I can see the appeal to people but I don’t enjoy the unga bunga gameplay of it. I also hate it when I play as a healer because there goes my entire enjoyment of that role (talking strictly about dungeons here)
Sprout here. Started using feint on the mob when the tank gets that glowing red circle on em. Makes me feel like I'm contributing more than I am. 😊 Now just waiting for someone to tell me to definitely not do that.
Idm if warrior was the lowest dps if it has the most survivability. I think if the dev team made "dungeon" and "raid" tanks it would be healthy for the game.
Paladin is still my favorite tank, but Warrior is almost up there. It's a ton of fun. Also, Inner Release has one of the coolest visual effects in the game.
my fc member who only knows how to play warrior 😂 pls do black mageeee
Omg yes! plows thru all the enemies with my axe
I unga, therefore, I bunga.
lol love this, drk ftw
Dancer next?
What's healing? I just swing my AXE and things fall asleep for a LONG time. ^.^/
I can see the appeal to people but I don’t enjoy the unga bunga gameplay of it. I also hate it when I play as a healer because there goes my entire enjoyment of that role (talking strictly about dungeons here)
I feel this way about BRD ❤
I will mention, please, go like and like @notoriouscree he's truly awesome 😊
Love to see this done with Dark Knight 😜
This is makong me want to fome back, sunbreak needs to hurry up 😩
As a warrior you just made my day, thankyou!
Sprout here. Started using feint on the mob when the tank gets that glowing red circle on em. Makes me feel like I'm contributing more than I am. 😊
Now just waiting for someone to tell me to definitely not do that.
I once had a WAR in this exact dungeon do something similar to this. He just unga bunga danced his way through everything just to see if he could.
I love queing for expert and 90 on WAR with my friends and just have all 3 of them run DPS
Love that Warrior Energy !
As a healer, I do love seeing a Warrior appear as our tank.
Idm if warrior was the lowest dps if it has the most survivability. I think if the dev team made "dungeon" and "raid" tanks it would be healthy for the game.
I’ll laugh even more if that is the rotation
My husband: showing me yet another short from this channel on his phone
Me: reaches over and taps the subscribe button “There. I fixed it.”
The white mage as u stand inside fire
Honestly I'm just watching this because I like the dance, I don't even play warrior 😅
Paladin is still my favorite tank, but Warrior is almost up there. It's a ton of fun.
Also, Inner Release has one of the coolest visual effects in the game.
The WHM: 💃💃💃
30s cd on an invuln skill in the presence of a pack of mobs
Primal rend go brrrrr
I put the unga in bunga monke flip