A Smile Better Suits A Hero… | FFXIV

FFXIV has completely broken me.

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43 thoughts on “A Smile Better Suits A Hero… | FFXIV”

  1. Hauchy has gone down in history as the person that left the deepest impression on most people (even Yoshi-P has a necklace with his shield) and by god I stopped playing the game after his death for like a week because I was so emotionally devasted its weird xD

  2. I'm not sure if you remember but the pope was talking with the ascians about how they're going to kill you. This whole thing was a trap to get your character in position to snipe you. The attack is Spear of the Fury which nerfs healing. There is also extra Brochefaunt lore on the lode stone if you're interested in reading. Or I can summarize it here if you want.

  3. I first started playing FFXIV when I was still in my mid-teens. Didn’t really know who I wanted to be, or what piece of the puzzle I was. In my daily life, I always put on a facade. So many, in fact, that I didn’t know where they ended.
    As I took this journey that you, too, are undergoing, it helped me find myself. It helped me to realize that the one facade I used while traveling Eorzea was the only one that wasn’t a mask. That revelation came slowly, grain by grain, but it was still a revelation.
    I think there’s something about how much of a personal ordeal this game puts us through that invites us to put ourselves out there, but simultaneously reflect on who we are. And that’s beautiful.
    From one Warrior of Light to another, may you walk in the light of the Crystal, Chad.

  4. OH HELL YEAH DUDE, the second the camera was panning i was screaming "FUCKING HIT ME! im a warrior i can fucking take it, come on fucking bring it! Home Gang on the ready! Just hit me!!!…. nooo fuuuuuuuuu"

  5. Dude, when you knew they were about to attack and you shouted "hit me," 'cause you knew you'd survive, but your allies might not… that broke my heart anew, and this scene is already so heart-wrenching.

  6. You calling yourself a dumbass for disliking him reminds me of Rich Campbell: "Every single character that you hate, your chat is going to tell you your opinion is wrong and they're going to be right".

  7. They even made the inability to heal him cannon later with the savage of the raid fight the person who tanks that move has to pop a cd or insta die and they get a healing down debuff after being hit with it.

  8. I put off playing 3.0 for so long I knew it was going to happen eventually, I had this above all else willingly spoiled for me.
    It didn't matter. I didn't know WHEN it would come, only terrified that it would. And as soon as that guy appeared above us, I was like "OH NO, THIS HAS GOTTA BE IT, I'M NOT READY FOR THIS."

  9. As hard as this scene was, the scene after with his father is what broke me. I was a new Dad when I saw that, and just imagining what he must be going through…yeah that hit hard

  10. I feel like in general most people are a little creeped out by Haurchefant at first. He's like that guy you meet that is immediately cheerful, slapping you on the back and treating you like an old friend while you sit there uncomfortably. You just eventually grow accustomed to it, especially as you learn he is one of the nicest, most genuine people you'll ever meet. And then they take him away and all you can think is "I miss him"

  11. When this happened, I was just enraged. I wanted vengeance! I've never felt that raw about a death in any story, be it a book, movie, game you name it.
    This was genuinely a visceral reaction.

  12. I don't think anyone mentioned it, but during this cutscene the game actually removes any headgear you're wearing. Helmet, flowers, glasses, doesn't matter. You are going to see your character's face during this scene… And, more importantly, so will Haurchefaunt.

    It's a testament to how deserved Heavensward's award winning status really is, and how thoughtful/careful the team was about this scene.

  13. I remember that Haurchefant was my favourite NPC in ARR by far. When almost everyone else in Coerthas just pushed you away he was so kind, warm and welcoming. I know it sounds weird, but I always imagened that, whenever my character had some time off, she would go to him, tell him about recent adventures while drinking some hot chocolate around a comforting fire. Then ARR ended and I was sooo excited for Heavensward, like "Yes, we are going to Ishgard, meeting his father. I'm gonna spend so much time with my favourite NPC here!" And this happened… It's been six years for me and I'm honestly still not over it, still visiting his grave once in a while just to sit there, telling him about recent adventures…

  14. If it weren’t for Haurchefant we never would’ve experienced Heavansward.

    I’d like all the people that still don’t like his character to keep that in mind.

    He died so we can experience the critically acclaimed MMO.


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