​@Desperius FFXIV on when FFXIV macros should be used | Gaming Kinda

​ @Desperius FFXIV on when FFXIV macros should be used | Gaming Kinda
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Desperius video:


24 thoughts on “​@Desperius FFXIV on when FFXIV macros should be used | Gaming Kinda”

  1. Macros in this game just aren't for me (I don't do professions, just combat as a dragoon). Half the time I'm just getting annoyed at the macros I have created-in large part due to certain raids/dungeons having a load which resets my focus target -_- I just do it manually.

    Edit: I take it back, that hotbar macro is the fcking amazing.

  2. I know I have given you crap about this before, but that thumbnail for your profile pic has made me need to say it again. We are related. There is no way we are not. You look so much like me when I was your age, my Brother and Son right now, and my Sperm donor when he was young.

    If your Mom is from Kansas, and her name is Sheila, you and I need to talk, Brother. lol If not, we are Cousins or something. Ya, I know, the net is full of weirdos. I get it. but this is not a joke.

  3. wow i didnt know you can target your focus with a macro. could be useful since sometime si have trouble targeting large mobs if im too close to them

  4. The only macros I use right now are class change macros and crafting macros. The only combat ones I've heard of that sound useful (aside from waypoints and stuff) are ones for targeting skills to make them auto-target, or for things like letting the healer know that you used that tank invulnerability that has to be fully healed. I also know that my friend uses macros for specific ninja mudra combinations.

  5. I have only 2 macros, and 1 is basically copied for 2 purposes. One is a swift cast + rez on every individual party member. The second is for casting a ground target ability at a player. Makes healing and damage circles a lot quicker.

  6. I appreciate the effort to recommend other content creators when it comes to more specialized topics, but I definitely would not recommend Desperius when it comes to learn classes and rotations, Weskalber or the balance discord are much better in that regard. Desperius' videos about classes often have misinformation or lack context whether on purpose or not. His 'power tests' for example do not always abide by what is the optimal opener and rotation for a group environment. Instead, he uses very selfish and often simply wrong openers/rotations while cherrypicking dummy runs which offers a skewed view on a class' real personal dps. Can't speak for other topics of his, but if he is often wrong about classes, then I wonder what else could he be wrong about.

  7. Personally if it doesn't affect your dps negatively, then there's no problem with using it, mainly on controller I think some abilities are acceptable, as long as they are understand on how they're functioned, latency is also an issue so having a bad connection I would probably not recommend certain macros. Personally I dislike that people say "don't use" when people ask about what macros they should use, I think Desperius made a good video on this, as it would answer many FAQs from players regarding macros.

  8. Hey chris I REALLY REALLY REALLY Dnt know how to set up my Macros. I understand their purpose..very cleared alll MSQ and cleared Eden tiers and I think it's time to start preparing for extreme savage and I think macros will help

  9. One my favorite simple macro as a sprout 🌱 tank that I keep on my 1-5 is a macro that selects closest enemy and face target that way on finding an enemy it’s often right in my hitbox on target change. Tabing target not as efficient, but do use to select in between when on target. I macro my Provoke to Party Chat so in cast of far away target Party knows I tagged it. I just use my years of experience of a WoW Tank in how I setup some things but non other my macros are GCD weaved. I have a funny macro for tickling the boss that’s just for humor in a boss fight.

  10. I feel that the FF community is too quick to meet any any question regarding macro's with 'Don't do it.'

    I joined the game during Stormblood and as I leveled I started to wonder about that macro button in the escape menu and how it might be used to help reduce the amount of finger dexterity I needed to pull of combos and move at the same time.

    So of course I googled, and looked at the forms and reddit. What I found at that time, was nothing but negativity. Most questions were immediately met with; 'Just don't use Macros' or 'They will hurt your DPS'. But most of the people saying these things were just parroting what others had said. It was made clear to me that in the FF community macro was a four letter word. Not sure how to spell that with four letters…. but that's what it was.

    The only positive thing to do with macros I could find were a few examples of people using them to turn their excess hotbars into menus. So I adapted that.

    Clearly the most egregious issues with macro's was the wait command and its inability to work with fractions of a second. So instead of having macros trigger a succession of abilities tied to the wait command I instead created multiple hidden hotbars and had my macro's use an ability, then copy in a new hotbar with the next ability in the combo occupying the same spot as the previous one.

    Now the idea was that instead of having one button press trigger the whole combo chain, I would have a succession of button 'presses', using the same button. No need for a wait command. This way I could think less about which button I was pressing during combat, and think more about the fight mechanics.

    But of course this did not work well. What happened was that I would press the button again too soon, while the global cooldown was still in effect, causing the hotbar to swap, without the ability activating. Breaking the combo.

    So I added back in, what I had initially sought to avoid. I put in a wait command. So I had something like this:

    /ac overpower <wait.1>
    /hotbar copy MRD 2 WAR 1
    /micon overpower

    Now as we know, the use of any macro interrupts any active macro wait time. What that means is that if this macro is hit too soon, not only do you still have 1 second before your hotbar changes and moves on to the next step in the combo, but you can keep resetting that 1 second timer by hitting the button repeatedly if you need to. The wait command on its own did not add any time to the point when I could use another global as I was never going to get my global to less then a second any way.

