Asmongold on Bellular Being Attacked for Liking FFXIV & Criticizing WoW

Asmongold reacts to Bellular addressing the negativity that lately he’s been the target of, sparking mainly from the World of Warcraft subreddit, which feels as if Bellular is liking Final Fantasy 14 and disliking Shadowlands only for the views and he’s cheating on one or the other MMO…

Original Videos (Addressing Negative Feedback In The WoW Community)

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Bellular Addresses Negativity 0:00
Bellular on FF14 Moderation System 20:54

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46 thoughts on “Asmongold on Bellular Being Attacked for Liking FFXIV & Criticizing WoW”

  1. The reporting depends. If you just report someone as a RMT, they will not contact you. They will just check into it. If your reporting like harassment or stuff like that. Then yes they will contact you and actually try to get context to what is going on.

  2. In FF it is more about how you handle/give your criticism. No issue with telling someone their dps sucks and they need to work on improving certain things. Issues are like dude you fking suck. Or something like your a GD newb go learn to play. The reason being that type of criticism does nothing to help the person your talking to. Like literally nothing other than making them feel like shit. And obviously as I am sure you are well aware there are those that say much much worse things. I get being frustrated cause someone doesn't know what their doing and causing you to basically waste your time. But two solutions imo that handle it much better either A) just do not do content with said person anymore which is ehh, or B) Actually tell them what the problem is so they can know what they actually need to work on. Not saying hold their hand and coddle them. Just no need to be a blatant ass about it. Keep in mind some folks may actually be new and/or have no idea about what's going on.

  3. the fuck you at 11:25 i love that. theres some serious respect for a guy saying it as it is and not caring about hurting people's fantasy with honesty. like, yeah, this sucks, bite me. asmond's psychoanalysis is a welcomed and grounded commentary on these bell clips videos, and i honestly prefer asmond's video's on them since so many things get logically expanded on in a way that mmatt and micheal can't due to the flow of natural conversation.

  4. In normal content, your dps doesn't matter. Not really. You can sleepwalk through pretty much all the normal content. So you bringing up someone's dps in normal content is just being toxic, so there's no need to point it out. In high end content, like current savages or ultimates, EVERYONE is running ACT so if you're sandbagging on DPS…everyone already knows. And in that content, your DPS DOES matter. If you can't pull your weight, because you don't know how to play your job or you can't figure out mechanics…you'll be given a few chances and then you'll be told to leave. Current content you can't just carry people through like you can normal content.

  5. The reality is simple, sorry I know you do not like people mention other names but there is a streamer that I had follow since the beginning dude is been 100/100 every time, if you play a persona on you tube or any other social media device eventually that catches up to you, be original and yourself, ones you mature as a streamer you realize that people will talk sht about you regardless of if your nice (cause your nice) or an a hole (cause your an a hole) so stream the way you want and do not sacrifice yourself unless you just want to make money, then treat it like a real job, force yourself to be someone just for the likes and the cash simple, but to have fun, just be you, people will like you or hate you.

  6. I heard from a lot of people that Asmongold is a complete dick but after watching 5 videos he just seems like a decent guy that cares about a game that the devs no longer care about.

  7. Another reason people are bitching about WoW players coming to other games. They attack even their own communities if they disagree or have different views, if they like other games etc. Might as well put your pronouns in your bio at this point, because you're no better than the blue haired technodick furrys eating their own and being douchebags lol.

  8. Blizzard had live GM interactions in 2008, I know for sure because a GM came in and talked to me when I was new and having issues with my bank. it was a whole event. There were sparkles and a Dryad came in all in blue and like divined a chat window and that's where i got to talk to the GM. It was a whole event, with Role Play elements and everything.

  9. When it comes to emotions for most people its like sludgy dirty toxic water and as a more mature person that dirty sludgy toxic water gets filtered before words leave the more mature's person's mouth.. i often do this but admittedly i have my moments where i dont filter my emotions and just splurt whatever comes out of my mouth which is a fault entirely made by me and the best i can do is be better in the future and not make the same dumb mistake next time

  10. Does no one remember when GMs used to respond to reports/tickets in WoW? They really did. They also used to frequently engage with players in the forums. Those GMs no longer work for Blizzard. Just like the old devs no longer work for Blizzard. Blizzard doesn’t even play it’s own game anymore.

