Accolonn Goes Back to School with FFXIV History Lessons feat. Larryzaur

Accolonn reacts to Larryzaur’s FFXIV History Lessons

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17 thoughts on “Accolonn Goes Back to School with FFXIV History Lessons feat. Larryzaur”

  1. I know people really don't like the whole leveling a different job to unlock a job skill, but I think it's cool. I am the type to level up everything, so it appeals to me. Idk

    I kind of want to see what these things were like.

  2. I liked the cross class system, but I was a player who leveled everything. The really big issue was the paladins who didn’t want to level any other job cause as he said, provoke was warrior only. And I remember in the Alexander raids, dealing with paladins that couldn’t use provoke in the first fight cause it had two bosses.

    Edit: also, eureka is a lot of fun, but is a very different game. It plays more like FF XI or EQ. It is not as bad as people make it out to be. Try it with an open mind and don’t let people influence you cause eureka kinda gives you what you try to put into it back.

  3. cross class system is not really bad thing, it worked great in offline game call final fantasy tatics, make some job really really OP compare with other job, so it's a mistake to use it on MMO game where everything need a balance

  4. The thing with the assignable stat points is that they were left over from 1.0 and tied to your class, not your job. So for everyone except SMN/SCH they were fine, but since SMN and SCH share ARC and use completely different main stats, you were inherently weaker with the other.

  5. 28:00 I agree 7 was interesting, I was thinking…ok this had a lot of plotholes and mary sue moments but surely it will all be explained in episode 8 and 9…nope, episode 8 just went full scorched earth on the story. Heck, the character I wanted to have the most character development (finn) was turned into a comedic sidestory. I was expecting him to be either a stormtrooper turned han solo-ish character or jedi.

    that crap was the second movie I ever regretted watching…the first was dragonball evolution.

  6. I recently went and leveled up some classes I hadn't touched in quite literally years (like…since 2.0 years) and it was neat still seeing some of those old skills. They would be grayed and crossed out so they didn't work, but it was a bit of a memory lane trip.

    Also, fuck TP. All my homies hated TP.

  7. Agree with you on there being 6 Star Wars movies. The sequel trilogy is SHIT. The prequels got both fair and unfair criticism. They certainly have flaws (some more than others), but they aren't THAT bad, and the story they tell is actually very good. They have some dialogue issues (Lucas's fault), and some stuff that went unexplained due to lack of time or possibly cut scenes (Anakin's sudden turn that looked like it came out of nowhere), but they weren't BAD movies like the sequels are.

  8. Hey man I love your videos, but if I could suggest something it would be to either turn your voice volume down, or whatever it is you're watching/playing up. I have to turn the volume down whenever you're talking and turn it back up again when you play the video 🙁

  9. The cross class system existed in Heavensward too, and I had quite a few encounters with raids that required tank swaps but, SURPRISE, the dark knight in your group never touched either of the ARR tanks so they couldn't provoke. You had limited slots to equip cross class skills, which meant that 99% of the time class x would always carry y loadout, so they were condensed to the role skills that everyone picked anyway.

  10. what shocks me the most is that hallowed ground has a seven minute cd, its amazing that it only has a 2 minute cd now.
    i think we had TP all the way until stormblood, until we started talking about what TP actually does in the forums (spoiler: absolutely nothing, even when it was still in the game.. it was a relic of 1.0 that stayed in the game but had no real use) so the devs deleted it from the game, now the TP gauge has been merged with the MP gauge, mainly since melee dps and tanks didn't really use MP for anything back then.

  11. 2.0 was designed around building community first. We had to level for hours in zones grinding fates in massive Fate trains, which meant you met most of the people on your server at one point or another and clowned around while zerging from fate to fate. You even had coordination to make sure groups were going to the same fate to maximize XP gains and not clear a zone at the same time.

    Leveling other jobs to unlock some abilities was at the time a good design decision as everyone got to try the all jobs on one toon thing. I mained Paladain all of ARR and through having to level other things for abilities I found out I really liked playing WM and Bard. So I leveled them to. Which gave me more things to play with different friend groups. What was great design at the time obviously couldnt work going forward into multiple expansions. However, actual ARR release really was at the time and really was a breath of fresh air from WoW at the time. Seeing as how from day 1 the community was working together is a far less toxic way than what I had been having to endure in WoW.


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