Asmogan Reacts to WoW Players Experience FFXIV by @Captain Grim

Make sure to send Captain Grim Some Love!! ►

Seriously! One of the most relatable WoW to FFXIV videos I have seen. Period. Thank you very very much man for the video!!

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26 thoughts on “Asmogan Reacts to WoW Players Experience FFXIV by @Captain Grim”

  1. He’s been streaming FFXIV on twitch! He’s not even subbed to WoW anymore, it just took him a while to figure out how he wanted to do his first FF machinima.

    He’s basically going to be doing whatever games he wants, but he doesn’t plan on going back to WoW.

  2. I love the Copium Elf, I hope he gets used more often.

    Man hearing the line of "Then we waste our time together." really hits hard especially since in WoW many people don't talk at all in dungeons or in the over world anymore and are overly critical to everybody around then which just makes the fucking game a miserable mess of grinding up numbers with no player to player interactions outside of pvp.

    WoW has lost what makes a MMO great, sozial interaction has taken a backseat to theorycrafting (the mathematical analysis of game mechanics) and minmaxing turning, the game life less shell.

  3. There was so much gold in that video, though I do warn others, dont watch while at work. Off work? Heck yes, but… Do you know how hard it is to muffles the need to laugh every 10 second? It hurts.

  4. Captaim Grim hit it out of the park in this machinima. The other day in leveling roulette, my raid mate and I came across a sprout. At the end of the dungeon, we expected the sprout to be in a cutscene so I told my buddy in discord that I was gonna go take a leak. But to our surprise the sprout followed us to the boss next to us. In discord we were baffled saying "this mofo skipped cutscene". We even checked the log to see if we got a new player bonus and it sure was there.

  5. There are points in the game where you have different dialogue depending on who you are, for exemple in HW if you are a DRG you have a different voice line from estinien. Also if you are a lala in shb you get different voice lines.

  6. 7:23 Legion was actually one of the more well received expansions by WoW's lore fans. It was in BFA that many in the lore community started to get tired of Blizzard's bad writing. Shadowlands was the straw that finally broke the camel's back, since even Nobbel is now rolling his eyes at the game's storyline. But yeah, FFXIV story is honestly miles better.

  7. I love the ascian theme playing at the GM's monologue at the end, very fitting. As always Captain Grim always killing it with his machinimas.

  8. Then we waste our time together

    I jus-I…..Thank you. I-I'm not cyring!! I'm just sweating liquid pride from my eyes, because I'm proud of this game and I'm proud of you players, too! That is why I'm sweating from m–second please q.q

  9. Sometimes when you start FFxiv and your not used to reading lots it can put you off, I know it did for me a couple of times. For new players like me, play the game and once you feel fed up with reading a book rather than playing a game turn it off and come back later, forcing yourself through it will only drive you away. The gameplay to text ratio does get better and also gets easier with a little time, it's definitely not a problem for me anymore.

  10. I think generally, most FFXIV players don’t care if people skip story… but they better not talk shit about the story after skipping most of it, because that’s grounds for an ass whoopin’! 😛

  11. Speaking AS a furry… Yeah no WoW players have always been in twelve kinds of denial about what is and isn't a furry.

    If they hate it? It's a furry.

    If they love it? Not a furry.

    Nothing quite as special as a tauren player calling you a furry for playing a worgen, seemingly ignorant to the fact that furries are what one might consider fans of minotaurs.

    ANYWAY seeing Captain Grim work his magic on the FF models has been something special. I definitely hope he does more of this! But whatever he does in the future I'm sure it'll make me laugh regardless. Man's mad talented at what he does!

  12. when i first tried ff14, i tried to play it like a wow replacement and speed through it. i stopped before i hit 30. i subbed for the second time this year because of shadowlands and i stopped skipping cutscenes. the game is SO much better once you play it like a game and not a grind. i'm a lore person but ff stories never interested me. now that i've experienced one, i might pick up some ff games beyond 14.

    edit: in regards to the toxicity portion, i think the big difference is community. ff14 isn't separated by invisible systems and ques that use the entire player base. people have been put into boxes and no longer see each other as a person. the community of wow can be compared to the pandemic. now that people are coming out of the box, they forgot how to behave. wow actively boxes their players.

  13. I'll never forget my "not in WoW anymore" moment. I was doing the Stone Vigil and our tank DC-ed. When it happened I expected people to drop, because that or a kick is what ALWAYS happens in WoW. He was DC-ed for about 5-10 minutes. We didn't sit around pissing and moaning, we broke out our emotes and shot the shit until he came back.

    It's been a long time since I experienced a healthy MMO community. I'll never go back to WoW.


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