A Smile Better Suits a Hero. First Time FFXIV MSQ (Spoiler) #ffxiv #ff14

SPOILER WARNING IF YOU’VE NEVER PLAYED! WOW! That one hits hard. He was our best friend for all of post ARR and half of Heavensward! Gone but not forgotten. Final Fantasy XIV may be the best game I’ve ever played. I’m having so much fun playing it and sharing all the experiences on Twitch. Follow me here on YouTube and on Twitch @MouthMane


24 thoughts on “A Smile Better Suits a Hero. First Time FFXIV MSQ (Spoiler) #ffxiv #ff14”

  1. I'm sure it got explained in the chat, but the chain 'breaks' after a set distance. staying grouped up as it goes out allows for an easier time to break it, because you have more room.

    Why am I explaining boss mechanics? Because it helps mask the pain. RIP Haurchefant.

  2. As a emotional vampire whose been playing this game since 2014, I'm glad I found you now. Heavensward and the post content is still some of my most fond memories of this game. Looking forward to your journey.

  3. Read this comment after you fight the trial in azys la bc of very minor spoilers, the reason his wound wouldn't mend with magic is because it was very deep and the person who shot that bolt at him has healing magic blocking effects, which can be seen in the trial fight.
    Also there's a lot of sorta needless death in the earlier game, but the main story dev got changed in shb. The current main dev was the one heading half of the story in storm blood and got promoted to head dev after she did such a fantastic job and went to on make one of the most favorite stories in the game. She handles death and characters with a bit more poise, and rather than killing for emotional effect will instead put them in life threatening situations with more uncertainty if they will die or not. Sometimes they make it out unscathed…. sometimes they don't.

  4. They recently added the line about being unable to heal the wound, as many players wondered why they couldn't just do that (I was an AST at the time). The EX trial revealed that spear applies a debuff that prevents healing (forcing a tank swap), but a lot of people didn't play EX. The fact that SE went back all these years later to add that small bit is remarkable. All that aside, this moment wrecked a lot of players, myself included. This was the moment HW got real. But as bad as that was, as hard as I was reeling, the following scene with Edmont destroyed me. When he said "My…son…" I lost it all over again.

  5. When this first came out, at least on my server, there were a group of people that just stood watch for people to come out of the Vault. They took shifts to make sure someone was always there for quite a while. They'd give you a /hug, a /smile, and a cup of hot cocoa. Even after all these years, I still have that hot cocoa.


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