7.1 ROUNDTABLE! | Talking FFXIV with @jessecox @Okaymage & @Preachgaming

The MSQ Roundtable has assembled once more. @Okaymage, @jessecox & @Preachgaming have all returned to discuss the major story content that was released in the semi-recent “Crossroads” 7.1. The Story following Baby King and everyone’s new favorite Jafar Ja lizard. The entire roundtable is now living the current life. Divining what will be released in what patch, what story beats will be covered where and what that means of the future of Final Fantasy as a whole.

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0:00 – The Roundtable Assembles!
12:39 – Official “Start”
15:36 – Okaymage Overall Thoughts
26:07 – Jesse Overall
28:27 – Preach Overall
32:45 – Alliance Raid
44:20 – MSQ Koana
1:03:11 – MSQ Gulool Ja
1:17:16 – MSQ Sphene
1:55:18 – MSQ Predictions
1:59:56 – Future for Alliance Raid
2:18:15 – Future Trial Series? Other Content?
2:32:58 – Runar wants to play
2:44:30 – Aftershow

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40 thoughts on “7.1 ROUNDTABLE! | Talking FFXIV with @jessecox @Okaymage & @Preachgaming”

  1. 1:23:30 – interesting to bring up the alexandrian raids, because there are connections when you look back on it: black metallic tech causes an ancient robot to stir, said robot is full of cities colored in golden bronze. Fully expect a line to be thrown out about that, especially if the ascians control Preservation like i theorize they do.

  2. There was another time when we had several first person cutscenes – with the original Golbez of 13th, who as then turned into Memoria crystal.

    So perhaps Sphene has more connection to us than initially seemed. It did seem a bit weird that the Queen Eternal could use the Key, so…

    …what if the original Sphene of Alexandria is a shard of Azem, too? And she needs to be kept on ice for that very reason – that she is the only one that can use the key? Put her on ice, have a movie play through her mind of some terrible thing happening whenever transdimensional fusion is necessary to be engaged as a trigger for the key itself? And the Sphene we have met and seen all this time is just an image of the real one, a simulacrum.

  3. Sphenes line of "I was recreated from the memories from my time as an endless" + the crown receptor being shown at the end of 7.0 makes me pretty sure that the crown is a backup device and if Sphene gets deleted the crown just recreates her. Also, is there any reason at all to introduce Gossan as a character unless he's the antagonist?

  4. I've never been so interested and also disinterested in a patch story at the same time. I'm with Garrett that Zoraal Ja lore doesn't matter after his death, they should have made him interested before that. I think the Hhetsarro stuff was dull aside from the instance, and the entire section made the childhood abandonment of Koana even worse somehow.

    But. I was extremely interested in everything going on at the field station. Like I wish we got that before fighting Zoraal Ja. And I'm also interested in what's coming next with Sphene.

    As far as the alliance raid, I am glad to see Jafar come back and do something, but I also agree that it's a shame for the actual instance to just be a bunch of out of context bosses with no story tissue connecting you to fighting them. Hopefully that's something that improves in the future.

  5. Don't forget, it was stated that Galool Ja can freely pass by monsters and be left alone. Also, the time skip had nothing to do with entering the portal.

    "Why did they run?" Are we talking about the bubble? Because the game made it clear they weren't "running" from anything, at least not as a primary goal. Sphene dimension hopped to gather souls for the fuel grinder because supplies were dwindling.

    "What if Sphene's robo body gets damaged, they must have had a system-" Did he not see her body hop when her vessels got destroyed? But to be fair, if this is a backup copy of her endless, it's clearly been tampered with.

  6. I managed to hang on through OkayMage's mic cutting out but Preach breaking after it got me.
    Sareel Ja being "killed" was where 7.0 started getting interesting for me.
    I had Jordan's theory pretty quick after I finished the MSQ. There's so many different ideas that could be right that I'm not attached to any of them. I feel like getting attached to theories will always leave you let down.

  7. This reoccurring panel has become one of the absolute best FFXIV podcasts out there, even in its only semi-frequent state. The work y'all at Grinding Gear have done to network and collab with different FFXIV peeps, both old-heads and people newer to the game like y'all, is really remarkable.

    Y'all make some of the best FFXIV content out there, and it's very much appreciated.

