FFXIV: Patch 6.1 Gender Unlocked Glamour


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#FFXIV #Meoni #6.1

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
β€œSincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
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47 thoughts on “FFXIV: Patch 6.1 Gender Unlocked Glamour”

  1. Now all we need is a canonically gay character-as in there’s an outright scene or mention about it, not just an implication- and ffxiv will have screamed gay rights. Same gender player characters can already marry, after all.

  2. I've been wanting the boulevardier's ruffled shirt for my f viera for forever, I'm so happy she can wear it now! And the riviera set looks really nice on the opposite genders as well.

  3. Yeah, Gender locking garments makes absolutely no sense at this point. I hope they eventually release Omega M for female character models because its much better than the Omega F version.

  4. This is great. The twelve only know how many times I've seen a piece of gear that looked interesting on a female model and wanted to try it on my male only for the aforementioned to look completely different and not interesting at all. I absolutely love that they're giving us more freedom and options by removing as much genderlocking as possible.

  5. I've wanted the Riviera doublet on ladies for approximately forever. The boulevardier set was a bonus? Look I just want NICE VESTS ON LADIES! fingers crossed for the valentione set from a few years ago one day…..

  6. I know it's unlikely to happen but I think the next genderlock removal should be on the starting race gear. Whilst I'd love to wear certain race gear on other races, I don't see that as a likely thing to happen, but the genderlock at least could be more likely.
    Plus the lalafel ones are near identical aside from a few details and the scarf colours…

  7. Former game programmer here.

    I would just like to point out that the term "gender locking" is wholly inadequate to describe what's going on here. Nothing is "locked": when you create an outfit, you create a base mesh (3D model) and then the artists adapt it to the different races and body types "by hand", so to speak. Coding and programming have nothing to do with it: it's all man-hours by the artists.

    Thus, to make a gear set wearable by characters of both genders, you need to make a base mesh, the adapted meshes for every single female body type, and then the adapted meshes for every single male body type. A "gender locked" outfit is therefore easier and less costly to make than its "non-gender locked" equivalent; and because each race has its own body-types, each time they add a new race, every last gear item becomes more costly to make in terms of man-hours.

    TL;DR, when a gear piece is "gender-locked", the meshes for the other gender simply haven't been made by the artists; they are not "locked" per se, but simply don't exist, and won't exist until they devote the man-hours needed to make them.

  8. Tbh none of the ungenderlocked sets were my cup of tea to begin with, so I didn't care much…. until you reminded me the Rathalos and oasis sets existed lol maybe even the Ishgardian robe….I wonder if the new 6.1Tataru necklace is visible through the boob window…

  9. Two pieces of genderlocked items I still can't understand and hate they're locked are the Makai butterfly and higanbana head pieces. I love butterflies and higanbanas and it kills me that I can't put them on

  10. i hope one they they will implement the choice to pick either the female or the male option for certain gear(for example the spring shorts obtained by the fashion report).

  11. The one piece that's still gender lock that I would like to see opened up is Snow's coat from the cash shop. I've always thought that it makes a really good gun breaker glam and I can't wear it on my femiqo. Another change I would like to see is the racial specific clothes becoming opened up. I would like to wear aura or viera clothes on my Miqo

  12. unlocking these gender locked stuff is nice and all but i really want them to open up the hempen camise. the miqo one is my least favorite but miqo is the best race so playing anything else is just a sin, but i really want some more options for that, and it shouldn't be hard to do either since its already in the game.

  13. I'm not entirely keen on dressing my male character up in dresses, 2B tights, and high heels – though I understand that some people like doing that. Female models, however, do tend to look great in armor, or more "masculine" garb. Overall, I think gender unlocked glam is a good idea; keeps options open for literally everyone of every taste. Now, can we unlock cash shop glam too?

  14. Would be nice if they expanded on these unlocks to also reign over job restricted gear, since that wouldn't have the need of the developers spend extra time on rigging models for them to use, they simply need to unlock it, since job restricted gear already is rigged for all ffxiv races and genders.
    Glamour is so restricted on some means in ffxiv, yet the solution to expanding it multi-fold would be so easy.

  15. I cant believe they had to waste time and resources on this. They have many more important things to worry about oh no they selfish crybaby glam community has to be placated. And you people still won't be happy. You will find 100 other things to complain about.

  16. Great video. When I see the unlock lists I always think Ooh, I should check that out but then just sort of forget, or get overwhelmed by checking everything on the list and just don't do it. Seeing it all covered in a comprehensive video list this is very helpful!

  17. They really should also go in and add the Abiltiy to just customize your character within your race including gender

    WoW let's you do that now even, gender and all, the only thing they limit for purchase is race changing and faction changing and I feel the majority of Fantasia sales in FFXIV are for Race Changing anyway rather than just Gender.


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