Asmongold Reacts to Quin69 Response to FFXIV Winning Game Award


Asmongold,Asmon,zack,zackrawrr,FFXIV,FF14,Final Fantasy 14,Final Fantasy XIV,Final Fantasy XIV Online,FFXIV Online,Final Fantasy 14 Online,Twitch,WoW,World of Warcraft,Endwalker,boss,fight,Stormblood,Heavensward,Quin69,Asmongold reacts to quin69,


30 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to Quin69 Response to FFXIV Winning Game Award”

  1. Quin honestly doesn't deserve the time of day from the FFXIV community, even if it's just a character, because it's a bad character. You can tell he went into FFXIV with the preconceived notion that he'd hate it, couldn't even get through the first dungeon before skipping the story (which immediately invalidates any views on the story he may have), was consistently carried through content and did not even bother to learn mechanics or how his chosen class works (which then also invalidates any views he has on gameplay).

    This clip just feels like Quin trying to egg on the FFXIV community, which quite frankly seems pathetic, no idea how content creators like him even get a following, the raging man-child persona he puts on (or at least I hope it's put on) is about as appealing as sandpaper as a toilet paper substitute.

    The amount of people who defend him is honestly baffling, if he had just said he didn't like it and moved on, people would've left it at that, but he chose to give opinions based on things he had absolutely zero knowledge of and acted as if his opinion was absolute, so of course people (including his own mods) rightfully started calling out his shit behaviour. If you have basically zero knowledge of a game, don't even try give an opinion of it, you'll just look like an utter clown.

    The ones who still harass Quin on his own channel over this though, yeah, that can stop, the situation is over and the FFXIV community should just treat him as if he doesn't exist. Although, if he decides to actually give it a genuine go in the future (doubt that'll happen, but who knows), don't mock or ridicule, let him play in peace.

  2. Reading all the analogies are great.
    Poor Quin69 doesn't like to read or learn, he'll never understand any of the analogies people commented.
    After an entire community called him out & shit on him
    He went around & gathered all the comments that would fit his narrative & regurgitated them as his own opinions.
    His smol brain does the bare minimum when it comes to processing things, like the basics of "knowing" stuff

    who tf uses 69 in their name? πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€πŸ€£πŸ€£

  3. FFX14 win best community award, meanwhile at blizzard, tbc classic got a blue post about t5 content being tuned to its final nerfed state and noone knows wtf final nerfed state means despite an outpouring of the community and blizzard dont address it. I always thought when wow actually had some hard competition from other games, they would sort their fkn shit out, but no

  4. WoW – U mess up in a raid or dungeon = flame and/or kick

    FFXIV – U mess up , the party tells you np and some of them give essay long tips and strats

  5. Quinn is that D list celeb, who screams at the waitress saying " do you know who I am" only for the manager to fire him on the spot because he's been late to work several times due to chasing parts he's not qualified for.

  6. Lol if the guy is that deaf there is no helping them. Just one of those people that hate something for no reason. Seen a lot of them. He tunnel visioned on the "best community" wording and decided to not hear the rest of the sentence. The game definitely has one of the best community support — and now an edit after lookin at the other nominee's… of course they fuckin won lmao.

  7. why are all you streamers jumping on ffa14 now you were all jumping ship a few months ago and now you are running at them with bats…. i played wow since the start over 800 days played just on my warrior alone and i can tell you now the ffa14 dev team including yoshi p and there community is a breath of fresh air

  8. quin likes d3…and thinks d4 will be a hit but i think lostark might have sumtin to say to that… I mean i'll try d4 but the hype factor is down after trying lostark, and the fact we get it early spring.

    and small edit make a rdm..blm.. smn.. on ff14 quin… get over the looks and play the game and see some of the best mechanics and visuals in 2021+


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