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***Make sure to Follow MTQ Capture, as she makes awesome freaking endgame videos!
Top Endwalker Videos:
1️⃣ (FFXIV Tutorial) Ultimate Controller Guide
2️⃣ (FFXIV Tutorial) How To Make Gil with Retainers!
3️⃣ (FFXIV Guide) How to level up retainers with no gear!?!
4️⃣ Healer Comparison Guide Endwalker
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Tech I use:
🗄 My Favorite Desk: https://amzn.to/2ViEddt
🎙Blue Yeti Microphone: https://amzn.to/2WOAYeq
💡Studio Lights: https://amzn.to/3jiXvYo
⌨Razor Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3lpAcij
🐭Death Adder Mouse:https://amzn.to/3luspQ7
🎧 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3fq3rgR
🚨 LED Color Changing Lights: https://amzn.to/3jiEu8d
Should I play extreme trials? How to prepare for extreme trials? Are extreme trials hard? Does stone,fire, sky help me with savage content? Practice for savage content? Is training dummy good for practice? Do I need to know my rotation for savage content? Gettting into savage content ffxiv, How to start savage raiding in ffxiv, how to prepare for endgame content, preparing for ffxiv endgame, Do i need to meld for endgame content?, ffxiv melding important for endgame, Do I need a static for savage content, ffxiv endgame guide, ffxiv endgame savage, ffxiv endgame content, stone sky sea,
#FFXIV #StefanAshFFXIV #FFXIVExtremeTrials
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But why?
Byakko is the coolest trial imo, still to this day. Objectively its actually very wrong, but I always loved that fight 👌
Hmmm I’m a sprout healer who died in Infrit hard. I’ll pass lol 😂
I loved the immediate jump to reasons with no bs intro ❤️