5 Subtle Signs it's Time to Change Your FC in FFXIV

Hi Gamers!

Is your FC causing you to lose interest in the game? Are you tired of playing alone but don’t really know what you can do about it? I want to help. I give you 5 ways your FC might be holding you back, and how to approach the idea of moving on.

If you’re looking for a new FC or Community, check out the recruitment pages here: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/

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4 thoughts on “5 Subtle Signs it's Time to Change Your FC in FFXIV”

  1. Being an fc leader for a time tought me both small or large fc's face the same problems you've mentioned. I've found that large fc's can feel more lonely if people rarely login or stopped doing content together. Small fc's can feel lonely too but to a lesser extent. Usally a good fc has a balence of community events, active members, and content.

  2. I don't have an FC. I was invited to the mass FCs, of course, but never joined any of them. So yes, I never had an FC. I did all sorts of content in party finder or duty finder so far. While I added some people to my friendlist, I don't really have any FFXIV friends. I asked my IRL friends, they weren't interested, so I ventured into Eorzea on my own. It was still a great experience, possibly even better than going through the MSQ with friends. That's because they're generally not that invested in the story, which is different for me. I care greatly about the story and FFXIV's is one of my favorite stories, which might have turned out less than ideal for all of us due to our differences.

    That said, what I do have is a group on Playstation that wants to do content together. Not much comes of it, I'm not friends with any of them, and I can count the times we've played together over the last 6 or so months on one hand and when I need players to do content with, the first thing that comes to mind is PF, not this group. This is not an ingame community, though, so I'm not limiting myself in the game by not leaving this group.

    I also am part of the FFXIV community of a few content creators that I can talk to and play together every now and then. It's not an FC and it's also low commitment, but at least there's some familiar faces I can play with if I feel like it instead of only having random players in PF/DF.

    Now, would I want an FC? Maybe. I considered it several times. While I treat FFXIV as a single player game that I occasionally play with others, the community aspect is not lost on me. I'd at least want to try joining an FC once. Given that I treat it as a single player experience that just happens to be online only, I'd need an FC that lets me do my own thing whenever I want and doesn't mind if I disappear to do my own content or play other games for who knows how long, but also would play with me if I want a group. I'd of course try to participate in FC events every now and then, but only if I feel like it.

    Sounds like a mass FC would be best for me to test the waters, they already have enough players and won't miss me if I'm not active.

    Lastly, no idea what it's going to be. Maybe I'll try to convince my friends again to start the free trial or I'll keep going w/o an FC. Or I'll just join one. Will see. No need for me to force it, I'm fine with where I am right now in the game.

    One thing to consider if your FC died: There's a chance you can become leader, meaning you can rename it and have a cool FC tag of your choosing next to your name. So being in a dead FC isn't all bad.

  3. My FC leader has been gone long enough that I am the FC leader now. Activity has dropped off since the end to the expansion. I hope they all come back for dawntrail. At least If for a medium house and a FC bank full of gil out of it.


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