Yoshi-P thanked Asmongold's contribution to FFXIV

Asmongold Clips / Asmongold Reacts To: FFXIV’s Yoshi-P didn’t forget about Asmongold

On this Asmongold Youtube Channel You will never quit finding all the funny Asmongold Moments with Mcconnell and best Asmongold Highlights from gameplay of the most popular MMORPGs: like Blizzard’s World of Warcraft (WoW Dragonflight & Classic WoW), the Korean MMO Lost Ark (로스트아크), the record breaking Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) and many other popular games like Elden Ring (the first open world Dark Souls game). Also Asmongold Reacts to a lot of content, especially Asmongold Reaction to Speedrun of games, but some of the most interesting creators he really likes to watch include Madseasonshow, Bellular, Internet Historian, Josh Strife Hayes, Zepla, Barny64 and many many more. Some of the most popular content from Asmon also includes his “The True Story of Asmongold” videos, Zackrawrr tree house videos, the legendary WoW Transmog Competition and Mount Off competition, Ban Appeals, Media Share streams, Reddit Recap Reactions and much more.

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50 thoughts on “Yoshi-P thanked Asmongold's contribution to FFXIV”

  1. Of Course he is thanking you, because you betrayed wow and fuxing sold yourself out to the competition. Well done you rich ass traitor. But you are dead to me Asmon. F U FoR The Horde you Rat!

  2. The kind community … I have been harassed in 14 way more than I have in wow I been kicked from groups because real word stuff happens and I have to attend to it such as my dog throwing up ya I stayed and healed butt in between heals I would be cleaning puke and they said healer help aoe mobs and I told them dog threw up nty im not just going to let it sit there. tank refused to pull and all of them kept calling me a baby and a loser and to just kill my dog so it doesnt do that again…. Meanwhile I wow I got a dont worry about it take all the time you need I hope your dog is ok. ….

    Tldr ff14 wants me to kill my dog while wow wants my dog to get better.

  3. From FFXIV devs he get Respect and gratitude. Blizzard on the other hand call it an asshole , spit on him as much as they can whan asked about and kill his character every-time he highlight flaws of the game on stream… They don't even realize how much of a good windows about JP vs US attitude over customers care it show. Blizzard as always doing their thing no matter what, as long as money flow.

  4. Matt from Bellular the unsung hero, I'm 99% sure it was Asmon watching clips from Bell and Matt's streams where they talked a lot about FF14 a lot that pushed him over the edge to finally try what he'd previously considered just the "weeb game." Matt is also the one responsible for my joining FF14 too.

  5. Many people were at a breaking point and trying ff14 months before Asmon, and many more were on the fence. Asmon kinda pushed that proverbial ball over the edge of the hill but it was primed to start rolling before then.

  6. Lost count of how many times I tried to get into XIV and just wasn't feeling it. But Asmon finally taking that step and watching those streams, figure I try one last time. And this is the most I've ever played and longest I've kept my sub. I don't find myself slowing down anytime soon and I missed getting this lost in an mmo.

  7. We haven’t seen the full potential of ffxiv yet there’s big changes coming in the future including the graphics overall I’m fully confident in yoshi p and his team.

  8. I'm glad that people enjoy FF14. Personally, I prefer the singe player experience like 15 since I devote my time to WoW and Warzone as it is so I have no further interest in maining another MMORPG at the moment. Each game is good in their respective rights and as long as either party does not reveal their hypocrite feelings on the table and leave their personal issues out of it, I'm okay with how things are. I want both games to succeed.

  9. I was on the free trial a few months before this all went down. In most groups I would be the only sprout. It was fun but felt very quiet at times (outside of limsa). Real life happened and I let it go.
    There was a notable difference in que times and players I would meet after Asmongold started playing. It reignited my interest in the game.

  10. Asmon lights up a little flame whenever he streams a game, then his community makes it a big fucking fire….

    In my case I bought Vampire Hunters for my friends and I, stopped playing FFXIV years ago, but Asmon got me addicted to it now

    I mean, no wonder he's waiting for Mihoyo to sponsor him and play Genshin Impact

  11. I started playing FFXIV a week or two before Asmon started but it became pretty clear that a large debt is owed to Asmon by FFXIV staff. He infused a whole lot of interest in the game.

  12. You can really see the difference between WOW and FFXIV. In once case you have the entire team just hating on you and calling you sexist and other kinds of bullshit while having an agenda.

    Then you have the other case where they are just very accepting even very thankful that Asmon even played their game, even saying that Asmon is a part of the success of the game.

  13. Yep, I saw it as a "weeb" game too, but after him talking to Xepla who is just SO infectious about her passion for FFXIV, and then him trying it out, I gave it a try and really enjoy it. Unfortunately right now, due to where I had to move recently because of a house fire, the internet is hot garbage and I can't play any MMOs right now. But as soon as we get better internet whether that's better net coming to us or me going to it, I'll be back on FFXIV as soon as I can be!

  14. It wasn't really just about being the loudest, a lot of it also has to do with how much Asmongold loves wow and lack of interest in ff14. The fact that he was singing praises about ff14 had a bigger impact due to where his opinion started.

  15. I also started ffxiv after watching Asmon, his storytelling and adding enjoyment even most dullest moments were so good that it rekindled my adventurer spirit. I'm over 3.5k hours on ffxiv now and met many precious friends and got so many unforgetable memories which tbf i thought it was impossible after WoW. Also after seeing my become an addict for a mmo again, 3 of my old WoW buddies which i met in irl and still in touch also started to game, needless to say we form a lala squad and terrorized many people with "Wah!" attack or full bunny-tuxedo coke seller rp. Life is good, thanks Asmon.

  16. Anyone else wonder why Asmon (even in the full vod) never mentioned Rich again after his name in the article? I personally think it has to do with asmon and mizkif being close, and rich getting outed for doing stuff with Emily (Miz’s sister) in the lie detector video mix uploaded a few weeks back. he was very obviously upset the remainder of the video, and I think it created a rift between miz and rich, and miz and asmon being the main people in OTK may be distancing themselves to be able to let Rich walk later.

  17. I wasn't even an Asmon viewer and he got me playing FFXIV. Everybody was losing their collective s— over Asmon playing FF, so I looked up some clips to witness the insane view numbers and watch how hilarious his reception was. Now, nearly a year later, I'm a regular FFXIV player and Asmon viewer.


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