Accolonn Reacts to FINAL FANTASY XIV x Fall Guys Collaboration Trailer

FINAL FANTASY XIV x Fall Guys Collaboration Trailer

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12 thoughts on “Accolonn Reacts to FINAL FANTASY XIV x Fall Guys Collaboration Trailer”

  1. The fun part is that all of the Fall Guys courses made in 14 use mechanics from dungeons and raid bosses already in the game and puts them into this obstacle course setting. It's really creative and looks fun, not to mention that this is (technically) permanent content that just rotates in and out of availability.

  2. I doubt if much of the current retail WoW players know how to have fun without gear upgrades at the end of activities. Everything at endgame is gear focused and has been for so long that it has turned the gear grind into the replacement for fun in the endgame.

  3. It be hard for wow to do any collaboration because the game is too rigid with staying with their formula. Wow honestly needs the exposure as there are not many new players looking to play retail wow.

  4. I went and played the collab in Fall Guys for a bit, because I was shocked it was still around too. Now, we get more Gold Saucer minigames, so that is always a plus. It may have been a while since I've been there last, getting that 4 mil MGP mount. It's always fun to spend time there, chat with someone who you see constantly, and just have something to do, every 20 minutes if you want.


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