It’s a guide for ninja in FFXIV.
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0:00 – Flavor Intro
1:05 – Mudra System
2:40 – An Opener (The whole job)
5:13 – Filler Rotation
5:39 – Is Huraijin useful?
6:19 – Kassatsu
6:48 – Bunshin and Phantom Kamaitachi
7:38 – TenChiJin
8:47 – Raiju
9:42 – Ranged Fillers
10:35 – Gameplay Summarized
12:03 – AOE
13:26 – Other utility
14:28 – Bland Conclusion
I did just catch 1 mistake right now and don't want to dub it over. Doton is not a gain on 2. I clearly was just too excited to say it was a gain on two and got my facts wrong
I wish we had a thief/rogue class lol
Good ol Ten Chi Jin, not to be confused with Ten Chi Jin
Fuck i love this
finally this guide was released… they day i finished leveling ninja…
screw all the mudras and get all the bunnies
Double Ninja comps are epic. One ninja gets lazy and holds all the 2min buffs for 60 seconds and then suddenly every trick attack window is a mug window.
I took on the challenge of learning Ninja for endwalker and honestly, I'm happier than ever
finally early to the guide show :^)
I've gotten around to leveling my melee dps recently and come to the conclusion that I love both Ninja and Monk. They're very different but we're the most fun I've had leveling a job since Bard. If only all jobs could get fun skills before 60.
oh , im early today , cool.
Cute Comet.
One day I'll commit the time to hit a dummy until I remember the burst. One day…
4/10 Job. Not enough mandatory gap closers in the opener anymore.
Imo, ninja has been nothing but a castrated disappoinment since hw. I get why they made the changes they did. But I still believe that stance dance nin was peak.
Alternative way of playing NIN: roll your head on the keyboard, one time left to right, three right to left.
2:28 that made laugh so hard! ROFL
Generic Conclusion.
Would you say NIN is the MCH of melee except for better damage and raidbuffs? Semes like both classes have a very intense 15 second burst phase every minute, especially every 2 minute.
"art of war is a gain on two" haunts me even when I'm not on sch at this point
I’m asked again to gain chairs mad man knowledge in this video
I really love ninja but since the change of trick attack and mug I keep messing my burst windows and doesn't feel as good anymore.
ah my favorite monotone weeb class main
I only watch these guides for the cute catgirl glams
Sui-chan is indeed cute today.