A Downright Dirty Dark Knight Guide (FFXIV: Endwalker)

This really is the Dark Souls of FFXIV Guides.

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0:00 – Intro Intro
0:26 – Intro
1:05 – Tea Bee Enn
3:28 – Mitigation Nation
5:11 – The Living Dead
5:42 – AOE and dungeons
7:20 – Sample Opener (sample)
9:13 – Stuffed Filler
11:29 – Concluding Thots


35 thoughts on “A Downright Dirty Dark Knight Guide (FFXIV: Endwalker)”

  1. You don't need anything more than reprisal, arms length, your 20%, and your 30% mitigation to wall to wall pull in this game. I understand the difference in the utility of the quick mitigations between dark knight and the other tanks, or just the tanks and warrior in general, but it really isn't that bad.

    I used to complain about the damage I was taking in the level 90 duties when endwalker first came out, and my survivability was bad. But frankly, it was probably the influx of people playing sage and trying to learn it that skewed my own opinions on the matter.

  2. PSA to healers. If your DRK uses Living Dead, let them die and dont spam heals trying to keep them from dropping to 1. The skill doesn't totally suck anymore and i feel like majority of healers are so used to the old shitty effect lol

  3. wtf the editing of this one goes so hard.

    and yeah. this is a good guide. DRK sucks but I respect the hell out of anyone who can play them well as a humble GNB junkie

  4. i still miss Stormblood DRK AoE rotation. Pop Blood Price, spam Abyssal Drain, Dark Arts Abyssal whenever your HP gets low for that multi-target lifesteal, and then when your MP is empty, Quietus to get it all back. The one case of WAR ripping off DRK rather than the other way around.

  5. Dark Knight is fun, this is the first guide I've ever watched the rotation bits for and honestly, I was a little off but not drastically off from just reading the tool tips, could I savage raid comfortably if I learned this opener, definitely, am I gonna savage raid? Fuck no.

  6. I like DRK, I wish it was HW DRK and not just scuffed WAR but you can't win them all. Never forget you used to be able to DA abyssal drain spam and never die to trash, or just DA DP and blind the trash 🙂

  7. Blood weapon is now pressed just under 5 seconds prepull now that it's on stacks, tbn needs to be pressed at like -2 so you can get an additional mp tick to get another edge under pot and also not clip your gcd.

  8. Any casual content I take WAR but goddamn hearing healers and DPS tell me to chill out as my opener sends my DPS to the moon makes it so addicting for Savage content. Also the DPS being built around the buff windows at 1 and 2 minutes gives it a flexibility that is so nice


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