YOSHI-P RESPONDED | Zepla covers STALKER PLUGIN News [Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail]


0:00:00 – Background
0:04:03 – Yoshi-P’s Response
0:08:48 – Why is that not enough
0:24:05 – EN Forum posts
1:07:57 – Reddit post from 7 months ago
1:18:08 – JP Forum posts
1:34:32 – Reddit discussion

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


46 thoughts on “YOSHI-P RESPONDED | Zepla covers STALKER PLUGIN News [Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail]”

  1. Yeah saying "Plz don't use these things" Doesn't do anything. You can have your info scrapped even if you play vanilla and on console. The plugin does not need you to use it to get your info so saying "Just don't use it" Is a terrible stance. It reeks of tone deaf pr speech and no actual genuine interest or concern for our safety. They opened the door with DT with this feature and there are sure to be better ways to do it without putting our into our unencrypted for all to see. If this is their stance on things forever than things will only get worse and the game won't last. If they can't even put money into account security how can we expect anything out of them?

  2. Either all mods are gone or they do nothing and we have to simply deal with it. If they seek legal action for one mod, they would have to for all mods in the US or court cases can point to leniency in other cases that also violate the tos. It's a lose lose.

    Also the community has to look at itself. Toxic positivity and fake nice breeds shit like stalking, because sneaker minded people thrive. Openly hostile communities shut these people out naturally because they don't like confrontation and everyone will just call them out as creepy losers. This is why FF14 has more stalkers than wow and that's probably not going to change as long as it's a hug box with open hypersexuality in every social aspect of the game.

  3. I will rephrase my comment from the last video. Ever wondered why Limsa Lominsa is a ghost-town after an update? Because people refuse to play when their mods are unavailable. Player population after an update where mods are unavailable is basically a simulation of a dead FFXIV.

  4. Why don't they just encrypt account IDs from not being found out and stuff? I don't know much about coding etc. but it seems like they could do more than just say please don't? This is ridiculous.

  5. 1:31:35 I think it's possible reducing the visibility of the reply by not posting on the lodestone means they won't panic people who don't already know or alert new bad actors into copying the technology while they attempt to fix it. At least I hope they plan to fix it.

  6. in the classic eyes of the JP law, legal action resolved it. sadly, its going to have to get to the point that account login security becomes fully absent on the game client before they take action, and only after GM accounts get compromized

  7. I did have the suspicion that the game is on such a skeleton crew level at this point that their programmers are below undergrad level. They absolutely cannot avoid rebuilding the engine into a workable state and keep regurgitating the spaghetti code excuse. It's been over a fucking decade already, that's several iterations of Visual Studio for crying out loud.

  8. it is seriously nuclear cat and mouse time, some hacktivist highjack the dalamud code, lace it with account stealing malware, and PUSH it and keep it up until it forces SE's hands, its not worth saving mods and parsing anymore

  9. "The only way to fix this is to stop people from using penumbra and other plug-ins." Not true.

    Literally they just need to change the way blacklist works so the information is encrypted and incapable of being retrieved client-side. It's that simple. Let's be real, a LOT of people use mods. While their official stance is "don't", they're not going to use something like anti-cheat because they would start hemorraging players, and TBH, it would be a real shame because FRANKLY, player mods have fixed a LOT of issues that the dev team cant or wont. Including key accessibility features. So something like "anti-cheat" would be horrible for the game. All they need to do is change the way the internal account ID works so that the information can't be scraped through 3rd party tools.

  10. I honestly fear the day that they do go the anti cheat route. Purely for selfish reasons, I don't even use mods. But I do plan on switching to linux once I upgrade my pc and a lot of anti cheat software just straight up doesn't work on linux, like I can't play games like league or val (not a big loss imo) because of the kernel level anti cheat they use. Also I'm against kernel level anti cheat just in general. So that would actually be the "quit" moment for me, even as a vanilla/non mod user.

  11. This entire statement from Yoshi-P is just a giant pile of nothing. In fact it's pretty much completely worthless and ONLY really seems to be there because this issue was gaining traction on the JP forums and the shareholders probably asked them what's going on so he HAD to say something.