    Happy Holidays/Happy New Year

  8. I came across an interesting tidbit of lore while doing sidequests in Living Memory. Going through the Alexandria dungeon and seeing Sphene's ship struck by lightning I had assumed she was dead then and there. But the sidequest I mentioned says that she was 'afflicted' by lightning imbalance disease like the paralyzed kid and 'eventually' succumbed to the disease. If that's how it played out, it's highly possible that her 'ailing body' was preserved and kept alive by science and it is the real her that we see at the end of the patch.

  9. Regarding the raid, Jesse left the game before the content came in that the writers are moving towards here which is the Walk of Echoes. This was content released in the 4th expansion for 11. Sareel Ja mentioned it a few times, but if you didn't know what it was, you would think he was just using FF14 terms because they sound the same.

  10. An issue i have with the XIV story is that we have a trump card for every situation that could come up and i would like to see an expansion were we can't just ask the Scions, Vritra or the Grand Company Leaders for help and the key could help mitigate that issue if the WoL and Y'shtola by accident activated via our Azem ex-machina powers and we get teleported to a shard/dimension along with Y'shtola/Krile and we have to learn how to harness our Azem powers inorder to return to the source.

    – It would create a situation were we can't reply on the Scions's skillsets (Alphi's diplomatic skills, Thancred's Stealth, Graha/Urianger's Knowledge and Alisaie's Strength) and force our WoL into situations were we need to learn how to handle certain dynamics on our own and not have a trump card in our back pocket at all times.

    – It would open up the oppertunity for the world to a timeskip by the time we cannonically return since we know that time can flow differently when travelling from world to world but it would have to be handled properly since changing the world could end up recieved badly by players (WoW Cataclysm)

    – Krile and Y'shtola could finally get proper story arcs and give the devs time to build up new characters on these new worlds without feeling like we're neglecting the scions.

  11. There's always cases of actors mispronouncing things and it making it into the final cut. I swear to god, I don't know where, but I'm pretty sure there's a voice line where someone says "Pelup-a-lu" instead of "pelu-pleu", even though every other case was the later.

  12. Maybe this empty canvas on which Sareel Ja is painting, is the empty space left behind after a re-joining. While the world that used to be inside that pocket dimension was re-absorbed by the Source, thanks to the Ascians, doesn't necessarily mean that the pocket dimension itself is gone too. And from the fact that the Ascians broke the barrier sealing the rejoined reflections, they are probably easier to get to, than still existing shards with intact barriers.

    Funfact about the Last Unicorn: Both the English and the German voice of Haggard was done by Christopher Lee.

    Yes Y'Shtola needed to be pulled out of the stream, but Thancred popped out on his own, minus an ability to manipulate aether, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility out of the gate.

  13. The Alliance raid actually got me to play 11 because there is the ever slight possibility that they are about to make FF11 a shard, they also do the Azem thing of saying she or he when referring to the player character of 11 which has only been seen for Azem in the past and could be a tiny hint as implying the PC from 11 is a shard of us.

  14. As an FFXI player for about a decade, I can say assuredly the following things:
    – Prishe's character is true to form and I found her annoying in CoP and I was on Team Ulmia (the hot redhed Elvaan you saw – basically Prishe's baby sister / best friend in her found family way)
    – The Shadow Lord arena looked exactly like that, but the Shadow Lord fight wasn't really anything like that, other than the clones being a thing
    – The Fafnir fight? WAS EXACTLY LIKE THAT. Down to the stupid Darter adds. Except they weren't adds, they were just normal mobs that kept respawning in his arena and you had to kill them. And he was the equivalent of an S rank hunt, and only one 18 person alliance at a time could claim him, so you'd be up at 4AM for the spawn window and pray your tank's provoke was faster.
    – The Ark Angels fight was also pretty much exactly like that – pure chaos, 18 vs 5. One of the strategies was to literally have a tank kite the Elvaan up and down the hallway for five minutes while everyone else tried to kill the Tarutaru ASAP and other tanks held the other three mobs.

  15. Omg please please no trial series baked into the MSQ again that would be incredibly disappointing. Idk if during 4.0 and 5.0. They teased the trials series or if it was only mentioned after the .1 patch but i really hope it's its own thing. Because dawntrail needs the 7.3 Msq finale boss like Nidhogg, Tsukuyomi and Elidibus


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