Zepla: “FFXIV Dawntrail is a 4/10” | Alpaca Reacts

ORIGINAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/a1bcp-rjOBo?si=3k6VVs0Q-Ujf1ASw

Zepla reviewed Dawntrail and gave it a 4/10. Do you agree? Let me know in the comments below.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail[a] is the fifth expansion pack to Final Fantasy XIV, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix for Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. It was released on July 2, 2024, over two years after Endwalker, the previous expansion.[2] Like its predecessors, Naoki Yoshida served as director and producer and Masayoshi Soken composed the soundtrack. The expansion pack will be released as a standalone product for current players; for new players, the “Complete Edition” that originally launched with Heavensward was updated to include all expansions including Dawntrail.

In Dawntrail, players travel to Tural, a continent across the sea, to participate in a rite of succession to determine the next leader of Tuliyollal. They will serve as champion for Wuk Lamat, one of the current leader’s children. They are joined by allies from Eorzea who support different candidates. After the climactic events of Endwalker, Dawntrail was designed as a “summer vacation” for the player’s character, the Warrior of Light. In addition to adding new areas, the expansion pack increased the level cap, debuted two character classes and a new playable race, and initiated the game’s first major graphical overhaul since its relaunch in 2013.

At launch, Dawntrail received generally positive reviews, though it was notably not as well received as its widely acclaimed previous expansions, Shadowbringers and Endwalker.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail[a] is the fifth expansion pack to Final Fantasy XIV, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix for Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. It was released on July 2, 2024, over two years after Endwalker, the previous expansion.[2] Like its predecessors, Naoki Yoshida served as director and producer and Masayoshi Soken composed the soundtrack. The expansion pack will be released as a standalone product for current players; for new players, the “Complete Edition” that originally launched with Heavensward was updated to include all expansions including Dawntrail.

In Dawntrail, players travel to Tural, a continent across the sea, to participate in a rite of succession to determine the next leader of Tuliyollal. They will serve as champion for Wuk Lamat, one of the current leader’s children. They are joined by allies from Eorzea who support different candidates. After the climactic events of Endwalker, Dawntrail was designed as a “summer vacation” for the player’s character, the Warrior of Light. In addition to adding new areas, the expansion pack increased the level cap, debuted two character classes and a new playable race, and initiated the game’s first major graphical overhaul since its relaunch in 2013.

At launch, Dawntrail received generally positive reviews, though it was notably not as well received as its widely acclaimed previous expansions, Shadowbringers and Endwalker.


40 thoughts on “Zepla: “FFXIV Dawntrail is a 4/10” | Alpaca Reacts”

  1. Zepla has been making negative videos since she found out that grifting off the game is more profitable than playing it.
    That being said, everything she said here is valid and the community agrees. This might be the most definitive breakdown of why DT failed and I'm glad she made it because there's a higher chance that Yoshi-P sees it.

  2. Zepla hasn't enjoyed FFXIV for a long time now and I wish she'd just quit playing. Instead she pops back into the community every now & then just to take a big steamy dump on the game, then goes back to playing genshin or wow. I was wondering why all of a sudden reddit was brigaded with negative threads, now I know why. SE and Internet sheeple need to realize that Zepla is no longer a FFXIV content creator.

  3. All right, this is like my 10th time trying to redact this opinion, so I'll go for a direct opinion right now…

    I'm Latinamerican and live literally in Mexico, joined in Endwalker, love it music, world building, my character, my FC (I'm actually an FC leader)… Love FF XIV in general… But Dawntrail makes me feel so angry, hate it and I'm jailed with it for the next months ahead… So, Zepla may sound extremist (because she is kind of), but her points were valid and I… Hating the expansion for completely diferent reasons I still consider it a pretty bad product, potential waste and a break in my heart… SPECIALLY related to the New World…

    P.D. I still am playing and will continue playing but since Dawntrail arrived… Believe me I don't enjoy my gameplay as I used to… But STILL will support this game… Month… By month… Even in this state…

  4. There’s so much to Dawntrail apart from the story. It really doesn’t matter that much. FFXIV is an MMO, made for interacting with other plays. Yes story is a part but it is an extremely small part.

