Accolonn REACTS to Apologies in FFXIV vs WoW

This video was so accurate it makes you want to scream.

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20 thoughts on “Accolonn REACTS to Apologies in FFXIV vs WoW”

  1. One thing to note to Accolonn, you don't seem to be aware that it is actually a big taboo to show any type of personal feeling and other personal endeavors in Japanese culture, especially in a professional setting. What Yoshi P has done is an extremely out of character thing that could actually ruin his image. But despite that fact, he took the risk of allowing his human side to take over. This is what's so incredible about it. And what's sad about this is Ion refuses to put his ego and his culture aside and not let his human side show like Yoshi P has. This is nothing to do with Yoshi P being too emotional.

  2. you may see it as someone who tries to hold the tears because he let down someone but still they could just open the livestream and say the game get delayed for those reasons we can say the emotions was genuine but what if the game is going to be delayed again are we going to get the Doom Eternal situation all over again but in the end he's going to be worth it ? or we going to have a cyberpunk 2077 or even worse another Shadowlands situation because for all we know he's into cosplay and acting it's a very essential part so I asked this is Nick Gordon working to the composing of the new tracks or it simply Square Enix influences🤔

  3. Yeah, they're joking on stupid questions of pet battles and clipping issues – after they selected exact these stupid questions and found them worthy of an answer, while they're ignoring important questions in the first place. Good ole Blizzard.

  4. I am a FFXIV player, but as a gamer overall: I rather have an emotional, honest and transparent game dev than some joking no-good idiot who cant even answere simple questions in a meaningful way

    Jokes are fine, but thats what they are: Jokes not answeres.

  5. As a Californian…the way Ion acts is typical of two types of people. The first type is the 'big brain I know more than you and you're dumb' smart guy that has a personality of a landfill. The second type is your typical Karen Beverly Hill type…. they are in a higher position over you, they make more than you so you're always going to be wrong….aka "Do you know who I am". Ion accompanies both these personality types….His personality gives away that he was a bullied and internalized his hate for people more popular than himself so any chance he can exercise authority and power…he will because 'He knows more, he's Ion and you should known who he is'.

  6. showing that much emotion to their work they really care for it and you can see it, its not fake its really messing them up inside. WoW its like f it we will make a patch later or something like it doesn't even matter

  7. 7:50 I think the guy in the comments doesn't realize how rare it is for there to be a moment where they actually have to apologize.
    This commenter is obviously coming from the perspective of being so used to constant screw-ups that, if it was over and over again, the tears would lose their significance.
    That's not what's happening here.

  8. Crying over a video game come on, there are plenty of real issues in this world that are worth crying over but not a game for entertainment. If games all disappeared tomorrow life would go on just fine. In terms of what's important in life, games would be at the bottom of the list.

  9. you shouldn't give Ion a break for his "personality" no one gives a crap about him and his personality. they want him to do his job, and if his job is to be giving answers to feedback then he should do that first and save his sarcasm for when he is off the clock. never make excuses for unprofessionalism. especially when you are coming off as a smug sniffin your own farts jerk to people who are passionate about the context. Yoshi P gives feedback on how they could fix problems rather than telling them why they aren't going to address a problem

  10. The sarcastic humor bit i feel is only for friends or like people you know.
    If i was working at a theater and a customer ask "can I get a popcorn."
    If I respond with "I dunno can you?" Or something like that, it would not bode well in my favor.
    The blizzard guy is *at work*, and giving these responses. Which is wild to me. It tells me he doesn't respect either the player base or the position he is in.

  11. @GiantRatGuy in the comments. You may have played WoW, where the devs seem like robots reading from scripts with no respect to their player base or passion for their game, but you need to realize that XIV is the opposite of all that. You feel the passion the team had when remaking the entire game because of the dumpster fire it was and working hard to gain back the player’s trust in them. You see the human side to Yoshida and his team throughout all of the live letters, fan fest’s, and interviews he has done with not only media, but actual players of the game. He does not hold back what people are allowed to ask either, nor does he filter out the questions based on what would make him look bad or otherwise. Yoshi P. is a genuine guy with a huge passion for gaming and the game’s he has worked on and deserves all of the love and respect he has from the players of XIV. That you are so blinded from fake people on the WoW end to see that is a shame.

  12. This video just shows the level of professionalism each company dedicates itself to. One company takes it very seriously with passion and the other one feels like their rock stars having an interview after a concert. I can understand having jokes and trying to give a personal attachment to the players, but this isnt a sitcom or a podcast, its question and answer portion. I think they arent even taking the questions seriously.


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