6.2 Raid SUCKS? – FFXIV Pandaemonium

Talking about the 6.2 Raid story line, my thoughts (good and bad).

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5 thoughts on “6.2 Raid SUCKS? – FFXIV Pandaemonium”

  1. Well, Lahabrea split off his Emotional Parts, mostly Rage, Temptation, etc. Leaving only the Analytical, Rational Mind. Lack of Emotions results in a kinda frosty approach towards his Son (doesn't excuse it, but helps making sense as to why he acts the way he does concerning Erichthonios). I understood it as him trying to protect Erichthonios from spiralling into a Depression if he found out his Mother, whom he idolized, was actually a monster trying to sacrifice him for, whatever she was after as we'll probably see in the 3rd Part. Thats my personal biggest gripe with the Story: it feels weirdly finished considering there is another 4 Raid Wing coming. But yea, it seems he still loves his Son and tried to protect him in the most "logical" way possible, which evidently didn't quite work out. That being said, considering the logical approach, i do believe that he wants to destroy the Crystal. Something is telling me though that its not gonna work.

  2. I actually felt the same thing about even the msq going into Endwalker. I wasn't a fan of Fandaniel in his SHB iteration. But they proved me super wrong, especially with all the twists. I wouldn't be surprised if the last part of this raid actually bring all the story elements together in a way we did not expect. For me Lahabrea was always the weakest ascian in terms of characterization. His visual glow up was a very nice touch though, and I at least can appreciate it.

    I definitely felt the mother and father were both very cliché. I'm not sure how I'd do it differently. This was supposed to tie a nice bow around some of the reason for him acting semi insane (besides all the body hopping) in ARR, but I would have preferred more of a mind break moment. I did understand how horrified he was of his wife, but we really didn't get to see the build up or even how much he loved her up to that point. It didn't help his characterization was being closed off, and passive.

    Seeing him behave cool and in control during daily interactions with people…then randomly breaking down in solitude would have been felt more believable.

  3. Question, the Elidibus we meet in 6.2 is it the same one in shadowbringers? Has Elidibus said his true name from 2.0 to 6.0? I am not sure if this is the same one we have been dealing with. As you said he is a child in Shadowbringers.


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