  5. MSQ has been shit since endwalker patches… who ever is writing now is shit and can't even do the basics of good story telling. The 7.1 Story was so bad it's funny, all the new characters are pointless, i don't care what happens to the stupid Mamool Ja Kid, it's the annoying ass Kobold kid again , who cares fk off. Everything they set up for the post story is boring, i just hope It's over quickly because of the bad feedback and they get their shit together for 8.0 or I'm done for good. Because bad MSQ plus formulaic content makes the game pointless… Everything they will add until 8.0 is already boring because they already did it before. Another deep dungeon or fate farm zone, oh wow how creative, everything is the same, a boss in a floating arena, sometimes connected by tunnels with 2 mob packs, sometimes with 4 ppl or sometimes with 8 that's it… Unless they start to get creative, the game will have a big fall off because ppl finally peaked behind the curtain and are starting to complain that they stick to the formula so much that you can even predict what's coming in the patches…

  6. I agree with every point she made.

    In my eyes the ffxiv's peak was during SHB… the expansion was great even after the msq.

    EW story was really solid but they fucked up the additional content

    DT outside of the few dungeons is a complete failure. The story is boring and it failed to get people excited about the new story beginning

  7. Hey there everybody… this is Wuk, from Fantasies!

    My favorite things are… Light to Heavy Axe Swing, Hunting, Water without any ice, Alpacas, the latest season of The Jecht Shot… Talk no Jutsu! aaaannd Dirt!

    See you in Fantasies Dawntrail!

  8. People say she’s “grifting” but I’ve heard more than a dozen smaller YouTubers analyzing DT and shitting on it too. I have not seen a single video deep diving into DT to argue it’s actually good. Its bad. We criticize it because we love the game and its legacy, not because we secretly want it to fail.

  9. The lack of voice acting was one of the most annoying things to me. Especially when the game cuts into a cinematic camera way. The game use to indicate that, thats when you could sit back and just watch, and so many times did this expansion fool me lol.

  10. Storywise it doesn't make sense for Krile to be a picto. They just slapped the job on her to give her something to do. Krile should be a healer. Alphinaud would have been a better choice for picto since he does sketch several times throughout the story.

    Also there is no explanation as to why Krile chooses picto.

    They just insert things they want in the game with less and less effort to attempt to make them make sense with the rest of the world. There is no care for substance or cohesiveness anymore, DTier writing and dialogue.

  11. This maybe a hot take but I notice after zepla group disbanned during DSR prog back during 6.1 she got an ego check and has been hating the game from then I dont think she a bad person but she went from dick riding to hate quickly its whiplash

  12. Ffxiv has released the exact same content on the exact same release schedule for like 6 years straight. How can you defend that? They take zero risks. The newest content ive seen is chaotic and thats only good because osma is a god at raid design. When wow released dragonflight there was so much new to try. Meanwhile ffxiv releases a msq, two trials, and role quests…. are you kidding me???? Its boring same content always they never release new content. Wow even did a battle royal thats so cool! Ffxiv has lost my respect for innovating mmo content. They lost the plot taking no risks.

  13. Baldur's Gate 3 isn't an mmo. It can make a lot of design choices FFXIV can't because it's primarily single-player with a much smaller scale. I agree FFXIV needs change here and there, but it's better off learning from GW2 or WoW, games that function similar to it, than BG3

  14. MSQ for Dawntrail just sucked a 4 out of 10.

    Riddled with bad writing throughout the entire expansion if you pay attention. Abd the villians were all terrible, especially Queen Sphene.

    All the scions and player character were sidelined for Wuk Lamat. Not to drag this out, she is basically Rey from the god awful star wars trilogy. Interms of her writing throughout the story. She starts off endearing begore becoming insufferable before the end.

  15. If the developers take this criticism seriously and make changes for the better in the next expansion, then I will come back to the game. I’m glad I didn’t play Dawntrail as it would have been very disappointing for me coming off of Endwalker, which was one if not my favorite expansion. And sort of in jest I say they give all players a free Dawntrail msq skip

  16. I play FF14 since the beginning and each time i made an additional character, for various reasons, I discovered something I missed in the story and never felt compelled to skip cutscenes and dialogues. In DT instead I started skipping becasue they repeat every concept over and over again that even skipping i get all the same information I could have gotten going through everything.
    It is so dissappointing that most of my time is now invested in old contents i did not complete and rush through the new part that should have been the most exciting to deal with.
    And anyway even if the story was always a railroad with a fake sense of having choices the story was engaging and interesting this new story is boring, slow, childish and preaching and the feeling of being forced is so strong that you always feel you want to drop it and do other things anyway Wuk Lamat can sort it with or without the players. This is a game not a movie so meaningful interaction is required and expected and this interaction is totally missing.


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