In todays video I go into detail with tips and tricks (guide) on how to play healer in all content except endgame content in FFXIV / FF14 Online! ESPECIALLY FOR BEGINNERS / NEW PLAYERS This will apply for both endwalker and the upcoming expansion dawntrail!
▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 – Intro
00:05 – Pre-Pull
01:48 – How Much Should I Heal?
02:23 – Basic Heal & Mitigation
05:05 – Mechanic Mitigation
05:54 – Uptime
06:45 – Tank Cooldowns & Invuls
08:32 – Slide Casting
08:56 – Esuna(Cleanse)
09:26 – Rescue
09:46 – Mana Management
10:28 – Outro
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What other tips do you have for our fellow healer mains?
I see my precious Luna Phan in thumbnail I click(Schild yuuki)
WOW thanks, i learned alot from this video, very informative!
Stingcat is back. Insane Video. Thumbnail even better!! Luna Phan Enjoyer!
GCD healing bad
got it
Best regards, Jajadoa
god i wish this toxic healer mental of keep them alive even ifthey stay low would stop no oyu heal to make sure they top 70% hp at best at lowest 50% why would you want ot stress out the tank . such toxicity you are not alive jkeeper but healer the job to heal ppl not let them get low as f.
Preemptively: I don't trust you.
Postemptively: I trust you. I shall be checking out your tank guide.
This tips are mostly needed for people, who will never watch this video ever. Can't count how much hostility I met in this game from sprouts trying to explain since if this stuff. I refuse to walk on eggshells and bother with them anymore.
My advice for new healers;
It's not your job to keep people at full health, it's to keep people alive.
Of course it's good to play safe if you're not confident yet but even in casual content the healers have a responsibility to deal damage. You should be aiming to learn how to deal the most damage while keeping people healthy.
Regen effects are real, let it heal your team if you know there's no damage coming in.
bonus tip for tanks: Arm's Length is mitigation
Using Rescue is a lot like pulling a dog's leash. People will be angry at you unless you do it to save someone's life. But as things are I really do not like chihuahuas. And guess what is the most chihuahua like job? Black Mages. They have a tiny amount of space near them, and if you close in to their personal space they get miffed and start to bark in the VC.
My methods are my own. I suggest none partake in this journey of mine. Tis a lonesome road, but it has to be done to keep the black mages under control. When they have some weirdo runes spinning by their feet (ew disgusting.) I always Rescue them. When asked about it, I always tell them I thought it was an AOE attack and they humbly apologize for getting angry at me. Yeah right you chihuahua. You're a condensed form of anger. There has been thousands of years of inbreeding to turn you into the manifestation of vile hatred. Your words are pestilence. Your actions are war. Your thoughts are famine. Where your feet are is a testament of your eternal conquest. Insatiable.
My friends are now wary of me. Its been since P9S released where I last heard from my static. Unknowing acquaintances within New Gridana are the only who may suffer the machinations of my mind. I only do one MSQ roulette once a week for all who knows my name fear not to associate with this crusade of mine against chihuahua kind. Yet my work is far from done. People have begun to use Surecast knowing it stops my leash yanking. I imagine this as a chihuahua biting down unto a metal pole to stop my righteous leash. Fools all of them. I am not easily fooled. One may envision your Leylines as your home. But for your kind an unmarked grave will suit you just right, chihuahua.
Everything here is great, would recommend -healer main of all 4
Synastry doesn't affect Essential Dignity. Synastry only affects spells and Essential Dignity is an ability.
I wouldn't recommend using regens while running to mob packs. While experienced tanks will be able to deal with it, it might result in some mobs going straight at you. I would prioritize shields. Even regen healers have access to some shields, divine benison for whm, and nocturnal sect from ast. Regens are still great, but i'd recommend waiting for the tank to have all the mobs attention before using them.
A few caveats from myself honestly, I actually disagree with putting regens on tanks during the starting pull in dungeons (This does not apply to raids). They will oftentimes sprint to gather all the mobs up for the aoe damage killzone. Sometimes tanks will miss a mob and your regen tick will just aggro the mobs onto yourself and the tank now has to regrab that mob at the end of his run, or you as a healer have to heal yourself instead of just one target. Slap the regen on after the tank stops moving. I have run into several tanks that will just flat out click off regen immediately if they see it being applied to them at the start of a dungeon pull.
The other thing that really frustrates me when I play as a tank is when the healer is constantly trying to keep tank hp at above 90% at all times in dungeons, this completely invalidates any self healing that the tanks can provide to help with healing themselves, which frees up the healer to deal more aoe dps to kill the mobs faster. Ideally you want to just use only your OGCD' to heal, a good target is when the tank hits below 50% or so then pop them up with an OCGD. (same threshold as Scholar's Exorg ability proc).
Important note for tanks about Sprint: Sprint is mitigation. You heard me. If an enemy's not in range, they're not doing damage. Use Sprint. I'm sick of seeing y'all slow run from trash pack to trash pack.
Tossing Regen pre pull can give you aggro if the tank doesn't aoe right away per pull.
Sorry but… medica 1 should never be used if 2 is an option. Do more damage so they take less damage.