BEST DUNGEON in EVERY EXPANSION? – I'm So Biased ๐Ÿ˜… – FFXIV (SPOILERS) Endwalker Cobrak


The BEST (meaning my most favourite) dungeons across every expansion of FF14!

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19 thoughts on “BEST DUNGEON in EVERY EXPANSION? – I'm So Biased ๐Ÿ˜… – FFXIV (SPOILERS) Endwalker Cobrak”

  1. Yeah, I kinda agree most of HW didn't particularly stand out to me in terms of dungeons, though that was the expansion I got into the game. The music was fantastic though! Revenge Twofold still top shelf boss themes.

    ARR: Keeper of the Lake – The final boss was hectic and fun, and the encounter with Midgardsormr was interesting and eye opening story-wise
    HW: The Vault – The music and the grandiose setting were very moody, got to beat up some of those Heavensward assholes, and of course, the story stuff ๐Ÿ™
    SB: The Ghimlyt Dark – For basically the same reasons, it was awesome seeing all the NPCs we've come to love and care for in action together
    ShB: Amaurot – Ooof, this one was hard, ShB was just FULL of awesome dungeons. The Qitana Ravel is still my favorite dungeon theme and The Heroes' Gauntlet was epic.
    EW: The Dead Ends – It just has to be this one for me, it's such a terrible yet beautiful trip. Again, fantastic dungeon quality from start to finish, they've really raised the bar!

  2. Agree with Keeper of the lake for ARR.
    For HW: the Vault. Anytime I see the message about first timer, I wish them luck with what's to come… If you know, you know.
    Stormblood: Agree with the gimlit dark.
    Shadowbringers: Had some strong ones, but yeah, Amurot is without peer.
    Endwalker: There are still some to come, so far I gotta say Tower of Babil. Just… Anima. Anima.

    So… Gonna do this with Trials too? XP

  3. Amazing choices. First, you HAVE to do ShB dungeon Twinning if you haven't. Keeper of the Lake is also amazing 'cause of story reasons & location. And Tam-Tara Hard Mode & Edda gave me chills too. 3.3 dungeon is amazing 'cause of leading up to 3.3 emotional moment. STB Ghimlyt is my no.2. The Burn is my favorite. Amaurot had me tearing up 'cause I felt horrible for the poor Ancients. Optional dungeon Twinning is 2nd because I was bawling in the cutscene after it & how it ties to Alexander & Omega. Holminster Switch is my 3rd 'cause of Tesleen boss heartbreak. EW is Aitiascope because Amon had me bawling in that cutscene. Dead Ends and optional post-MSQ dungeon about Omicrons vs Dragons are up there.

  4. A very good list @Cobrak. I would definitely agree with all of your choices. I have maybe a few different ones but I very much understand all of yours.

    My list:
    ARR – Keeper of the lake for sure. It's one of the most impactful dungeons easily of ARR.
    I will honorable mention Snowcloak. At the point you reach this dungeon I was super invested in the lady iceheart/ishgard storyline. And the music of snowcloak really hit different.

    HW – The Antitower. It heavily reminded me of the ipsen's castle segment of ff9 with the 'upside down' castle theme. I also liked fighting all the frog familiars and the music was good too.

    SB – The Burn. For me, this dungeon really pulled me out of the 'ehh' feeling I was getting from stormblood. It really emphasized that there was a major problem in the world of Eorzea that needed addressing. The story at this point was really neat as well. (Specifically the Aether thinning phenomenon)

    SHB – Amaurot is indeed the reigning champion hands down. I agree 100% with all of your points about this fantastic dungeon.
    Akadaemia Anyder (Easily one of the best musical themes of any dungeon. Piano Jazz is a favorite of mine and they go so hard on this track. The atmosphere as well is very interesting and really hit the itch I was having for MORE ANCIENT LORE! Love this dungeon.)
    The heroes Gauntlet. I love this dungeon thematically and mechanically. The whole idea that you have to rush back to the Crystal Tower to stop the last of the Ascians, while being assisted by everyone you had saved and met during the first was great. — Also the bosses were fun!

    EW – Ktisis Hyperboreia. The amazing visuals, combined with the interesting mechanics and good music… and finally The trust system version of this. SO GOOD.
    runner up:
    The Dead ends. I definitely had a period in my life where Amon's and Meteion's nhilism would have struck a cord. I would have agreed with them 100% and this dungeon really sells why Meteion did what she did. Having matured a bit, and becoming more of an absurdist, I no longer feel this way but can really appreciate and understand the sentiment. Great dungeon thematically and good boss fights.

    Sorry this is a long comment.

  5. The Aitiascope was amazing. I have to say, though, in terms of Trusts, though…

    Ktisis Hyperborea was absolutely glorious. From Emet-Selch either hucking nuclear fire left and right, or swinging a huge claymore (with a tank stance named "Klymenos," which not only translates from Greek to "Notorious" or "Renowned", it also happens to resemble the surname of one Olympian deity, Hades Clymenus), to Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus porting around the battlefield to avoid the mechanics, while Venat runs to show you the way, because she knows you can't. The Trust runs with those three is amazing, with beautiful details.

