[6.18] White Mage Time!!! I personally enjoy White Mage a lot. It’s sad that Thin Air got nerfed but I still enjoy how the class plays for the most part. It’s my go to healer besides Scholar.
Discord – https://discord.com/invite/5agb3eRt7g
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Megastarffxiv
Music used in Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIaP-50bqKI
Outro song by my good friend Kara! – https://soundcloud.com/karalineavu
Song Link – https://open.spotify.com/track/31yTtYcirAccS7EHKNy7T2?si=42a4fad5c3f84260
My Hotbar Setup – https://i.imgur.com/H9warTh.png
Openers (Provided by The Balance https://discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv) :
General Opener =
Swift Opener =
0:00 – Intro
0:27 – DPS Spells
1:03 – Healing Abilities
2:24 – Lilies
2:59 – Plenary Indulgence
3:24 – Liturgy of the Bell
3:56 – Other Abilities
4:52 – Outro
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
MisterZ? More like noob
Searched WHM Guide and this was posted 1min ago??
I have been waiting ty
The best dps ever!!!!
love the editing on the ability images, got that fighter menu style
heyt his is new!
I'm now tempted to learn White Mage on at least one of my characters.
Holy shit, that was fast !
I'm already maxed out in every job but I love this guy's guides
Always the best guides! Thanks!
Why didn't I have that much dps for the conjurer hunting log? Bruh. Oh well, at least it's done one way or another.
Bruh, "lit-ir-gee" is a real word you need to pronounce like a real word lol
holy holy holy holy
Love these videos. Just one piece of feedback, you say "Ability" a lot, which makes sense when talking about the Job actions. However, since FFXIV actually has a differente between Weaponskills, Spells and Abilities, maybe say Spell or Ability when it actually is a spell or ability. Afflatus Solace for instance is a Spell and costs a GCD. Whereas Abilities are (as far as i know) always off the GCD.
But maybe that's going to in depth for a shorter video.
Anyway, keep it up! 😀
Its a very cute guide. What I am missing are more advices how to actual play this job. To know all skills and ability is one thing, but to use it properly another.