Zepla on Savix Stopping FFXIV and Perceived Lack of Content

Link to Savix video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9_cjqwz5Uo

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48 thoughts on “Zepla on Savix Stopping FFXIV and Perceived Lack of Content”

  1. I've been playing FF XIV since late 2020 and i still have so much to do. Do i waste my time some Days by babysitting my Retainers? Yes. Do i still have Fun? Yes. Because al of the sudden, i have bursts of productivity, where i get stuff done. Last Weekend managed to get my Island Sanctuary finally to Level 10, after neglecting it for a few months. Within two days, i made it to 10, maxed out every building and got into Workshop-Plans. Now i'm doing Tribe Quests, just finished my first one, that i started basically early 2021. Started doing raids, even though i'm slow with them. And still, there is so much i haven't even looked at.

    I'm probably the kind of player, that benefits the most from the various content in FF XIV, more so than in any other game i played. FF XIV hits the sweet spot for me to want to try everything eventually (even raidss, something i would never even consider to do in WoW) and hitting the completionist in me and still let's me have days of just playing the marketboard and craft/gather away my hours on other days.

    Heck, i even had to start an Alt because i wanted a house, but on my server there wasn't a chance of getting one. So i started over on one of the new servers. That Alt still needs to do Endwalker and at least level Gatherers and Crafters, so i can decorate my House there without having to buy most stuff.

  2. i mean its a problem like u said u want more stuff to do on the island didnt u have a spread sheet or something like that how to get things the fastest ye u run out the fastest aswell with it
    i mean never really saw the guys content im sure its a blast and he has fun with people and hel prob come back for the story maybe another time wish him the best but saying u run out of stuff to do is a bit silly

  3. WHAT?! No. They broke you. I am sorry for your loss mam. I only hope one day, in the not so distant future, your dream will come back to life. Maybe you meet a young bodybuilder from Honduras that can change you mind about the planet dying.

  4. I think it fine to take a break, if anything that's the best way to not get burnt out, regardless of what you're doing in life.
    That being said, there's a ton of content in the game, and lots of stuff to get done. For instance, I started Bozja/Zadnor last year, but stopped around Rank 15, then I picked it up back again in April got to Rank 21 then stopped, and just last week I picked it up again, and got to Rank 25 & finished The Dalriada.
    All the content will be available even after a break.

  5. In terms of WoW’s 1% drop system vs XIV’s totem system, I can absolutely see the appeal of both. On the one hand, as you said, XIV guarantees a reward for your hard work and anyone who’s farmed for a low drop rate mount or minion is grateful, but at the same time, the feeling you get when you finally get that 1% mount in wow is akin to winning the lottery. It preys on the flood of happy chemicals we get when we win, and makes us addicted.

    I feel like blizzard have just mastered the art of making things addicting enough for players to keep coming back even if the content isn’t even that good. I was absolutely addicted to my once a week mount attempts in WoW even though it wasn’t fun at all.

  6. People that quit ffxiv seem to come up with bs reasons. Until you’re someone that has done EVERYTHING the game has out don’t down talk it. Cause you have not experience the game in it’s entirety. A lot of people still have a ton of quest, mounts,minions,glam, and other things that they don’t have that they could get but instead get lazy and quit and then say the game is boring. People waiting for patches to come out will never truly appreciate a game since all they want to do is just do what’s new and then quit.

  7. It's all context based and relative to each player. Me and my group have played together since heavens ward, and we've done a tone of savage raiding and a subset also doing ultimates. After so many years it just gets stale, we have left for other games and our commitment to FFXIV just will never be the same. And that's perfectly okay, after so many years and tiers doing the same grind over and over again, you just find a stopping point and say I'm done.

    Many in our group have stopped their sub, and most likely will never work on another savage as a whole group again. The memories are dope but what we realized is, we can stay together without needing the game. So we've just moved on, always have the memories but we've gotten what we wanted out of the game.

  8. During Covid I played FF14 like a friggin' religion, I mean day and night, I still play a solid number of hours every single day and man I still have an assload of things to do. I only JUST now started doing deep dungeons, I'd never touched them before and I still haven't done any Savage (because I am a loner). I like lots of other MMOs but there are pretty much none that come close to FF14 (and WoW) for just sheer volume of content.

    Savix just has an extremely narrow field of interest, arena PVP and raiding. That's prefectly reasonable but even WoW can't keep up with that.

    What I will grant is that Criterion Dungeons were not 14's version of mythic+, they are different, which is fine and many people hate the timers of M+ but there is no equivalent of that harder/faster/better/stronger content in FF14.

