: in the Omega raids, Dynamis/Akasa has sort of an appearence. It might be that the writers already started back then with their idea of an "unseen force" which drives people to rise higher than they should.

  14. During the talk whilst you wait with Venat you do two gestures, hands upraised and then a determined fist pump, those are Haurchfant's signature mannerisms – the WoL joyfully telling Venat about the kindness of our friend makes me all misty eyed.

    Her follow-up question of 'Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?' whilst staring straight out of the screen is such a great way to make us reflect on our time with this game, as well our actual lives… I love Venat so much.

  15. Many Western players see Western thought and traditions in Final Fantasy XIV, but usually miss its Eastern thought and traditions. The game is created and written by Japanese people. The FFXIV devs rightly pay homage to ancient India in Thavnair and Radz-at-Han, homeland of three major religions: Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Although only a minor religion in modern India – it is the major religion in the South Asian island nation of Śrī Laṅkā – Buddhism has profoundly influenced East and Southeast Asia, including Japan.

    Buddhist concepts have indelibly shaped Final Fantasy XIV, such as saṃsāra, a Sanskrit/Pali word meaning "world." "It is also the concept of rebirth and 'cyclicality of all life, matter, existence', a fundamental belief of most Indian religions.[3][4] Popularly, it is the cycle of death and rebirth.[2][5] Saṃsāra is sometimes referred to with terms or phrases such as transmigration, karmic cycle, reincarnation or Punarjanman, and 'cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence'.[2][6]" We learn from the Eden raids, for example, that Gaia is the reincarnation of the Ascian Loghrif.

    "The Sramanas traditions (Buddhism and Jainism) added novel ideas, starting about the 6th century BC.[60] They emphasized human suffering in the larger context, placing rebirth, redeath and truth of pain at the center and the start of religious life.[61] Samsara was viewed by the Sramanas as a beginningless cyclical process with each birth and death as punctuations in that process,[61] and spiritual liberation as freedom from rebirth and redeath.[62] The samsaric rebirth and redeath ideas are discussed in these religions with various terms, such as Āgatigati in many early Pali Suttas of Buddhism.[63]"

    "In East Asian and Tibetan Buddhism, rebirth is not instantaneous, and there is an intermediate state (Tibetan "bardo") between one life and the next.[119][120] The orthodox Theravada position rejects the intermediate state, and asserts that rebirth of a being is immediate.[119] However there are passages in the Samyutta Nikaya of the Pali Canon that seem to lend support to the idea that the Buddha taught about an intermediate stage between one life and the next.[121][122]"

    This intermediate state is the "Aetherial Sea" in Final Fantasy XIV. Sadu and her fellow Dotharl people seem to adhere to the orthodox Theravada position on instantaneous rebirth.

    "The Four Truths express the basic orientation of Buddhism: we crave and cling to impermanent states and things, which is dukkha, 'incapable of satisfying' and painful.[56][57] This keeps us caught in saṃsāra, the endless cycle of repeated rebirth, dukkha and dying again.[note 7] But there is a way to liberation from this endless cycle[63] to the state of nirvana, namely following the Noble Eightfold Path.[note 8]"

    And so on and so forth.

  16. Venat is pretty much my favorite character, as a player u resonate so much with her being someone who likes to delve into the unknown and do reckless stuff.
    If i ever meet a woman like her in real life i'd fall for her for sure.
    The fight against her was the hardest one i had in the game period(i did it as RMD), but damn was it epic!!

  17. I like to imagine that, when we're telling Venat about our adventures while waiting for Galene, those of us who've done Hildibrand quests are telling her about those – and if you've done them, you KNOW why Hildibrand specifically. :3

  18. Emet knew you were telling the truth. It’s part of his knack in the convocation. They can tell when ppl are not being true. His reaction was because he knew you were being honest and it scares him. To know he was the last of his people, that his friends all die…we’d all be pretty peed at that.


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