Are Roulettes Fun in Final Fantasy XIV?

As I stare down the barrel of 2,000 mentor roulettes in FFXIV, I thought it would be fun to do a practice run by running all of my regular daily roulettes. It was nice to have a break from achievement hunting and play some content from across all expansions.



47 thoughts on “Are Roulettes Fun in Final Fantasy XIV?”

  1. Ah, the Lighthouse raid. For a while, my laptop had an issue with the game files and every time I'd try to log into the Lighthouse my game would crash. For about a month, whenever I'd queue for Alliance Raid on that computer, I'd get the Lighthouse… Luckily, "repairing" the files (basically re-downloading the game) fixed the issue, but a whole fucking month…

  2. I run roulettes pretty often. The other week I had a 32 minute Dohn Mheg. I am still recovering from that one. Babytank that refused to pull, use mit, kept turning his stance off, didn't participate in a single mechanic… along with a friend DPS that prevented a kick.

  3. Mentor roulette is a journey. Yesterday i got stuck in striking tree ex with 7 sprouts, all clearly xbox players in vc. It was the most miserable time ive evere had in mentor roulette. I did that extreme the day before and we killed it in one pull. This group was so bad at listening to explantions, respecting mechanics and doing their rotation. They insisted they watched a guide, span the boss after pulling with provoke, and healer lb2. I stuck around so no one else suffered. Cleared with 10 minutes left in the duty.

  4. My personal hot take answer to the question posed by the video title is "Not really". There's fun content to do thats actually challenging enough to be fun and requires more engagement with the mechanics, but you're not getting any of those. Say hello to Crystal Tower again idiot!

  5. I just hit 1750/2000 mentor roulettes and BOY HOWDY let me tell you, you will get SO MUCH Praetorium if you queue as a healer. You also definitely want to brush up on your ARR and HW ex trials, because they do come up fairly regularly and being able to explain how stuff works makes it a lot easier to get those clears.

  6. what the actual fuck. The song in the intro. I woke up with it stuck in my head… but I can't hum enough of it to trick google into telling me what it is… WHAT DUNGEON/FIGHT/ZONE is that from?????? Is it a stormblood zone? I feel like its stormblood vibes… Also we live in a simulation. Woke up with this OS T stuck in my head…. the day you post this video and use it in the intro.

  7. Yes! I wish people would remember that there is tons of content in this game which makes it difficult for most people, especially casual gamers, to remember every single mechanic. Instead if something doesn't go right in a roulette, you get snide remarks and snotty comments from elites who think everyone should either play up to their level or go slash their own wrists.

    Also, I love Smileton. It's the only level 90 dungeon I can do all the mechanics on 100% of the time. I'm pretty good on The Dead Ends, also, but there are still some difficult mechanics I have a chance of failing if I'm not paying attention too closely. Additionally, the reason for doing mechanics in ARR dungeons (for the most part) is because taking multiple hits can kill you. I did a recent run of Castrum where one of the DPS' wanted to see if you can die by failing every mechanic and sure enough, he did.

  8. The video was so great, but I also gotta say, there are so many clip-able moments in this one video alone. You could absolutely kill it with either shorts or TikTok. Great content, man. Keep it up.

  9. Repose – The role ability I forget I even have while on my healer. Cause… Everything is just an AOE fest anyhow.

    Emergency Tactics – The ability I used in P3S and never intentionally pressed before or since. XD

  10. it's 'ant-ee' for me Most of the time, with 'ant-eye' popping up more rarely. i can't even think of a sentence i'd use ant-eye in off the top of my head lmao and alisaie's arr voice jump scared me, i almost thought you just put footage up from some old british show bc i'd forgotten she sounded like a bridge to terebithia protaganist 😭

    very much looking forward to the mentor series!! πŸ˜€ especially curious as to how many you'll actually be able to complete vs how many sprouts/randos give up on just bc they don't get it or deem it too frustrating/difficult and which content that might be

  11. Mentor roulette is actually going to drive you insane if that casual content castrum felt bad. Staring at the ceiling makes you forget what the floor looks like, but you'll see it in mentor πŸ˜‚

  12. For anyone in NA servers doing mentor roulette achievements, I have heard from a friend that if you wanna avoid Ex Trials, head to Dynamis and do your roulette there. It apparently mostly gives you ARR and HW dungeons, not a lot of people queuing newer and harder content over there.