  9. There is a big difference between "There is no content" and "There is nothing for me to do" Savix is the latter.
    I doubt him and anyone who complained about the supposed lack of content in FFXIV have done
    – Collected every relic weapons for every jobs from ARR to up to date

    – Breed the perfect race chocobo

    – Completed fishing logs
    Those are just my current personal checklist, not to mention other stuffs like DD or hunts.
    It's okay to not like doing any of those and take a break, but don't say there is no content in this game.

  10. Relic quest should have been released at the same time as the first 24 man during the X.1 patches. Anything that requires you to grind away to get stuff needs to be released as soon as possible. Stuff like Palace of the Dead / Heaven on High / Eureka and Bozja needs to be the first thing that comes out in a new expansion cycle, even ahead of the 24 man content. I was so excited for the Endwalker relics to be released to get stuck into content and get grinding with the rest of the community only to find it's almost a year since Endwalker launch and we still do not have the first grind step of relic yet. What the hell are they doing.

    As for actual content, I really really wish the Dev team would just step away from dungeons and just go full on trials. At this point I'm sick to death of expert dungeons. Trials are where the fun in the combat is. Fighting trash is so boring and the majority of people dont want to fight trash they want new bosses.

  11. I'm in the same spot that Savix is in. I have 1010h on Steam + 300-500h or so in normal Launcher and I really love the game for what it is but,

    there just isn't enough competetiv content in FFXIV and there probably wont ever be if they dont start implementing some customization (Skill-Builds for example).
    You can do your Ulitmates/Savages and stuff, and then, for some people it's just over, because it doesn't offer them anything anymore.
    PvP is and will always be shit (in a grindable competetiv pov) in FFXIV because of the fighting system (the "lag" and the limited or non existent customization) it feels more like a minigame than a mode that is there to keep you playing,
    Potd and Hoh is very niche content, and Crafting/Gathering is also content that many people find boring no matter how deep the systems are.

    The game is extremly fun when you are doing new content, but then gets really boring because you cant change anything in your build or get new stuff (item effects) that does anything.
    Because of the non existent customization the game is pretty balanced, but in the long run, really boring.
    It is just too safe.
    This is not really an MMORPG game anymore in my eyes, because MMORPG games should offer atleast some customization for your character (visual not included), it feels more like an
    MMO Action Adventure Story game.
    When the patch progresses and you finish the Story and trials/raids that got released it transforms more and more to a game like Second Life where everything you do is socializing because you have nothing to gain or try out anymore.

  12. I like Savix and I kinda loved his journey. I think it’s okay to put this game down. I’m still confused why people feel the need to say they aren’t playing? Why do these videos happen?

  13. Wasn’t completing the content, taking a break and then returning at any time one of the selling points of ffxiv? Why are people upset about folks completing the content they care about and then trying other games

  14. There's a ton of content on XIV…but it's not RAID! Froths from mouth You can build your own island, play a bastardized job that should be a real job, but ended up being a fun mini game anyways, gamble in the gold saucer, and a bunch of casual mine craft lite content. But for RAID! BIG NUMBER EVEN THE HEALER DPS RAIDE!!! Yeah there's not much.

  15. Lots of these guys just seem to burn out without realizing it. FF has plenty of content that is pretty well hidden (lots of people actually miss out on the school stuff in Ishgard). In my case I have been focusing on Eureka, leather crafting, and PVP casual CC. There are plenty of times where I just go weeks without even playing, but then I pick it back up when I get the urge.

  16. That little bit more quickly becomes the unattainable for those who can't play for their day job. If everything has relic grind style rewards, it would be overwhelming. I think FFXIV is already in that middle ground.

  17. I love the way FF XIV handles content, it gives me time to enjoy other games, and i haven't ever needed to quit XIV for anything else. i have had an active sub since ARR launched and can jump back in anytime i ever wanted to.

  18. yes we rly need wow's collection system. it opens up for a whole new lvl of endgame. you cannot rly be a glam collector in ff and go for all the things, you just cant because you are limited by the glam chest and inventory space. where in wow. u can basicly collect every single item in the game and have it in a catalog for future "glam" (Transmog). i rly hope they can make that happen in FF. would be fun to start collecting every piece of glam in the game.

  19. Seems like it just comes down to the types of content. Like FF does have a fair amount of stuff to do that is optional time sinks but if that stuff doesn't appeal to you? All good. Same with WoW. Personally if I had more time I wouldn't mind hopping between the games because I do miss Azeroth sometimes.

