A Sprout Battles A Lamb (And Makes A Friend) | FFXIV Animated

#ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy
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Patreon will also be where I upload behind the scenes content and tutorials on how to make animations like this one. I’m no professional, but I can help you get started. Look for the first video soon, probably later tonight after this video goes live.

Software Used:
FFXIV Textools
Blender Addon: MekTools by Meku Maki
Blender Addon: Mesh Trails by DillonGoo
After Effects
Premiere Pro

Whose ready for some keywords? In Final Fantasy 14, called FFXIV or FF14 by some, the new adventurers are called sprouts. The sprouts are born, or reborn you might say, into A Realm Reborn, and they adventure through Eorzea before they go Heavensward. Spoiler alert, this game has expansions! Lets talk about them! Then comes Stormblood, which is slept on pretty hard in my opinion. Then Shadowbringers, where [redacted] happens, and then Endwalker, where you and your friends [redacted] and after that you walk to the end. Now I am tired of typing.


6 thoughts on “A Sprout Battles A Lamb (And Makes A Friend) | FFXIV Animated”

  1. The voices are so low compared to other sound effects. Other than that, these videos are great. FFXIV community needs more of those "TF2-esque" machinimas/animated videos 😀


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