Arthars reacts to "The Downfall of Final Fantasy XIV" by Lynx Kameli

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40 thoughts on “Arthars reacts to "The Downfall of Final Fantasy XIV" by Lynx Kameli”

  1. I think one way they could break up monoteny in this game is to actually have events. Real events with real rewards. Events is something hardly anyone talks about but if we REALLY want to talk about cut content, go look at the events we have had each expansion chronologically. You will see a decline in Event quantity and Event quality similar to the drop off in Expansion Dungeon counts. This is only step 1 for me however, I want more of everything else but at least having more Events and less Seasonal Events would help to break up the cycle more, and give more of a reason to continue playing the game.

  2. (COntext as someone who has played for ~10 years and done all forms of content) I agree with almost everything besides story not being important. Story is a massive part of an MMO and shapes the entire world. If FFXIV had no story it would have died in ARR. By the way, all these people complaining now, this is the same shit that happened in Heavensward. There was literally nothing to do for a big part of the expansion. Stormblood / SHB had Bozja / Eureka but otherwise it was pretty much the same. SHB even only had 1 ultimate and no DD or Criterion / Variant like Endwalker.

    They can't cater their entire efforts to pushing in savage / ultimate content, those are already a niche ( although they should be improved / expanded ). They need something like Bozja / Eureka and to put more effort into Extremes / Unreal / Open world type content. They also just need to make some fresh ideas, as pointed out here, the formula is definitely stale. ALL THAT BEING SAID, if you are a newer player I think there is an absurd amount to do and you could play this game for years and love it still. This is for old boomer players like Arthars and myself.

  3. 6:45 I respectfully disagree. If story doesn't matter for you, doesn't mean it doesn't for everyone else. There are players community calls "plot watchers". they are genuinely invested in a story. Those players play FF14 because it's a good story game and not because it's an MMO. Probably because they loved other Final Fantasy games in the past of other jRPGs.

    Everyone has their own reason to play games, and disrespecting their preferences is a narrow-minded and self-centered way of thinking.

  4. I think the main flop with Ew was the post patch , basing it of FF4, made it beyond predictable and kind of boring, as soon as u connected the two and two together and realize that the post patch was based of a previous game, the Extreme trials became really predictable and that ruined the fun for some…

  5. Lynx got a lot of shit back when he was active, and often times deserved, as his takes were always centered around hardcore stuff and nothing else.

    My personal biggest gripe with his takes is a simple one…he is a kid. His takes are based on his very limited experience and his constrained frame of reference, which makes them shallow and short sighted.

  6. I think Lynx does a good job at criticising all the points that need addressing, but the way he sometimes formulates them puts off a lot of people from actually taking that criticism.
    This game needs innovation! This game needs challenge! And I think you formulated it correctly , too. If players – and it's DEVELOPER! – go to tell you to play other games, that is not healthy for the game. The devs and the corporate suits should have the utmost interest in keeping you as a paying customer around for as much as possible and keep content engaging.
    I don't wanna play another game! I wanna play more 14. Just give me more to do, 14. And please not a Zermus that unironically took us half an hour to prog, 15 minutes of which was our DRG AFKing for food.

  7. lynx is very reactionary. he does videos on trends. he quit wow mythic raids for ffxiv because quitting wow was a trend topic at that time. it's not a trend to quit ff14 now but he literally deleted his character to make this video lmao

  8. Endwalker actually adds quite a bit to the game… Except it isn't really content. The amount of QoL additions and improvements to how they frame solo duties and questing with NPC's, along with extra customization options are all somewhat impressive. The problem is, they're easy to overlook. A lot of the stuff I mentioned, I often forget how recently it's been added. Further down the road it will also be overlooked by newer players, as they will be completely unaware of what changes came with EW.

  9. Every video regarding this topic addresses the challenging aspect of the game but i think most people forget something really important.
    Most of us been playing for a while and have grown accustomed to difficult/fast/complicated things. Sure they reuse a lot of stuff but even then, it just wont be as challenging anymore as your first time savage or even the 10th.

  10. I disagree about stories in MMOs, a lot of games I played in the past lacked stories and died off very quickly. The ones that I remember that had a stories, stayed around longer, games like dragon nest, when it was invested in its story it was and interesting game not only did it have good combat mech, but I was also fighting for a cause a purpose. The chaos needs order to funnel through the game, and while I do believe some games can pull off not having a story black desert but that slowly changing. I think more MMOs benefit from having a compelling story. Why should I care about doing this thing, fighting this thing, rescuing this person, or saving this country? Look at what compelling stories did for Honkai, Genshin, and these are "phone" games.

    Stories get us to connect with the characters, the world, and so on. I'm sure Arthars did enjoy doing Ultimates but knowing the stories behind them added extra weight.

  11. FF16 showed us that Yoshi P cannot make a good game. There is almost no actual RPG gameplay in FF16, the battles are rinse repeat with extremely limited monster variety, every single boss is repeated MULTIPLE times except for the very few big boss fights.

    FF16 is a good experience but a bad GAME.

