An End to the Song – Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward – Blind Playthrough [Part 27]



1 thought on “An End to the Song – Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward – Blind Playthrough [Part 27]”

  1. Now that you're done with HW, you may as well checkout the HW Trailer(on the main menu) if you haven't already done so. Also I just watched the Stormblood trailer and there's aren't really any major spoilers in that, they just show a few locations that you visit.
    Also regarding the ending of the stream…every expansion has 2 Raids, ARR had the Crystal Tower and Bahamut raid. The Bahamut raid involved Alisaie, Alphinau's sister so if you did that raid this would have been the next time you'd seen her. Heavenward has 2 Raids as well, The Alexander raid near Idyllshire that you saw, and another in that floating island area with the Vaanu bird race.
    In addition, there are some new boss fights(Trials) over at Azys lla for a quest called "The warring triad" which I believe starts at the Rising stones.


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