  20. I've said it a long time but XIV has width rather than depth. For completionists, XIV is a game you'll never run out of stuff to do. For people who are only interested in specific things in XIV, you'll run out of things to do very quickly

  21. Endwalker's release was a perfect size of content. By the end I felt like I had played a full game.

    So far the patches have all been really enjoyable, but it doesn't feel complete. I think the game would feel better if i waited for all the patches to drop first. Just do the base expansion and then one month before the next expansion.

  22. One point that I feel a lot of FFXIV players don't get is that it's true that FFXIV has quite a bit of a backlog of things, but the community's perception of old content also plays a factor into things.

    For example. Something big I liked doing with my static was min ilvl fights. I wanted to go through (at least all the Shadowbringers) fights that people who just started couldn't do because they played later. Because the community sees that as old content, it takes a tremendously long time to fill parties with even 2 or 3 more players to do it, and sometimes when it does fill, people say "why not just do it unsynced?" And leave. Yes I used the discord for that content and it wasn't lively either.

    Another thing; Bozja, Eureka and Rival Wings suffer from their hard content being an exclusive amount of people that meet up at a time that doesn't always line up with your schedule/you can't take at your own pace. The 24 man savage raids are extremely hard to fill without community discords, they have set inflexible times, and if you take a bit longer to learn or it doesn't line up with your schedule that day you might get kicked. If you're trying to queue for rival wings, good luck queuing outside of the hours the pvp discord says to queue.

    So when we say a lack of content is in the game, being crystal clear, there is a lack of content that the community actually wants to do, which makes it significantly harder for solo players or impartial statics to go after rather than the fact that it doesn't exist. Which makes it feel like savage/current ex, the stuff that everyone is actually doing, is very few and far in between.

    I might add, this tends to be harder content, but this makes things like Bozja, Eureka, Heaven on High and soon I bet Criterion content and any other challenging content harder to do if it isn't current expansion.

  23. I think XIV has a ton of stuff you can do if you are one of those players that levels everything. As someone who just picks and chooses a few classes (and for those that have already 90'd everything, meaning to me they already got quite a bit of gametime) I am also on a "maintenance mode" as I decided really only to gear my main class rather than struggle to gear multiple roles given the gearscore is just going to go up in a couple months. Using this time to enjoy other hobbies so can appreciate free time being built in.

  24. I hope Blizzard and Square Enix can do something to make dungeon content more rewarding. High M+ keys have the same issue as criterion and criterion savage. The rewards are just lackluster, which causes people not to push higher than a +15. They make some adjustments in Dragonflight where dungeons drop high ilvl loot up to +20 but I doubt that it will help because a large part of the BiS gear comes from raids. Especially weapons and trinkets. I would go even that far and say dungeons should have some way to target loot. Doing the same M+ dungeon over 40 times just for a single BiS piece isn't fun.

  25. I have been playing for almost a year and a half now, have around 1500 hrs, and I have been purposefully staggering out content so I won't run out of stuff to do. It took me from July to the end of February to go from ARR to finishing EW because I wanted to make sure I wasn't rushing through it. And that was just the MSQ, I completely ignored most of the side stuff so I could solely focus on the story. I've taken a way more casual approach to the game in the last few months because of my job, but it's comforting to know that when I do have more time to put into the game, it'll be my oyster. The crazy part is, I don't FEEL like I haven't unlocked that much stuff. I have three anima weapons, have spent many hours in bozja cluster farming and progressing on my resistance weapon, have beaten the first panda savage tier, started progging DSR, run treasure maps of all levels regularly, craft and gather, and I just got a medium house, which is a whole other project in itself learning all of the glitches I can do (and earning my money back…). I'd say I'm worried for the day I do run out of stuff to do, but at this rate I don't think that's gonna happen for a long time. I hope I can still be actively playing this game years and years from now like Zepla 🙂

  26. Lmao how long have I been saying that FFXIV is dead 
.. here we are with another stack of comments about content lol y’all don’t listen that game they release content that is 1-2 months long than goes on a extremely long hiatus status rinse repeat done supporting that long time ago you did yourself a favor trust me do y’all know how much money they rack in monthly from subscriptions and just ppl buying fantasias or name
    Changes like BRUH there’s no way they don’t have the funds to keep releasing content

  27. There's a shitload of content in FFXIV. It may not be content you want to do, but you can't tell me you've done everything. The best part of these videos is a couple of months from now when new patches come out and they're playing again.

