🌱 Psybear Reacts To FFXIV ERP Night Clubs!

Asmongold’s video: https://youtu.be/XUO7dzy-0Wo?si=rb2irvQ9qXDvXtfJ


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4 thoughts on “🌱 Psybear Reacts To FFXIV ERP Night Clubs!”

  1. Not that much into addons myself so talking a bit out of my ass but I assume when they talk about hiring a designer to make the house with addons they aren't talking about any addons that make the house look different. Just stuff that makes placing items easier (less time consuming with all the glitches and whatnot) or makes it so you get to see what it looks like before putting everything together

    The people themselves are probably heavily modded as well but I don't think that's what they were talking about at that point (roughly 13:00)

  2. Clubbing before Endwalker was amazing, especially in the EU servers there where more groups and now its rare you find folks who just talk with you randomly. Now NA is growing with Clubs and more including folks. Lot of things changed and the DJ scene got a bit rough lately, still i'm happy some of the old folks are still in and i love to party with them, even if it got rarer.

  3. The RP Scene has exploded so much in the last year. Especially in the Modding/Plug-in side. The ability to see other people’s modded characters the way they’ve created them was an insane concept when it came to fruition. That’s what the (Mare Lametorum) in peoples Search Info means. A code to trade with one another to reveal their non vanilla selfs.


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