    So you hammer the button as the global is coming to an end, press press press, and as soon as it triggers stop pressing, wait a second, and repeat. This way you can keep your basic combo going while using other things and moving around, without ever having to think about where in the combo you are, and which button you need to press for that.

    You still lose the 0.5 grace period within which you can cue up the next ability so your theoretical DPS potential from triggering an ability a tiny fraction of a second sooner is lower using this method. If your all about pursuing the highest possible DPS in the DPS charts you should 100% not use this method. But if your just trying to play well and enjoy the game. If you dont need to be in the top 1% of all DPSers there is no real harm.

    When I ran comparison tests on a dummy in perfect conditions my DPS loss ranged from 1% to 5%. In an actual fight, unless you are the best of the best in FF that DPS loss could turn into a gain. The less you need to think about which button you are pressing, the more you can think about what is going on, and what you need to do to avoid floor tanking. You will make that DPS back if you spend less time being dead.

    Then there are people with physical disabilities, who, because of arthritis or other impairments simply have a hard time stretching their fingers across the whole range of numbers. Using hotbar switching like this can cut out the need for a fair number of hotbar slots to be accessible.

    So I got my macros set up and turned my one two three and AoE combos on my classes into hotbar switches. Everything worked grate and I felt that it made me personally a better player. Months passed and then I made a mistake.

    Some one on the reddit asked a question about combat macros.

    Now I had already learned that Macro was a four letter word in the FF community. I should have kept mum. But everything had been going so well, and I felt like sharing. So i took the time to write up a complete guide on how to use hotbar switching for combat macros, the costs and benefits and significantly more analysis then I have given hear.

    … so many downvotes…. I put in so much work into providing information and analysis, only to have the conventional wisdom of: 'macros are bad' shoved at me by a whole heep of people who weren't interested in reading anything to the contrary.

    The FF community is generally very nice. But be carful using the word macro. They don't want to hear it.

  11. I disagree with the "never-ever macro your rotation" mentality. In generally, yeah – it's bad, but there are instances where that does not hold up.

    One example I use is to have a fully loaded 'Shake It Off' that I can hit while I'm moving into place before a full raid buster hits. Yes, it takes nearly 5 seconds for it to go fully off so it requires knowing when to hit it ahead of time. But when I am on the move, the chance of me fumble fingering all the skills for its buildup is high. That macro has made the difference in my undermanned team on whether we succeed or wipe a given encounter. But it has never replaced the base skill, un-macroed, on my bar. It's just an extra slot to be used wisely.

    Another (and more important in my book) is trying to work around disability. I have a friend who suffers from MS. He cannot handle all the buttons that are required to play even top level non-EX/Savage casual content, because of his disability, even after extensive surgery. He has hand build some amazing macros to help with his rotations and uses them more as "I hit this and the next skill inline moves into the same slot so I can hit that, wash, rinse, repeat", as opposed to one-button full rotations. But if its the difference between a slower rotation or not being able to play the rotation at all, yeah – go for the slower macro.

    Be smart, be wise. But don't use them to be lazy in battle.

  12. Im not gonna change the combat macros I use, I don't do savage, and nor does it hinder my dps by a measurable amount. Not dealing with trying to figure out when to use Verfire/verstone/jolt, when I can just macro it to 1 button in priority. And I still end up tanking in 24 man raids as a red mage. The dps loss is made up my not having to watch for procs and just going.

  13. I don't get the 1-2-3 combo rotation. Why this button bloat when they could do it just like they already do it in other modes? Because the skill in this is not how well you push these 3 buttons but how well you are able to hit, for example shift+Q, because you had no other choice than to bind the ability there.

    With my summoner I use: 1-2-3-4-5 qerf and SHIFT "-" AND ALT "-" also for potions and sprint I use CTRL and the 9 buttons. … why do I need to do that? I mean I learned to do it, but was that necessary?

    Also – I remember the days I macroed every spell on my caster in TBC with /stopcasting /cast x – with an addon that told me when my spell on the server side went through but on my client I was still in the animation because of ping on my castbar – so with that macro I would stop casting client side but it wouldn't register on the server before the cast went through so I was able to shave 0.1-0.2 seconds of my cast times – that was why I was taken into a progression raid group back than. Good times.

  14. To everybody that says there is no fractional macro you are semi wrong. It exists to the half second, so 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 works, I have tested this many many times and it is still true, it does NOT work to say 2.4 or any other fraction. Given that non-GCD skills are basically half a second then this allows for "insta-rez". This makes it still sub optimal as cast times (and GCD) are usually 2.4 for most skills (less for better stats) but again it does exist.

  15. When I first started playing NIN I made macros for the abilities, because I was having trouble remembering the sequences for each one. But then I realized I was losing time because of the delay between each one getting used in the sequence.

    So I threw out the macros and instead spent some time at a training dummy until I got the sequences of each down and had them memorized. Because you do lose quite a bit of time in that delay, waiting for the next one to go off. You can feel it adding up.


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