Pyromancer, one of the biggest World of Warcraft lore masters had just enough when yesterday people tried to compare Final Fantasy XIVâs store to the World of Warcraftâs one, MrGM especially had something of a feud against him. Asmongold discusses about the current Blizzard lawsuit and the absolute state of WoW and FFXIVâŠ
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Imagine getting that angry over what other people choose to spend they're time and money on.
LOL! He's right Activision-Blizzard have lost all passion for the games they make, they are preoccupied chasing ass and money through microtransactions, hope they fire all the scumbags and start again.
When I tried WoW back on Start of Battle for Azeroth I quickly realized that a lot of Player gameplay quality things that were basic in other games didn't really exist, and to be fair back in 2004-2010 they didn't have any competition so they could get away with it. Bad since then things have changed and they haven't shown any progress on them if you want to maintain the first spot you have to be the first in everything !!!
Imagine casually leveling a character in Classic to 60 over few months, than seeing it's on-sale few months later
Quit retail early in bfa. Attempted shadowlands but kept getting bored af.
Havent enjoyed an expansion since mist of pandaria.
So, sexual assault and bullying, isn't the main issue. It's the fact that your game has been ruined? You may want to check that moral compass. It could be broken.
When he pulled down the picture of the Darnassus… "Let it burn". damn.
I grinded gold to buy tokens, I haven't paid for a sub in WoW since the Token was introduced, also bought BFA, Shadowlands, Starcraft Reamake, Warcraft 3 Reforged, all with WoW Token Balances. It actually sort makes me feel a bit better that I haven't wasted any real money on Blizzard since Legion.
Phase 4, Aka Mythic only phase
They shouldn't have hired sjw's. See as long as the company was male staffed they made warcraft starcraft, diablo, and it all started with rock and roll racing and vikings and shotgun wielding long haired metal dudes blasting cyber orcs.
As long as the company was male and the office energy was a testosterone driven sausage fest they not only made legendary games but progressed any genre they touched.
You introduce women to that, who want the workplace to be like just another call center cubicle bullshit soulless work environment. And make these testosterone driven masculine workplace clash with that it's gonna produce problems. Problems in decline of products quality and creativity, problems with a few guys trying to hit on the women or party a little too hard. Because you basically hired servants to the old guard.
It's not that you get sensitive for game it's the fucking time that you have invested. Nobody cares of game, fuck wow fuck blizzard, give me my years back!!!!
Call me what you will, asmon is the only content creator i can relate with most, and watched him since like 2017 or 2018 and i still will not stop because heâs one of the only famous content creator that i know of who has so much sense and can back up almost everything he says.
They actually need to make wow 2⊠but the climate is so shitty it COULDN'T succeed.
The fact ff14 works is because the Japanese culture doesnât slack. They fire bad workers
Its all an act to make even more money on youtube and twitch . Neither one of the guys give a flying fuck about someone rubbing someoneâs back at work . If those girls went trough that they would have walked away from the job , but they want a quick paycheque as well .
This pyromancer guy is like all that is spergy. A guy makes a point about wow tokens and he just hurls abuse at the guy. Like fuck sake we get it you disagree, try to calm your 'tism
A time ago i was worried that my fav game someday dies. I just couldnt imagine it but blizzard is so nice they slowly drained my love for it so i have no remorse quitting. When i was 14 in wotlk the game qas the world for me and my char was myself. Now i dont even wanna play it while im high because of the waste of time
Every P2W wow loser will do this trolling because they dont want THEIR THOUSANDS OF EUROS to be wasted, despite the fact they are already wasted…. I have suggestion to P2W losers. Sell your characters as soon you can. Because when blizzard fall, YOU WONT GET NOTIHING. Blizzard will not return "your" money back…
Doesn't he have a wow tattoo? Poor guy
T&E is the worst. Whereâs all that pandering? Oh thatâs right, only when itâs safe.
âIt was a shit show, obviouslyâ. Theyâre so quick to berate people who donât want forced diversity and political ideology in the lore but theyâll shill effortlessly.
I am a tank dad, my dps friend is a dad, my healer friend is a dad, the other 6 dps i play with, and 2 other healers i play with like the dads hold full time jobs, or part time jobs + studying. Their priority is real life, dating, their partner, work, and studying. Wow is their hobby.
They all love the token. We all love tokens. We dont have to farm anything other than gear to do the thing we love. Raids and m+.
So please, dont act like this player base dont exist. If anything, the lonely basement turd you posit are buying tokens, are the ones ass mad that their time invested dosnt let them one shot everything, and just default make them better than everyone else.
We plan our time, we plan out encounters, and we play effectivly. We like rating, pushing hard content. We dont care about lore etc. Classic is like a nightmare to us.
So while you may disagree, theres people, a lot of people that play and enjoy the difficulty of the end game content, and dont want to spend 2 of our 3 hours farming consumeables or whatever.
Just realise that we exist.
Blizzard has become there very own Illidan.