    And I haven't even mentioned bringing the avatars of the Scions on that dungeon. I will only say this as an example:

    [Boss stealths]
    Thancred: [chuckles] "This wouldn't fool a child."
    Alisaie: [blindly throwing Contre Sixtes around trying to hit anything]

  6. Personal honorable mention to Lost City of Amdapor in ARR. I really love this dungeon and it's a shame that Diabolos' mechanics in particular are faceroll now. Tam Tara Hard and Keeper of the Lake are great picks, though, I agree.
    Heavensward is a bit harder for me to pick, but I'm stuck between The Vault and Baelsar's Wall. Sohr Kai's not a bad pick.
    Stormblood is both The Burn and Ghimlyt Dark. I really really like the aesthetic of the Burn and just how VAST the area goes off into the distance. And you already covered why Ghimlyt is great.
    Shadowbringers is actually a really hard choice for me, beyond the obvious Amaurot. Holminster Switch is a fantastic introduction to Norvrandt, Mt. Gulg is a great spectacle and leadup to Innocence, and I really like Heroes' Gauntlet for the inclusion of all of the role quest characters as by that point I had done every role quest and it was great to see them again.
    And for Endwalker… Tower of Babil or Aitiascope, honorable mention to Ktisis mostly for the trust companions. The NPCs in Babil are enjoyable and I love this particular "infiltration" theme the best out of similar dungeons and the shock of Anima being the final boss instead of a trial makes it memorable for me.

  7. Great choices man! A lot of the ARR dungeons are SO much more fun now in 6.1, they have more up-to-date mechanics though they did make them a bit more linear.

  8. Would be interesting. Because my list for best dungeons is definitely weird one.
    For ARR that would be, most likely, Pharos Sirius. I love this idea of giant Lighthouse you're slowly getting upward while fighting corrupted people and monsters in order to get to the Siren and stop it once and for all.

    For Heavensward it's weird… I agree – when it comes to dungeons, it has weakest line up, but I would probably go with Aetherochemical Research Facility. It reminds me of one of my favorite game series too much – Megaman Zero. Especially MMZ3 and 4. I love how it looks and the music. And battle against two important Ascians as well.

    For the Stormblood for me it's much harder to select, but my favorite one is Swallow's Compass. It's a beautiful dungeon with amazing eastern theme, cool bosses and interesting mechanics. It's not as annoying as, let's say, Temple of the Fist and not as overwhelming as a Ghimlyt Dark.

    For Shadowbringers, while everyone loves Amaurot, I will say, my favorite is Holminster Switch. The music, the art design, the boss fights. It's a great dungeon I can replay again and again. And for me, as my favorite scion is Alisae, you can imagine that it's also important with her personal arc.

    And with Endwalker it's Vanaspati – jungles on fire, monsters attack everyone everywhere and people are turning into monsters just to attack the party – it's a great dungeon with different feeling from everything in Endwalker.

  9. I find the dungeons in FFXIV visually memorable and the bosses are generally cool. My main complaint though is that they are sooooo linear, basically long corridors with with wall to wall trash pulls. In the early dungeons you can see they tried to make them a bit more branched out but by Heavenward that is all gone. Also, what is the point of giving jobs CC abilities like Sleep when they are hardly ever used? I sometimes miss the WoW days of old where you had to use CC and correct positioning and pulling in order to not get overwhelmed by trash mobs and adds. It brought to some tension to the dungeon.

  10. Good list with a couple of glaring omissions. ๐Ÿ™‚ There's one dungeon where I let out a little internal cheer when it comes up in roulette. The Twinning. Not just because of the banging music but the whole thing. And of course Twinning V2. Stigma Dreamscape with the Omega callback and another banging theme.

  11. Shadowbringers has soo many good dungeons. Amaurot is good, the twinning is good and has good music, battle for novrand of however its called in english is also amazing, pagal'than is cool…so many good ones.

  12. I'm gonna try really hard to pick just one favorite and a few honorable mentions for each expansion ๐Ÿ˜…

    (oh god this ended up being an essay)


    Haukke Manor (Hard)
    – loved the Haukke storyline and the dungeon aesthetic is just ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Honorable Mentions:

    Haukke Manor – same as Haukke hard, the hardmode just wins between those two

    The Lost city of Amdapor – It's so pretty I remember using it to death for backdrops in my early days of Gpose. I also was so happy getting it in Roulettes.


    The Vault – It's in the run for prettiest dungeon in the game for me. The Lighting the colors, the cathedral itself ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Honorable Mentions:

    Dusk Vigil – Love the lore here. I also just have alot of happy memories running this.

    The Antitower – It's just totally my thing. Perfectly crazy.

    Saint Mocianne's Arboretum – I just love Arboretum themed dungeons It's so cool. Also the music ๐Ÿ‘Œ


    Saint Mocianne's Arboretum (Hard) – As I said I love this set of dungeons. This one is the winner though. The overgrown aesthetic ๐Ÿ‘Œ Everything feels slightly icky. The disorted music ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Honorable Mentions:

    The Burn – Beautiful in a slightly uncomfortable way. It also really kicked ass when it first released.

    Sirensong Sea – Not alot of ppl seem to like this one but I really do. The facts that you start on a ship and get lured to that island ๐Ÿ‘Œ


    Amaurot – Hands down. For mostly the same reasons you mentioned.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Holminster Switch: Grim, but omg the colors of the forest area.

    Akademia Anyder: The Jazz, The Lore ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Anamnesis Anyder: The Loooore, the underwater ruines theme. The music ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Doing this I realised I have alot of nice things to say for pretty much almost all Shb dungeons minus Malikas Well.


    Aitiascope – Yeah.. yeah

    Honorable Mentions:

    Ktisis Hyperborea – Best Trust in the game hands down. The boss fights are also just really fun. Very cool weapon design on the loot.

    Tower of Zot – Look wise this one is heads on with Aitiascope with me. Love me some slight body horror (the breathing walls ๐Ÿ‘€) Also best weapon design of dungeon loot so far. Also I just really enjoyed the Magus Sisters fights. Farmed the hell out of it for the weapons and still not annoyed with it.

    The Dead Ends – Heartwrenching, terrifying, beautiful.


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