  28. I don't understand the purpose to upload a video about quitting a game. Last year, everybody was talking about how bad Blizz was (the truth) and how finished WoW was, and now they are all doing as nothing was said by them before and published videos about why they quit FFXIV.
    I mean when Mizzteq will say she is fed up of the game, it is an event but most of the other streamers just went on the cash train to boost their channel audience (which is understandable). It is ok to play other games too. I don't see the issue or the importance of talking about some gamers doing a pause from a game (and I like Savix so it is not a critic of him at all but a general "do we really care?" statement).

  29. I came from WoW 1 year ago. I still have tons of things to do. Still so many things to do, that its overwhelming really. What It turns me off in FF14 (other than stylistically its not my favorite to be so sweet kittys and and bunnys,although Im used to it and i am ok with it). What I can't past over is the server delay that cause a clanky,laggy non smooth combat experience. It's the main reason i will quit at some point and the reason I haven't dive in on harder content like savage's and so on. It's ok for my casual rullete raids/dungeons and casually pvp but on the long(er) run to make a really hard content and the server Not registering my actions properly is something I do not like. I like to be able to react on something i see and avoid it not all the time the need to memorize the strat and the need to remember at every part of the fight to position proactively in the right place. That is mainly because the system and the strategies of the fights are builded around the server delays and the very few server ticks. at pvp can be even more frustrating even though the crystaline conflict is really fun but you can notice the problem even farther. Other issues are the very dated UI and the missing basic infos and QoL's that even the plugins cannot fix entirely… and ofc a game with so many and beautiful glamours that they give on almost every tiny patch the whole glamour system and its limitations is awful and almost a deal breaker as well…but ofc for the really long run the server delay is what it gonna kill it for me… I loged to WoW the last weekend just to hit a few dummies and some random mobs just to feel the smoothness and responsiveness of the combat.also I casted and moved just to cancel my cast… it was canceled instantly,amazing respond It was so satisfying!!!! So much i had to log out and uninstall it immiedietly cause i have sworn i will not play it again :p As a Casual and not competitive player FF14 is my home my ankor (like it was WoW sinse vanilla) even though I will try a few other games. (like with wow).. always i will return home. And ff14 its so much friendly to the casual player and has far far far more things to do as a casual even if its only a tiny side story or a mini game or just rpfun in a city dancing with strangers… WoW has only its stupid competive and thus toxic content that is mythic+ and raids and they focus only on that as a company promoting that content and behaviour and neglecting all the side fun things one can do. and even if they have some things noone bother with it anyways… so FF14 at this time is more appealing to me. no rush,just enjoying everyday something else. Just please older players and content creators ask Yoshi to fix those server delays… it should not be a big issue anymore,now that the support of ps3 is no more.. they just haven't bother with it yet.. they should start care…

  30. The ff comunity are such drama queens. You dont need to make a video explaining why you arent playing a game. Its not deep its not philosophical you just dont feel like playing, thats it, thats all and making these statements is just being like "oh hey look at me pay attention me look look look" its sad. Pathetic. And annoying. Just play whatever and stop making big deals about whT game you do and dont play like holy fuck you nerds

  31. I can feel all that. I'm a long time player of FFXIV and instead of getting totally burnt out on the content, I just now log in to check retainers and do the cactpot and I have been trying New World. Doesn't mean I'm forsaking FFXIV…I'm still paying my sub and everything…..just need a change until next patch.

  32. Why are MMO players so obsessed with what everyone else is playing? Even you Zepla feel the need to announce what you are and are not doing. It's so tiresome. Just enjoy a game and stop playing if you're not, simple as. The posturing is exhausting.

  33. Don't care, didn't watch Savix anyway!

    Played FF11 and now FF14 for 6 years and have never ran out of things to do….haven't even stepped in Eureka yet. Cant watch to the end, sounds like sour grapes and moaning

  34. The drip feeding of content has killed the game for me
    I’ll watch a LL and realise the content I actually want is in X.5 which is a whole 2 months after the X patch is released

    I gives the illusion that the X patch is a substantial content drop

  35. I recently picked up Guild Wars 2 (which is free and doesn't require a sub) and they have this map exploration/rewards for completing it and that's super fun imo

  36. but the game do lack a lot i had high expectation that criterion would revitalize the game and here i was so disapointed about it,a new potd?just the general stuff in 6.3 isnt cutting it anymore…game is good but god they need to take more risk(i play since 1.0 beta)so i dont want toxic positivist giving me their crap,been there done that


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