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Green Man Gaming:
For the weapons, if you don't want to do the huge grind, then just wait until around the .5 patch. These grinds always get nerfed pretty big. For those that just want them for glamour and not really care about the item level, i recommend just waiting if you hate crazy grinds.
Why do I have a strange felling it's gonna be Shinryu vs Omega?
I never get any like game statues or toys or whatever, but if I can get a 3d print of my character, i'd spend 100$ to 200$ for a quality one for sure.
It could be Diablos, since we got the whole void story thing at the moment it’ll fit in
Oh boy oh boy oh biggity boy, I am so ready to be disappointed by PLD
I have a hard time imagining any of the twelve as 'cute' but I guess we'll see
Last AR will be Thalia. The Three Graces in Greek mythology are Aglaia, Euphrosyne & Thalia.
As for the Ultimate, I'd be stunned if it isn't Omega.
I really really really want this ultimate to be warring triad, idk if they’d include kefka for the true representation but I think a real three on eight smackdown, Sophia tipping the stage while Sephirot punches at you while Zurvan makes you do fire and ice, it could work
But it’s all so we have the green light for trial series ultimates, I demand a four lords ultimate so we can actually fight koryu, bro got cutscene gimped and didn’t even have a model, he was just a giant kirin that yelled at us until soroban evolved into genbu and tenzin paired his power with ours to seal koryu for good
I’m not expecting a goddess of war like Halone to be a jolly person.
God bless the madlads who asked Yoship to put flying into ARR, that was huuuuuge!
Ultimate 💤
Was this the Live Letter before the Live Letter so we don't have to watch the Live Letter?
Tsukyomi and Shinryu are probably gonna be in an Ultimate right?
We need more 4 Man competitive content like a mythc+ or even a Endless Deep Dungeon that increase the monster's item level per clear… Things that keep us online playing or trying to beat others people records…
As a sprout, idk what any of this means 😀
For me it would be a little bit disappointing if they choose the Warring Triad or Omega as the new Ultimates. Because these fight are already good and have in their Savage versions a very good composition of mechanics. I would like it more if fights that are very restrictive or one dimensional get a Ultimate. Fights like Tsukuyomi or Lakshmi would be more interesting because revisiting them with new ideas and lifting some of the restrictions as early fights or more narrative fights, that would be cool. You can do so much more with the Light and Dark mechanics or with charming.
i hoping the weapon remain badass looking all the way to the end because with recent relics they look good all the way up to the final one which they somehow manage to look weird.
I’m excited about the new Alliance Raid.
I’m cautious about the PLD changes. I really like the magic combo and flavor so I would be fine if they increase that.
Thal's Balls.
After having Thal's Balls in the previous Alliance Raid, think they'll keep up their Meme Game and have Happy Brambles this time?
Talking about the "difference" between the graphics of the old weapons and the Ultimate weapons actually makes me think it'll be one of the raid series; either Warring Triad or Four Lords. The glow from the crafted weapons is a lot closer to an Ultimate weapon than Omega's are. I personally hope it'll be the Four Lords w/ Koryu at the end, but I'd be happy with any of them honestly.
Deep dungeon is more than enough to make me VERY happy. There were doubts about whether this was going to happen.
Praying for a 4 Lords ultimate one day, maybe we can actually fight the Kirin
I can't wait for being able to finally play PLD and not literally be griefing my party by maining it. You are literally trolling by going as PLD, weak ass mit for prog, situational and niche as fuck aoe mit, damage is asswater compared to other tanks (no, you retards, going off of RDPS and saying it's close to DRK is fucking stupid, use ADPS to see the chasm between PLD and GNB/DRK for double the effort). Like no.
I instinctively play to the music of the fight and as a DNC…. Well it’s really fun to do 😂
I just want answers as to why the Twelve didn't lift a finger to stop the Final Days.
Personally, I think the term copium is dumb.
Moggle Mog Ultimate when?
"Nophica's teats" is actually going to be in the game. Thanks, Koji Fox!
If they don't do a Four Lords or Ruby/Saphire/Emerald/Diamond Weapons Ultimate I would be extremely disappointed. But Waring Triad being skipped does feel wrong though too.
I will say though a Stormblood MSQ Ultimate would be kinda boring and I expect Four Lords would take it's place, But for Shadowbringers MSQ Ultimate maybe the Light Wardens could be the bosses.
Really excited for Paladin changes. I stopped maining it cuz I no longer found it fun so wanting to see how it's overhauled.
26:41 FFXIV x AC6
Time to call Cid and get my G-Warrior Mk II prepped with assault armor for the raid/pvp.
(Maybe one day)
I'm sorry, no tension in the myths of the realm raid, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the 12 state at the start that If the warrior of light could not win against them and prove that that they could handle protecting the realm that the 12 would wipe them from existence and restart life in the world.
The frying pan is the ultimate weapon, already seen it in use in ARR.
I wish we had a silly version of the Mandeville weapons. I remember someone saying "imagine if sage's weapons are just a bunch of Hildebrand trophies" and I love that as a concept… Maybe some day
I want joke weapons though, please. At least one stage.
I wonder if they'll tell us if the weapon contest winners will also be implemented in 6.3. Since the game page just announced another design contest
Another monster hunter trial would be cool maybe beviljho or diablos
Divine veil is 100% being changed