FFXIV is off to a fantastic start, and I’m in it for the long haul.
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00:00 Intro
01:59 The Game’s Narrative
06:37 What Quests Are Like
08:05 How Levelling Feels
11:23 Art Direction & Graphics
12:17 Player Expression
14:03 The Patch Experience
15:32 Closing Thoughts
If you liked this one, drop a sub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBmJg7NVk-Tb7nwntOud_dA
You won't have long to wait for more.
50 hours? Guess you don't open many dungeons even in ARR.
Will you be doing lore videos on how things relate to other Final Fantasy games? FFXIV is my first one, and I've been told that some things relate to other games… and I honestly don't have the patience to go back and find those references in the other games.
Blizzard should approach quest in a different way than your standard kill x number of creatures… One cool way to keep that mechanic and add more fun is to make the now mandatory killing list optional for bonus exp and rewards when submitting a completed quest. That way they can create better narrative filled quests that can be run without the optional grind of killing tons of world creatures and that part of the gameplay is still there for people who want it for additional exp and quick leveling with groups etc.
Big fan, I mean. Huh, weird to see this guy I feel like I know.
Congratulations on expanding, super excited to watch all the extra content! 😊
Omg he showed Emet in the first part of the video. He has no idea! How good characters and story is written in Shadowbringers!! Sadly, going to take a while before he reaches it, lol
I think it’s funny how all these wow YouTubers are coming over giving intense reviews of something so old like ARR MSQs lol. They literally have no idea how it used to be. And they act like they’re providing knowledge for a new mmo 😂
This isn't a game you have to rush. You are not missing out not being at level cap. Take your time and enjoy the ride.
Take your time and soak it in Michael! If it wasn't for your chat with Matt, I wouldn't have fancied it, just as with Asmon. I feel like I got out of the crack epidemic after playing it. There's no pressure in this game, but surely more than enough things if you wanna be pressured, lol
It's just pleasure! Having finished the MSQ recently, so still sprout-ish considering the short time, I just felt pleasure. The game entices you and doesn't expect off of you. You just run after it because you want to. It's a feeling in MMORPG that I haven't had since Wrath. Welcome proper to Eorzea!!
Just for new players to get an idea of how little hurry it is to catch up the first savage raid tier is still 75 days away.
For savage raid the first week you need i570 for fight 1, i575 for fight 2 and i580 for 3&4
to have all fight available the first week you need to do the following:
-Week 1-4 Get all accessories except one ring + weapon from the two extreme fights available at launch and farm tomes to buy for head, gloves and boots before first savage week time limit 32 days from early access. None of these activities are weekly capped
[note: extreme req will likely be i560, MSQ will provide Armor and Weapon so only accessories need be obtained though a combination of tomes and dungeons]
-Week 3+4: Week 3 Normal raids open up I recommend going for either chest or legs 4 tokens is required can only get 1 token per fight per week so just rerun them til you get the token you going for that week and pass on everything to not consume your weekly lockout.
[Req will likely be i555 you should have this already before you done the extremes]
-Week 5: This is Savage Raid week if you done all above you will have i575 to get the remaining 5 ilvl you can get of 2 out of 3 boots, gloves or head from normal raids and with weekly tome/valor (about 7 dungeon runs) you can get your first i590 piece your 2nd ring which compensates for your missing piece giving you just enough to do the full raid tier the first week.
Alternatively you can skip some or all of this prep by convincing a crafter make or buy crafted i580 gear pieces which become available to craft the same week as Savage opens this route might cost you but worth considering.
pauses video
Bellular died in Cape Westwind
Ah yesssss wow content creators play my game make vids about it we need yaaaaaa
Looking forward to all the content and hearing your passion Bell. Much love to you and the team mate!
Boz music…someone is cheating 🙂
I subscribed as fast as possible! Congratulations on the new channel!
Please cover guild wars 2 some time there so much stuff after years of updates that people don't know about it.
I think what I love most about ffxiv is that I can treat it more like a jrpg than a mmo. I am a father of a toddler I don't have time to raid, do dailies every single day, etc. I am at endgame and it has a way of just doing content solo and not leaving those people behind.
Excellent song choices there. Some of my faves though I love them all.
Congradultions on the launch of a new channel. Looking forward to watching more videos.
It is true that the GCD is 2.5 long but you forgot to mention the Off GCD abilities that can be used in between GCD. You get Off GCD ability as you level.
cant do the notifications bell, is it broken on this chanel ?
Is anyone else not able to click the bell for this channel? It's giving me an error message saying it's made for kids…
The bozja fate music works fantastic as an outro. Good pick!