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The Great Witch of Calamity has arrived!
I’m NIJISANJI EN’s/Ethyria’s adorable Millie Parfait!
I’m a witch whose sole purpose is to consume all the food on earth and live a comfortable life while having fun!
Let’s be friends!
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#Millieseconds #Minecraft #MillieParfait
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☀ Let’s have fun together!
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✼ Enna Alouette エナー ・アールウェット
✼ Nina Kosaka 狐坂ニナ
✼ Reimu Endou 霊夢 遠藤
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✼ Overlay: OKUMONO, Hiyori @ Booth
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✼ BGM: Dova Syndrome – mostly
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✼ Fan name: #FaMillie
✼ Livecast: #WitchWatch
✼ Art: #DrawMillie
✼ Memes: #Memillie
✼ NSFW: #CreaMillie
✼ Clippers: Millieseconds
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Glad you get to play FF14 Millie
Thank you for todays stream Millie :3
Thanks for the stream Millie! I know next to nothing with FFXIV but glad to see you having a lot of fun and enjoying the story
Thanks for the stream. It makes me want to play ffxiv again.
Thanks for the stream Millie! Sorry I joined the stream at the last minute I accidentally fell asleep last night lmao. Have a good walk and have a good rest. :3
Glad you had fun playing this! Ngl I never played this because people were so aggressively telling me to play it and honestly that pushed me away from it. Maybe I'll give it a try in the future. Rest up and get that vitamin D! Otsumillie!
Considering this is a long stream, take a long rest as you'll have a long say tomorrow (2 streams).
Also, may I suggest for your next week's schedule, have a day off so you can have a full day's rest or self time? Having a day for yourself increases productivity.
Thanks again for another stream!
Thanks for stream Millie! Was only able to catch parts of the stream but it works out since i still have MSQ to work through. I guess i should touch grass myself first though.
I love seeing the passion for FFXIV from Millie and the FaMillie! See you all on the moon in a few days! 🌚
OtsuMillie! You've been cracking out really long streams consequently, I hope you still have time to rest and work on your future projects! Please avoid the burnout!
Thanks for the stream, Millie!!!👍
TIMESTAMPS (Credits to taggers who helped!)
02:10 KonMillie!
58:27 damn she kinda hot tho
1:03:10 wipe
1:06:50 ruby weapon defeated
1:35:49 i'm not alphinaud
2:52:13 Millie's tour of Ul'dah
2:53:23 "Oh, there's a dead body here, lemme step on it."
2:56:23 Millie suddenly remembers to repair
2:59:04 Pagl'than, first run!
2:59:48 Millie finds the Miqo RDM cute!
3:02:33 "Pew! Pew!"
3:02:51 Pagl'than, first boss
3:03:58 Millie gets the mechanic immediately
3:05:45 Millie gets electrocuted. RDM to the rescue!
3:06:08 First boss down.
3:08:26 Scared by Tiamat's fire breath
3:09:14 Pagl'than, second boss
3:11:30 Second boss destroyed.
3:13:01 Millie is confused about the dragon-riding part
3:15:07 Tiamat vs Lunar Bahamut cutscene
3:15:25 Millie roasts Estinien for being a lazy ass
3:16:19 Pagl'than, final boss
3:19:35 Finana in chat: "Millie is a clicker like me"
3:20:05 Victory!
3:22:18 Millie has ideas for nijiEN Savage raiding
3:24:27 "Oh, no, there's so many monkes!"
3:24:54 the RDM SCed
3:25:45 "Don't be a hero. Just run! Run!"
3:25:58 Millie asks Finana about her character
3:29:38 Millie still can't pronounce Pagl'than
3:30:26 Millie just realizes she leaked her own world/server
3:30:59 "I'll have to transfer servers. Goodbye, house!"
3:31:13 Finana's main is on Crystal, too. "Are you on Balmung? Please say no."
3:31:32 Finana: "GOD NO"
3:31:57 "What's wrong about Balmung? … We don't talk about Balmung in these lands."
3:32:27 Finana: "we dont speak of the quicksands" – Millie: "Exactly."
3:34:44 "[Fordola] changed, though. Forgive and forget."
3:36:12 "Bro… why you gotta drag my name into this argument, I'm just chilling here!"
3:36:33 "Daaaamn. Yeah, tell her. Him. Tell him!"
3:38:23 Millie is more into Fordola's philosophy
3:46:22 Millie likes the ShB story for reminding the WoL to take a rest
3:48:02 Millie still can't get over Nanamo's cake.
3:49:01 "Imagine Nanamo walking in and [me being] like, 'mmm… nice cake.' I'd be imprisoned for treason."
5:08:39 pls be hot pls be hot
5:09:25 judging finana's taste for liking thancred
5:14:40 i'm so sorry he's hot
5:43:59 final cutscene
5:46:25 body hair discussion while battle wages
6:01:11 fandango
6:03:37 Urianger role play
6:06:22 duty failed
6:06:46 solo duty take 2
6:10:59 "I'm sorry for all the things I said to you!"
6:12:14 next primal
6:12:45 <spoiler character> solo fight
6:13:56 duty failed
6:14:47 solo duty take 3 (resumes from Ravana)
6:26:43 shuddup
6:32:24 Credit Roll
6:35:01 "Here comes the boiiii"
6:36:52 after-credits
6:39:56 keeps referring to the towers as 5G towers
6:42:41 "We're going to nerd land!"
6:44:36 "Our best friend!"
6:47:07 "Yes… I would like to eat cheese too" nommin noises
6:49:46 "imma potato"
6:49:56 "IS SHE HOT!?"
6:51:35 Shadowbringers MSQ completed
6:53:08 finds ERP party again
6:55:40 "Oh im floating. WEEEE"
6:59:46 puts us in a cage
7:00:45 Endwalker CG Trailer Start
7:06:35 Millie tearing up from trailer
7:20:47 Wants to do Nijisanji meetup on Crystal
7:23:12 Finana sends DM about going to brothel in FF14
7:26:06 mwah x4
7:27:36 "Go touch grass"
7:28:30 OtsuMillie!
OtsuMillie! only caught up at the last 40 mins of stream. as always feel free to share your favourite timestamps here. nobody was available to tag at the first hour of the stream sorry about that.
I wont be able to watch this VOD for a while, since Im still in STB, but Im happy to see you streaming it. Its a great game and more people need to "discover" it!
I'm way behind on MSQ so I'll be following along once I'm catch up! For now I'll be silently judging your glamour 👀
I can't believe Homeless Millie have a house
always fun seeing people go thru MSQ. Let alone seeing someone on my server
Grats on finishing ShB and into the Endwalker wait mode
Was fun watching you, Millie! Hope you are getting plenty of rest now!
Sadly couldn't catch the livestream but will watch bits and pieces of the vods. Excited to see you stream Endwalkers soon 😊
I know that if I actually play this game it'll suck up all of my free time, but I think I can get away with watching bits of it through a stream.
Milliefell is 10/10 cute lalafell would commend
I couldn't catch the stream, but thank you for streaming FFXIV. I can't wait to catch up
hmm this game never interested me but might try it out
Couldn't stay all the way to the end but I hope it was enjoyable for you to stream XIV for the first time. Also, cute potato!
Fun stream thank you, as always~ I'm tired when it passed 4 hours lmao.. but I really enjoyed it^^💖💖✨
Thank You I Love You Millie Parfait <3 <3 <3