Asmongold on FFXIV Being Now the MOST PLAYED MMO over WoW

FINAL FANTASY 14 IS THE MOST POPULAR MMORPG OF 2021!? Asmongold checks out a new article stating Final Fantasy 14 is now the most played MMORPG in the world, with the highest active accounts numbers over World of Warcraft (although Classic WoW numbers are not aggregated). Is FF14 actually more popular than WoW or is this just a… fantasy!?

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48 thoughts on “Asmongold on FFXIV Being Now the MOST PLAYED MMO over WoW”

  1. most comments are people who desperately want other game but WoW.
    Guys what the hell? There is many choices, just play something else, why so mcuh spit here?
    Nobody forces you to play wow =) Just play what you like so you don't have to spread personal hate in discussions. You have freedom of choice. •

  2. I love how Asmon just straigt up ADDS retail+classic and thinks he's in the right.
    Let's be honest, 95% of classic active players play retail too straight up adding numbers is wrong and you did not think about it for 2 minutes.

    Random Roblox youtuber gets 1.7m views. Every video you do about Dark Souls 4.5m+ views.
    Now look at yourbest WoW videos. =) And you still stay biased to WoW. ACCEPT REALITY 😀

    And regardless if the article is true or not. It will be true in no time if Blizzard still doesn't listen and puts out trash to their community and expects people to eat it because "they always did".

  3. The fact that people disagree with asmongold's points is kinda scary. It shows how people would believe anything that suits their opinion even if the sources are manipulated. People would believe a science study because it suits them even if the experiment was carried out poorly…

  4. The amount of copium in this video is unreal lol. Shadowlands is one of the worst MMOs on the market right now, it's so bad. Would not be surprised at all if this article was true.

  5. Bro I know you try to be all humble and sht, but the reality is that when you get big streamers that had spent way more time than all of us in a game and switch to another mmo ppl will follow, I know you do not think it's possible, but look at my example like a bunch more, used to pay wow, saw you switching and I gave ffxiv another chance simple and i am having a blast didnt touch the game for years lol.

  6. WoW is always in the bad, but because people spent over 10 years in it are blinded from the tiniest improvement and calls it a day. Hope Bald just quit WoW and sticks to FFXIV overtime. Bliz doesn't deserve his time and views.

  7. Wait, isn’t it impossible to have classic separate from retail? So, how many of those playing classic do it in addition to retail. It is probably rare for a player to exclusively play classic, so we could reasonably say that the retail player count is the total and that the number who only play classic are so few that they cannot change the result and therefore are statistically irrelevant. So, that would mean FFXIV does have more active players than WoW.

  8. Indeed it makes no sense to separate the standard WoW community from Classic WoW, just as it doesn't make sense to separate the standard RuneScape from Old-School RS (which seems to have an equal if not slightly bigger community, from my experience as a RS player). Instead FFXIV and FFXI should be lumped together, and then compared against the other two standard/old-school pairings. That way, WoW sadly still comes on top, then my beloved RuneScape, then FF no doubt.

    However I'd point out Twitch engagement also isn't an accurate representation of a game popularity. For example, at any given time OSRS has twice the number of accounts connected to the servers as normal RuneScape has (though half of them are bots), while actual RuneScape is five times more popular on Steam than OSRS is (though the latter's client sucks so much that almost all players use cheat clients instead), and still OS is ten times more represented on Twitch than the live RuneScape (which makes sense as it is only the community and especially the creators, not the terrible gameplay in comparison to RS3, that is keeping Old-School alive). I'm not sure on how that applies to other games, but it's quite an extreme example, and a subject of study.

  9. I have an FFXIV bias, but I personally believe that if you're separating retail WoW and Classic, you should also separate the FFXIV retail and trial versions, primarily because the amount of content in the free trial is comparable to WoW Classic's content.

  10. This isn't a shocker FF has spiked over wow multiple times over the last few years. That being said FF14 is still pretty shit, so so what FF is the most popular mmo it surely not the future of mmo's. At least it isn't as much of a dumpster fire that ESO is.

  11. To clarify, cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias aren't the same. Confirmation bias is looking for your presumed conclusion instead of trying to invalidate it. Cognitive dissonance is the refusal of processing contradictory information, willfully or not, by keeping those incompatible bits in rigorously tight "cognitive areas". A confirmation bias begins even before looking at the information, the cognitive dissonance begins when presented with contradicting information.

  12. 2.5 million, I am impressed. Talk about getting your shit together. Original release of it was a disaster and now this.

    Wow seems to be going in the opposite directions haha.

  13. I believe the reason they can't exactly pool WoW and WoW Classic is because there's no telling how many of the active players are playing both. That isn't to say that 'WoW' as an entity doesn't still have more total players, just that there could be a 500,000 player overlay, so the additional 1.5 million is actually only 1 million, not necessarily active in the newest edition.

    PS: "Just admit you're wrong" = "I don't have anything to dispute your statements, please just concede."

  14. yeah its inaccurate because a portion of those classic players would otherwise be on retail. not all of them of course, but a number that would absolutely make a difference and surpass FF14, for sure. also, ff14 is counting what I wager is a large influx of free trial players (because its a new thing). so… clickbait.

  15. It's also worth saying that a huge portion of the player base is Japanese. More japanese people play FFXIV than WOW so obviously a lot of content won't go to english sites. same with streamers because most japanese people stream on nico nico douga. (with pretty much 0 people streaming WoW)

  16. I'm just starting to follow Asmon as he came into FFXIV because of all the news about these games. I've played WoW since Vanilla and FFXIV since Heavensward. Preamble out of the way, I can't believe his fans are not more skeptical of an article like that. Hopefully this was just a case of the wrong thoughts getting picked out of that speeding highway of randomness he calls his chat.

  17. Yall are 10 years behind, a lot of us already went through this when cata came out we could see the writing on the wall. I never understood how anyone was playing wow after cata release.

  18. You also have to remember that FFXIV is an eastern game though, and that means a significant portion of it's players watch it from platforms that are NOT youtube and twitch, considering those are significantly more populated by the western public, or else DFO would be look like an indie game.

  19. Is right you have to look at other sources like some sources say world of Warcraft lost 41% of their player base will other sources say they lost 20 to 29 to 30 you have to look at all of it world of Warcraft is more popular just because you see a couple things that say hey final fantasies beating it doesn't mean they're beating it

  20. I think final fantasy finally did it. It’s been working hard af to get there and NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY HAS TRIED TO SAY OTHERWISE UNTIL NOW WHEN ITS FOR CERTAIN!! So yeah I think they finally did it beat wow. And iv played wow and compared to ffxiv when I’m playing there is clearly way more people playing ffxiv then any other game. Sadly wow is just outdated and I get it’s hard to accept for your favorite game but dude just look at the devs man they actually care about the players. And they got the same data the same way from wow so it’s wrong because it’s ffxiv??? And damn I just realized this was a month old and you actually brought even more players in so damn…… and to be correct I am not even going off the article I play ffxiv and wow less players are in wow sorry. And ffxiv moved from 60 to 18 in a month!!!

  21. Asmon: talks about how you need to look at many different sources to determine one game being more popular than the other literally after reading that the site pulls data from various different sources
    chat: asks for Asmon's source on why WoW is still more popular
    Asmon: 'well, WoW is more popular on twitch'

  22. I think whats unclear is in wich period you have to be active to count as an active player. Cause if its a whole month I think the Numbers around BFA could be true cause people didnt played longer than a month, cause they didnt liked it this much.


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