The Worst Parts of FFXIV (And Why They're GONE)

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32 thoughts on “The Worst Parts of FFXIV (And Why They're GONE)”

  1. originally started during Heavensward so I'm glad people are talking about what cross-class skills used to be like

    also remember that time they tried to limit physical ranged DPS by giving them that stance that put cast times on their skills in exchange for damage? the old stance system in general was weiiiird

  2. Unfortunate that customization just doesn't seem to mesh with MMOs

    The more customization matters, the more you're pushed to make the objectively superior choices, even in casual content. The less customization matters the more it just feels like busywork that might as well not be there.

  3. Materia still actively ruin my life every time I queue into something with level sync on BLM because my current set relies a ton on SpS from melds. My GCD in Dead Ends is like 2.43 or something heinous like that. I really don't understand why level sync doesn't at least sync materia down to the corresponding expansion's equivalent rather than just disabling them entirely.

  4. I kind of wish they would separate SCH from ACN and turn it into how future jobs work where after you reach a certain level on any class you can go get the job quest and level it separately. But I guess that would be at the cost of the benefit of leveling two jobs in one go.

  5. 5-7 minutes is blowing it way out of proportion.
    A minute or two for sure (perhaps longer when counting long WAR pull countdown macros) but there's only been edge cases where some fight required you to pop hallowed ground early enough for the CD wait to be this long and invasive; on top of that we usually we had backup strats that didn't require HG for the next few pulls.
    edit: neat, backup strats for no invuln has been brought up

  6. This is going to be controversial, but The Blackest Night. Every other tank has had major reworks to active mitigation and their tools are so crisp and effective, while TBN is in this limbo of being beloved by the community, but a lot wonkier to use than those other tank abilities. I just want either a longer duration on the current effect, or actively-remove/rework it so it doesn't hurt your damage if you don't pop it properly, because nothing feels worse than the WHM using Temperance or something and suddenly you lose a free Edge of Shadow… T_T

  7. Far too many loading screens is the worst for me, along with the lack of chat bubbles. For the former, I know we're stuck with it unless something changes, zones need to be broken up so consoles won't burst into flames while loading them in, but hot damn did Hardcore WoW reignite my need for a truly interconnected world, even with all the teleporting in XIV. With the chat bubbles, it's just plain annoying trying to keep track of who's said what in crowded player hangouts and such. Mostly an RP venue kind of problem, but still.

  8. i gotta say as a vet of FF14 i remember each and everyone of those systems and each one is terrible and im very glad they have been removed from the game. at this point in the game they have done so many QoL changes that most of the things that i wish are removed have been. so at the moment i cant think of anything.

  9. Would be nice if they removed the durability system
    For me it serves no purpose rather than once in a while needing to go to some npc spend a ridiculously small amount of gil, and during most of the msq progression you change equipment so quickly that it never comes close to breaking, but you have to repair the item if you want to put it in the glamour dresser 🫠

  10. I've only been playing since 6.2 so I've missed all of this.
    What I really want is the multiple combo buttons to be removed so it works like Gunbreaker's Gnashing Fang.
    Some will think this is "Just dumbing the game down." but it's the opposite. The real goal of this is to give us more buttons to use.
    If we didn't need combo buttons, as an example, all the tanks would get 3 free buttons for new abilities, with if their single target and aoe combo was just 2 buttons.
    Warrior already has one of these 'extra abilities' in Storm's Eye. Every Martial class could easily have two whole combos of any length all in 2 buttoms instead of 6+
    Think of how many buttons the Dragoon would free up!

  11. Thi is a really stupid thing, but can we PLEASE remove the ''achievements in this area'' popup when you go to new zones? it serves no purpose. Also hats off to the person that said the solution is to clear every achievement as a solution.

  12. Blizz 2 on healer hotbar, gods i miss it so much. Being able to spam dmg aoes as a healer in low LV dungeons felt wonderful.

    The build up to the belt joke was marvelous 😂

    totally forgot about stat swap of SMN/SCH goddamn that was so dumb.

    Stoneskin spells CNJ trait had increased its percentage compared to SCH or AST using it. Same for Protect, CNJ trait adding magic defense buff. SCH & AST using Protect only buffed physical defense.

    I hope 7.0 removes positionals, expansion bosses randomly turn their models to do mechanic often with no warning so you dont have foresigh to use True North prior. It just isnt fun compared to ARR content where bosses often remain stationary compared.


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