    And yes FF14 suffered for FF16 to be made.

  12. Players get bonus experience points when leveling a second job. You don't have to play through the main story again when you level a second job. When leveling a second job you still have access to all the unlocked content because its on the same character. You still have access to your library of mounts and any mount speed buffs. It is overall easier to experience another job on the same character than on a different one. Only through the narrow lens of savage does this idea of having alts have any real purpose.

  13. The joke is on lynx because it doesn't take a full expansion to level every job. I tend to have my main and potentially a second character as well as all of my crafters and gathers completely maxed before the first raid tier comes out. By the end of the first raid tier, I tend to have all of my jobs completely maxed out while raiding. Leveling is incredibly easy and really fast in this game. It isn't like it was in ARR or even heavensward where it was possible to hit a ceiling to do story then needing to grind for hours just to do the next set of story.

  14. respectfully, your wrong, story is the wheel on which the MMo spins around, without story you can throw out 50 different mobs and bang bang and it is meaningless. with story it gives a sense of who you are, what you do, if you don't enjoy story then I respectfully suggest you go try some other MMO.

  15. Dungeons being brain dead easy is fine. I'd say just use dungeons to do whacky/fun mechanics. Like the shisui dungeon where you have to become an old person to dodge the seduce.

    Keep traditional and hard mechanics for savage and ultimate.

  16. Hi everyone, not sure if Mr.Arthas played blade and soul before, but when he explained about the combo part, It kinda remind me of that blade and soul game I used to play way back then and the nearly no delay response from the button makes this kind of combo even better. When it comes to mechanics, I don't really think using the same mechanics is really a bad thing as long as the mechanics are actually fun to do, like a game I played recently called wo long, the parry system is a lot of fun when you get the right timing, but of cuz eventually they have to probably add more mechanic on top of parry .for example, the boss will follow up an attack after your parry, as so we have to block it or dodge it with some class skills ? Or the boss will counter your parry and so we have to do mechanic before hand so the boss can't counter our parry ? …..πŸ˜…. Pretty much something like that to keep things interesting. Maybe these are already in FF14 and given the game has server delay issue, I doubt it will get any better until they can resolve that delay. For me, I just played the game for the story and I am only still in shadowbringer lol. I can never get the time and friends (if I had any) to do raids and such even if it is getting easier πŸ˜‚. So, Mr.Yoshi P, pls just make the hardest contents interesting again for the Raiders? They are your most loyal players while me casual won't be playing your game as much as they do.πŸ˜‚(except Rp players)

  17. "Every mechanic is stand, and let thing resolve" Well when you describe everything in the game at the most basic level, you can do that to every game to make it sound bad…
    Monster Hunter? Dodge, and attack when there's an opening.
    Soulsborne? Dodge, and attack when there's an opening.
    Makes it sound so much simpler than it is.

    Also on his consolidating the 1-2-3 combo into 1 button. If you think that makes the game easier, then you think pressing 1-2-3 actually takes some skill, which really doesn't. I'm all for consolidating 1-2-3 into 1 button because that frees up button bloat for more skills, because pressing 1-2-3 is a no-brain thing anyway, the hardcore players get more buttons to weave in, the brain-dead players don't mess up the combo, it's a win-win.

  18. to summarize the online discussion defending the content drip feeding
    "I don't get why you're complaining about lack of content, I've started playing one/two years ago and there's so much to do β˜πŸ€“"

  19. Don't expect Dawntrail to release dungeons or raids that are challenging. If what Yoshi mentioned will come to fruition, and Dawntrail becomes a new 'step-in' point for newcomers, then you can't throw hundreds of new mechanics at them from the get-go. I can see them slowly re-introducing mechanics, maybe adding new ones.

  20. Although, I don’t agree with everything Lynx says, he does make a few good points. And for me personally, I’ve taken breaks every expansion since HW – it’s normal to me, and so is that player population graph πŸ“‰. But this has been my longest break, and I’ve never been this bored and frustrated with FF14 before. Yoshi and the team have a lot of credit in the bank, but I’m a little worried about the future direction of the game based on current game design decisions. I am apprehensive about 7.0, rather than hyped. I hope the game will be engaging and immersive again, beyond just MSQ cutscenes. Until then, my time is better spent elsewhere.

  21. The FFXIV welcomes criticism and constantly criticizes the game, it's just that some people don't understand the difference between defensive fanboys and having a hot take. The overwhelming majority of the time the community doesn't take criticism well is whenever the criticism is pure trash. Case in point the blatant "they cut dungeons but aren't increasing the amount of content". Bozja exists. They gave us 3 cheaper 24 man raids instead of boring dungeons no one cares about.

  22. I went into the new Ex Trial with PF. It was a Prog from Start Group. First pull = Enrage
    Back then on Thordan Ex it took me nearly a month to clear it with PF.

  23. believe FF14 needs to be just return to their roots. not make everything easy and give us a ton of rewards, during raids, that increase our stats. they only way to voice our opinions is on Xtwitter and FF14 twitch.


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