Asmongold,Asmon,zack,zackrawrr,FFXIV,FF14,Final Fantasy 14,Final Fantasy XIV,Final Fantasy XIV Online,FFXIV Online,Final Fantasy 14 Online,Twitch,WoW,World of Warcraft,Endwalker,boss,fight
Asmongold,Asmon,zack,zackrawrr,FFXIV,FF14,Final Fantasy 14,Final Fantasy XIV,Final Fantasy XIV Online,FFXIV Online,Final Fantasy 14 Online,Twitch,WoW,World of Warcraft,Endwalker,boss,fight
It is as if JoCat had a point on his DPS video, and i quote :"congratulations, you are now better at this game than you were five seconds ago! OW!"
He was almost right, he only died by 13 points of damage
prlly wouldn't have died if you hadn't been where both circles overlapped. i imagine a tank can take 1 of them.
imagine not having 3000 mana for TBN at all times so this doesn't happen to you -.-
a bunch of us died to a "bleed" in one of the newer fights, 3 of us were like "how tf did that happen?" "I didn't do anything." lol
Bruh this guy has been afking as a wow tank for so long hes forgotten how to play video games
Zach needs to learn how to use his defensive GCDs
i giggled
The next step for Asmon is to learn just how many tankbusters/autoattacks are magical and prep Dark Mind
Wait until he gets to EW PepeLaugh
Not even gonna lie asmong doesn’t seem excited anymore you can hear it in his voice
"Nono, it gets better after 200 hours of MSQ!", spends 18 mins in MSQ scenario, dies to a random kill button, have to replay it all again. Fun!
Me in new trials be like:
When you've reached stage two of your FFXIV training: "I'm an idiot"
Where tf is he streaming all this content?
this guy fakes all his videos, he so burt hurt that ff14 is just a better game
Still waiting on the day where he presses more buttons than 2-3-4. Probably the reason he ded.
A6S MINE is just 10 mins of "I guess I'll go fuck myself then"
I started this game last week and I gotta say each death I am like wait a minute what? But I really like how mechanics arent obvious like in WoW.
The classic, " imma rampart this tank buster "
Ah yes the birth moment of the most iconic phrase "talk shit get hit" even the most innocent of Comments are not immune to its wrath
2 stacks lmao
hello SAM main with cataracts reporting
i honestly try my best
Those are REAL "suprise mechanics"!
is this ne stream ? or old one
It's called a tank buster for a reason