Almost to Shadowbringers | Our FFXIV Journey Continues

The final patches of Stormblood are upon us. Our Stormblood journey nears its end. Garrett and Kyle share their wild predictions and unaided analysis of lore.

0:00 – Intro
2:25 – Orb Pondering
12:03 – Enter Shadowhunter
27:57 – Meanwhile…
40:02 – The Table
46:44 – The Rejoining
55:19 – The Ghimlyt Dark

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29 thoughts on “Almost to Shadowbringers | Our FFXIV Journey Continues”

  1. Watching these speculation videos after having played through Endwalker is wonderful. Glad you guys are enjoying the game, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

  2. Varus does make the correct attack against even Aymeric's point. Aymeric is saying that they found a way to peace outside of war and that Varus could do the same, but Varus rightly counters that Aymeric's road to peace was established through war and likely aided greatly by "killing the opposing leader". Additionally, for people claiming there are other ways then war, we can work together, the Aliiance has no intention of allowing Garlemald to take the lead. They only want Varus to join them and refuse to join Varus. They have their reasons, of course, but the argument still stands since so does Garlemald. As magnanimous as the Alliance leaders wish to present themselves, both sides wish for control and see the other side as unable to rule effectively for the greater good.

    That's the best part of the talk with Varus. Neither side has some moral high ground to stand on and Varus knows it. This means that they can only argue on the facts, on the ethics rather than the morals and when they finally realize this, it leads into his bigger issue of taking back all mortal's free will. His methods would possibly kill millions, but he would say that would be a small price to pay to attain a utopia for all mortals for all time, free from the Ascians control and returned to the time when everyone was in their original superior state.

    PS: I see people make nazi references to Varus, but this is a clear misunderstanding of his points. He claims no current race as superior, but points to the state of being everyone theoretically was in before the sundering of the Source into 13 reflections as superior. He wishes is for everyone to attain this, Garelan or Eorzean. His goal is free will for all and you can see it evidently with how much he hates Solus. Now he clearly looks down on the beastmen, but so do most common folk in FFXIV who have little interaction with them i.e. mild bias against them is fairly common place rather than a specific characteristic of Garlemald even if it is more pronounced.

    PPS: No, Varus is not justified, we really shouldn't start with the plan that results in the deaths of millions, just pointing out that Varus is not evil. As in, his goal is not the suffering of others. He believes his path better as all good villains do, as Garrett said.

  3. To be clear, Shadowbringers is not only most FF14 players' favourite expansion, it is also most FF14 players' favourite FF Story as a whole (if you consider each expac of 14 a separate Story). I'm not included on that least (because FFX and FFVI exist), but it is a third, and I LOVE FFIV and FFXIII's stories. Shadowbringers is (as you soon will discover) "approximately well written" 😉

  4. possible explanation for Krile not hearing the call: due to the aetheric weirdness going on around Eureka, it's entirely possible that those calls weren't able to reach her at all and were quite effectively blocked by all the corrupted aether there.

  5. i cant express enough how much i love the vibes of your videos, especially the longer ones. the fact that you actually stop and think and reflect on the story as well as showing that you pay attention to it by presenting ideas and theories as you go along the way really distinguishes you from the other people who do this same kind of content, and off the top of my head the only other channel i saw doing this was Pyromancer. if you're giving us an hour-long video just on 4.5, i can't wait to see how long the videos are gonna be as you storm through shadowbringers… or how many videos you're gonna be able to craft us, what with all the lore bomb that will be present later on. i know both of you have real-life responsibilities to take care of and you guys do all the editing on your own (which is very nice and personal), with the chunky size of the expansion that's going to be Shadowbringers, you're gonna need a lot of time to work on stuff. that being said, take all the time that you need! i hope you'll enjoy shb!

  6. The ending killed me 😂 very well done
    As many have said though clones have been established in Crystal Tower via Unei and Doga but also just like around Azys Lla in general with a lot of the enemies IIRC

  7. Again, Kryle was hit by the Call – why they omit saying it in the MSQ, dont ask me, maybe its because Kryle isnt quite a Scion and is getting there or something. But talk to the NPCs at the Rising Stones and one of them, cant remember the name, says something along the lines "let us not forget, Kryle got hit too".

  8. The thing with the first time you realize it's Gaius being the first time you hear him voiced in a scene after meeting him only could throw off English voiced scene players. The actors on the other versions didn't change. And it's for that reason I believe all the lead up cutscenes with him are unvoiced. Because he would've been 10000000000% recognized immediately if he'd started talking in that first cutscene with Shadowhunter if I had the audio on JPN.

  9. I always assumed that while an ascian might go inside someone's body, the body is still in fact mortal and still ages, hence why they can't keep the same body for eternity, like Lahabrea who was jumping bodies for ages, and you could have just killed Thancred and yeeted Lahabrea out to slow him down, but that's WHY he picked Thancred, he knew Minfillia wouldn't let us just off him, so we made a new solution. But if you like the body you're using, what better solution then clones of it at the age you like?
    (There's spoiler reasons for all of this but won't get into those, with the information you have currently in the story it's reasonable to assume the bodies they're in are in fact still frail mortal bodies)

  10. Regarding 15:30 — the old VO for Gaius was Richard Epcar, so if you're wondering what Gaius would sound like with the old voice (without a modulator), just think of Raiden from any of the more recent Mortal Kombat games.

  11. Elidibus does make sense but you basically have to take a pen and paper and timeline out what each Ascien was doing when, what the Asciens knew of each others plans, and whats going on aetherically on our star and the reflections. Case in point, the cut scene where Elidibus asks where Varis's grandfather is- they're not communicating with each other.

  12. Everyone hates on stormblood, but that connection made to alisaie and the entire war like feel is everything. Out of all the moments that are in the game that feeling of all of my close companions dropping and even with our all strength we can do nothing but watch is just heartbreaking. Never fails to bring a tear seeing it happen.


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