10 FFXIV myths YOU might still believe… BUSTED!

There are plenty of myths and misconceptions surrounding FFXIV that may either stop you from playing, or postpone your adventuring for various reasons. In this video, weโ€™re busting 10 common Final Fantasy XIV myths that may prevent you from fully enjoying your time in Eorzea!

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10 FFXIV myths YOU might still believeโ€ฆ BUSTED!

00:00 FFXIV myths & misconceptions
01:41 10 FFXIV myths โ€“ busted!
06:30 Awesome people!

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4 thoughts on “10 FFXIV myths YOU might still believe… BUSTED!”

  1. a copy of wow my ass it cant be further from that, the MSQ sucks you in slowly but the payoff is way too big to say that. Wow's ''story'' had me engaged as much as a loaf of bread , its fun at the first taste but the flavore gets dull early on if you dont buy teh books.


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