    That is, assuming you wanna do your roulette with easy/quickish content. I personally hope to unlock it someday for the chaos of random sprout Ex Trails πŸ˜…

  13. As someone who's been with this game since like, 2013, I still have no idea why Expert and 90 aren't just the same roulette or why old cap dungeons aren't just lumped with leveling, or why Rival Wings isn't in one roulette with Frontlines… At least with Trials and Raids I can understand that Trials roulette is just unpopular to begin with and you don't want it to get less populated but the dungeons? Eh.

  14. Now that's a lotta chicken!
    Grinded lighthouse for the arithmetician and healer sets last year, left me wishing for square roots and integration.
    It's just something about the boss romping about yelling 'butter!' that tickled me, good one.
    As formats go, liking this more than the lootbox opening

  15. What I like to do with roulettes, for variety, is roll β€œ/random 19” to get a number between 1 and 19, with 19 being the number of non-limited jobs. I use that to determine what job to run a roulette as (going in order of tanks 1-4, healers 5-8, melee 9-13, ranged 14-16, and magic 17-19). Helps spice things up, especially with jobs I barely have a handle on lol.

  16. not being condescending, just a scholar tip from watching you play: fairy has more consistent heals and reactions when she is placed, when she follows you around she tends to cast slower.

    Yes, this doesn't rly change much for dungeon roulettes where you can roll your face on the keyboard and win, but it's helpful nontheless

  17. words of advice for mentor roulette as someone who has that goddamn horse;
    it is mostly going to be the latest capstone dungeon(s) and guildhests during post-patch peaks but post-expac lul is a lawless wasteland.

    if you want "easy" mentor roulette just wait for Dawntrail and work on it between the big patches, you'll almost always get the same 3 capstone dungeons and msq trials.

    if you want to "suffer", droughts where people are catching up is perfect, especially right now with the xbox beta going on with so many more extremely fresh sprouts. so right now would be excellent for video content for Cider, i'd think.

    DPS will tend to get msq trials/raids more often, tank and healer will usually land you in dungeons with a lot more variety.

    you can get backfilled mid-pull into trials and raids. if you're not keen on landing in ramuh ex and getting blasted instantly be sure to turn off the "party in progress" option. or if you do want that, turn it on.

    and remember; you're never obligated to carry people to a clear, if you're not having fun you can just leave*.
    mentor roulette isn't for teaching, it's a queue fill, and most attempts to instruct or help will be met with silence because people don't read chat or don't care that they shouldn't be standing in aoes in Storm's Crown and spamming SMN physic.

    and sometimes you'll just get yelled at, it's rare but i've had it happen. the mentor crown tends to mean people are more hostile to advice no matter how you spin it. doesn't mean you should never try, just be aware of the assumptions around mentors.

    *setting aside limitations on leaving mid-combat, please do not "disconnect" and refuse to return as that is a reportable action, if it's a trial or raid you'll just have to wait for a wipe or clear. do not sandbag the party to force a wipe, just be ready to leave asap if it happens.

  18. Consider your queuing habits for doing mentor roulette. Running late at night is gonna have different players from afternoon queues. Tanks will almost never get filled into alliance raids. Aether is likely going to have more raids and trials, dynamis might put you into a lot more praetorium runs or guildhests.

    You've gotta do 2000 roulettes, mix n match along the way, who knows what you'll find

  19. Fun tip for Praetorium, in case you end up there: if you switch your cutscene language to Japanese, the final cutscene before Gaius is like 90 seconds shorter. If you play Tank you can start the final boss well before the rest of your party even escapes the cutscene. It's faster and also very funny.

    If you're a TRUE gamer, you can also close and re-open the game to skip cutscenes. With an SSD you can usually log back in multiple minutes before Gaius finishes talking. This is also faster for the Nero cutscene, especially if you log out during the cutscene immediately before that one and time it so that you're logging back in right after the Nero cutscene starts.

  20. Can't wait for the endless salt of Cider trying to do mentor, and getting the same ARR EX fight, 10 times in a row, with the same person starting it, and then abandoning at a half hour in…

  21. Was half hoping Cider would fall victim to the classic Not Knowing Math In Ridorana trap and I could comment "mad because 1 is not prime"

    22:27 – bro I've been saying this for fucking years. Imagine Construct 7 Ultimate. You have to do integral calculus and write number theory proofs while dodging exaflares

  22. Only thing I have to say about roulettes is I hate getting levels 50-60 alliance raids when I queue for alliance when I’m level 90. I do not want to do old sluggish content with little to no abilities. It is very boring, I wish the system would more often give you a raid that’s near your level or just one down at the very least. Especially when it’s full of sprouts and the fight becomes longer than it needs to be. Just have expert alliance or something and guarantee me my 90 and not make me slug through a boring 50 raid or 60


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