  11. "We don't really have (racism) that on my server…"

    Like… dude. Can you be more white? Seriously Asmon, open up a window mate, look around you once in a decade. Please.

  12. I've had GMs talk to me in 11 AND 14. Lol. In 11 I got teleported to GM jail out of nowhere. For "spamming and harassing" someone. But it was my buddy I was messing with while we were waiting for an NM. Idk if someone reported. Or if he walked by. Because they had GM character models.

  13. About the last part of this video; I had this thing that happened to me when I was a new player in FFXIV, where I was spamming emotes in Limsa and just for the fun of it. I didn't realise that you could deactivate the feature where it says in chat what your character did; like laughing or whatever other emote it all appears in a chat where everyone can see it, every damn time you click the emote button, so someone whispered me and told me to stop spamming but I just ignored it 'cause I was like; 'how else am I supposed to use emotes then?'. So I just kept spamming and having fun with my friends when suddenly after a couple of hours I got teleported right into jail and a fucking GM appeared right in front of me, telling me that I couldn't do what I was doing and explaining me that it is considered spam. I was shocked that they took their time to warn me for something as stupid as spamming some emotes, so I can definitely see this system working out perfectly to get rid of toxicity as the filing system requires time where you have to actually write your problem and what happened.

  14. The best and most scary (for some people) thing is that we've switched from a discussion: "There is WoW and then nothing for a while and then maybe FFXIV and GW2 and those "other", "worse" MMOs" to almost saying "there are currently two same weight MMOs out there that kind of "compete" with one another for the playerbase" in a course of what, a month or two, which is the best thing for the genre since WoW was released. Blizzard has gone long enough without having to care about any sort of competition and actually having to care about staying afloat in the market of other games and it made them like IBM before Microsoft appeared.

  15. the wow community needs to suck it the fuck up and accept the fact that blizzard done fucked up for years now and now that there are more and more mmo games on the rise that there can be something that treats their community far better so naturally people flock to it. wow as a whole is no longer the experience you remember it to be all those years ago, shit has changed and will never be the same. ff14's band wagon has just taken off and everyone on it is actually loving it so either you can stay angry or change your prospective… although, ultimately it matters not because ff14 is here to stay so whether or not you accept it or stomp your feet and seeth with twister anger, its your choice. the only damage you do when you get angy is to your fellow wow players for acting like a child.

  16. It's surprising how hard, but powerful, putting 'constructive' before 'criticism' really is. A lot of casual players like myself are fully aware of our mediocre skill level. And we want to pull our weight. But we'll never put in the hours required to be very good.

    I'm always willing to take advice. Happy to implement it. But any hint of scorn or derision, and I do the opposite. I leave the group and likely log off. This is my down time. I get enough grief at my actual job, etc. I do not respect people who take a game serious enough to be angry and rude about it.

    In the context of FFIV's rules, the criticism is implicit in freely offered advice. The challenge is in how to actually encourage 'compliance'. And in this respect, behavioral science is very clear on the overall superior efficacy of positive/reward based approaches vs. 'punishment'.

    And bear in mind, YOU might not think your words are punishing, but the only thing that actually matters, clinically, is how the person you are addressing is effected by your words. One simple stimulus can be aversive to Person A, while functioning as a reinforcer to Person B.

    But there are certainly basic laws of behavior that transcend many species, and the superior efficacy of reward over punishment in shaping behaviors is one of the most fundamental.

  17. I've personally directly interacted with GMs in FFXIV on at least 3 cases, involving reporting toxic behavior/harassment from others, and it was always very encouraging that they seemed to take it very seriously.

  18. TBH you could make a short little rant and point out you liking FF14 is a good thing your bringing customers to Square Enix with the money and attention you bring you can help fund the next like Nier collab and get more events to be bankrolled by the increase in community. XD. Heck maybe get square enix to drop like beginner x experinced player free item events. Maybe FF14 will even kick off the Anniversary events WAY earlier to try and keep the new player count who knows how crazy things get then XD.

  19. I don't have anything against ff14 or its players but I'm just not interested and it is becoming annoying how much FF14 is getting spammed to my feed because former wow youtubers started playing it.


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