    Ultimately this is a issue with FF14 blacklist. No amount of banning 3rd party mods is going to change how it is currently implemented since even if they do get this mod "removed", someone else will just make another one, that does the exact same thing, and the cycle begins anew.

    If Yoshi-P and the Devs want this issue solved, they have to actually solve it themselves and fix how the blacklist interacts with the data, but given how the statement is worded, it really does seem like they might genuinely believe it's ONLY the 3rd party programs fault this issue is happening, and because of that I am honestly really not expecting much of anything besides just the ol "3rd party bad, don't use them" word vomit and then they leave it at that and do absolutely nothing because they don't want to admit they just fucked up with how they implemented the system.

  12. i wonder if there are a higher population of stalkers caused from ERP fun, that gets too real? In combination with discord connectivity. I have seen people not be able to see the difference in IRL and RP.
    That said i 100% agree that the root cause needs to be addressed and not the synptoms.

  13. The longer I've played the game and known all it's technical issues, the more I wonder just how TRULY cursed/radioactive is the code base, how did they even managed to do it, the amount of "tech debt" is insane, and I'm sure this is one sympton of it. The devs absolutely cooked the most technically awful dish.

  14. I'm no expert, but I'm not sure this violates eu privacy laws because it only reveals in game data… not personal identifiable data, unless you were dumb enough to use your real name as your account id.
    If you could access email, phone, name, address, etc. That would be a totally different scenario.

  15. あらゆるアドオンが飛び交うwowの状況を考慮すると、スクウェア·エニックスのセキュリティレベルがいかにゴミであるかが分かる w

  16. What I see is them undoing the black list change. They have given their game completely to modders. It is insane the amount of players that use third party tools despite it being against their TOU. I remember in 2.0 I always used ACT having come from EQ and was told constantly that it would get me banned eventually. I figured I would play until I got banned for using ACT. Here we are almost 12 years later and I am still playing ff14, albeit on and off.

  17. Hello Zepla 👋 Sadly, FFXIV isn't the first MMO that has had this problem. Developer's of the game usually do nothing until they notice players leaving the game. Might be time to think of playing another game that actually cares about their players & responds to them. I've had to do that a few times the past 2 Decades when a game became very toxic. I was angry & sad, but sometimes I found I enjoyed the game I moved to as much or more. Such as moving to Black Desert & Path of Exile, for example. A game I have played for a few years has been getting very toxic recently & I will dump it (Star Trek Fleet Command). Thankfully, I now have Path of Exile 2 to move too. I only have a certain number of hours in a day to enjoy my game time. I see it as them making it easy for me to start a new game. 😏👍

  18. This is bad leadership, whether it's the development team or the squeenix heads. They've fucked themselves by acknowledging this mod. Just because they address and place the responsibility on the player doesn't absolve them of liability or responsibility for enabling it in their platform. 🤷‍♂️

    I think this game is gonna die in a year or two, they should've just done a world wipe and started anew with Dawntrail 🤷‍♂️

  19. One thing the FFXIV team has been absolutely abysmal at is understanding player sentiment/feedback. They go through all of the motions of pretending that they are taking feedback into account, but when they actually take action it's clear they completely missed the point of the feedback (if they ever really understood it in the first place). This is a case in point: The issue was never that people thought this mod would enable people to capture address or payment information, the issue is that if their security is so lax that they allowed this to happen in the first place… How can they guarantee that our address or payment information is truly secure? The answer, of course, is that they can't and that if you have any concerns about player privacy or safety then you probably shouldn't be playing FFXIV.

  20. What they should have done is seen this coming and made a public statement explaining that if they implement this feature it would be local data that could be used for nefarious purposes, and delay the feature so it could be done properly. But this is SQEX, the same company that sold FF7 NFT's. They dont give a shit. Ironically enough the plugin isn't the issue. They willingly chose to implement a feature that ended up causing this to even happen in the first place.

  21. This whole situation is creeping me out and bringing out some awful memories. I had someone stalking me who was following me around just out of range for the character model to be showing, but not the nameplate. I had to hop world for some peace. I can't believe what wouldve happened if they had access to a mod like that.


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