A Realm Reborn – The Journey into Final Fantasy 14 ft. Nobbel87

Check out Nobbel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/Nobbel87

After the Loremaster himself finshed ARR it was finally time we sat down and went over all our expectations and change of attitude towards FF14. What a wonderful journey it has been.
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9 thoughts on “A Realm Reborn – The Journey into Final Fantasy 14 ft. Nobbel87”

  1. I admit the end of ARR was a bit of a slog, and because I desperately wanted to roll MCH that it felt like a drag, but I'm glad i played through that story section as its so important to later quests, especially the first Alliance Raid with the Crystal Tower.

  2. FFXIV if nothing else made me appreciate the power of continuity, consistency and proper development of story and the power of small details. Personally still one of the coolest parts of the game was going to Satasha(the first dungeon) and seeing that adventurer parties hanging outside. You can talk with them a bit, see who the tank, healer and other DPS are and see them actually have a bit of character as an inexperienced new party. And it is even cooler to see that story develop later on.

    It helps the immersion and feeling of being in an active world something I never got in another MMO to the extent as it is in FFXIV. Certainly not in WOW where story points can be left to rot and major characters can disappear for multiple expansions(Khadgar) and anything can be retconned on a whim.

  3. I know it’s kinda obvious now, even has been last 6months/year but would be nice to have video explaining the less content coming to YouTube.
    Things like Legacy videos on back burner, even mind their was meant to be a continuation into preaches vanilla story heading into TBC.
    I understand it’s because Twitch is where money is just would be nice for us YouTube fans, who will always watch your uploads.
    Hope this isn’t taken the wrong way, you make great content.


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