Kinda happend to Marvel Heroes too…they lost the Marvel lisence because allegations
Watching this really hit hard because to be dead honest its true. Its shit to watch something you loved so much be absolutely obliterated. I played WoW for 7 yours of my life, the people I met help me turn into a functional human being who wasn't scared to death of other people and the rest of the world. Years of my life I adored and wouldn't trade for anything, but look at it now, I'm so fucking ashamed to say I loved WoW. I loved the years I played, I loved the people I knew and even the lore up till I quit. And why did I quit? The people I loved where gone, guild died, the world felt so empty, lonely and just downright depressing. I love lore and story but I couldn't give a damn when I quit in Legion. I have a WoW tattoo on my back for the massive influence it and the people in it had on me, it was great but now its heart breaking.
Iâm just heartbroken honestly.
âThis game is so shit because you can buy stuff with real moneyâ I canât believe yâall have been bitching about this for years, yâall are weird as hell. Go outside and realize wow is just a game
This isn't a meltdown, this is a man going through heartbreak. When you have something like WoW that a part of your life for so long you can't help but get attached and feel betrayed when they do things like this.
You feel let down when you can no longer justify an excuse to defend what happens and he probably looks back at his life like he wasted it. Like watching a friend continuously let you down, get addicted to drugs and then have uncovered abuse charges.
You can't defend it and if you dont let it out it builds up till we get this
I think after popping off like that, Pyro will probably have an easier time moving on from the game.. if it really comes to that.
Probably one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen involving WoW. This man poured his life, energy, career, money, time into the game. He was passionate and in love with the game. He gave it everything, and they shit on him for it, they shit on all of us and most of all they shit on their employees. The betrayal is awful, but asmon is right, it's helped open everyone's eyes (well… almost everyone) and that will overall be good for the game. Either they'll shape up, or they'll fail, either way is much better than what we have now. It's like after a breakup and you think back at all the time and energy you put into the other person and they gave you nothing in return. That sucks, but there's freedom in realizing that and moving forward. Good luck to you Pyromancer, I hope you find a passion that loves you back.
I don't know who this guy Asmon is reacting to is, but goddamn he's fucking obnoxious.
Soo True!!! LoL
The Mog Station for FF14 directly supports the content of FF14 because the profit goes to the game itself. The subscription fee, the purchase of the game has to be split with Square Enix as the parent company.
One is for sure, its the biggest Wave of Emotions for a long time, and some people finally wake up đ You can think of asmongold what you want, but he gives a good view of the situation, i am as a vanilla player, veteran, can say, my qutting hurts much, because i love the game, but exp. the activision blizzard side has done to much ** up. Girls are a big part now of the gaming community, and some things have gone much to wrong…
PHASE 4…. I'M DEAD!!!!
nobody wants to support weird fucking ass grabbers LOL
i was farming flowers for hrs everyday to buy tokens but that was during legion and wod
At least show Pyro some respect with the title and not this shit
Asmon talking like he wants WoW to survive("This will ultimately be good for WoW"). Come on guys. They need to make a new MMO if you enjoy the universe. This will NEVER happen if you plan on going back. They need to know you're done with the game. It's done enough damage to the genre over the years. Customers NEED to tell them we want a different kind of MMO. If you really think ashes of creation looks great, then you NEED to tell WoW you're DONE! AoC was brought to you by DAOC/Everquest/Lineage(the time of real/based MMOs), WoW is the opposite influence.
Honestly, mad respect for him saying what's essentially true to the still relatively large amount of fans that follow blizzard. It's hard to leave that world behind but you gotta admit… even the lore is barely redeemable these days…
The FFXIV store is old gear that got discontinued. If you played during the period, you get it for free, if you don't play you have to pay money. So it's a large difference.
Me listening to Asmon poppin off on MrGM: "Damn……….damn………… daaaaaaaaaaaaamnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Asmon"
::insert pikachu.jpeg::
I want to play WoW but for the last 4 years every time I subscribe and log in, 30 minutes later I'm so bored I log out and don't pick it up any longer…
Even more so with Shadowlands.
Unless something BIG happens with Blizzard, I'm not picking up any of their games and that's sad because there are people working there that really care about what they make but the few manage to fuck it up for the whole company and its divisions. Unfortunately only WE can make them stop by stop giving them our money.
I kinda disagree with asmon on this one. Cause just stop playing a specific contentpiece cause itâs bad, is not a solution. Cause itâs makes you fucking sad when it was your most liked one. And the second problem is, that all the side stuff in wow, sucks also. At this moment, leveling trough the old add ons makes more fun than the whole endgame.
This guys rant is epic lol
SJW's are starting to make major power plays when it comes to company's and their direction. The company's more than bow to their demands. Movies, Video Games, Sports and the list goes on. Sooner or later people better wake up. I hope. Their trying to work out generations they don't agree with by changing the "Whatever" to more of their ideology. Which side are you on?
âBreaking that emotional attachment to view the game with some clarityâ. I like that.