Yoshi-P: I've No Bias For BLM and Sorry For FFXIV Job Tuning


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33 thoughts on “Yoshi-P: I've No Bias For BLM and Sorry For FFXIV Job Tuning”

  1. PVP balancing 101: Never ever ever make drastic BUFF changes like this that affect the meta this much once a season is underway. Do this during the seasonal patches. Very small incremental adjustments only for buffing during season should be used. You only take a heavy hand when something is obviously broken during the season.

    I went straight from gold to crystal in 2 hours tuesday evening after only playing BLM in pvp for a day after playing strictly WAR and DRK previously at that point. Getting up to that point took a few nights on my tanks. One fucking day to crystal in BLM. That just isnโ€™t right when Iโ€™m way better at WAR.

  2. I recall seeing the changes and thinking "did they even need a buff? I thought they were fine". And well… Seeing Yoshi-P having a similar stance and essentially going "yeah we shouldn't have done such heavy tuning" just gives me more trust in the developers. And seeing how they plan to address the Frontline issues (it's all summoners and scholars because of their AoE potential being a hundred times better than any other class) I'm excited to see what we'll get in that regard in 6.15. Also I've been waiting for the beast tribe. I want that mount!

  3. One of the hardest things you can do as a games designer is to balance PvP. And balancing PvP where there are over a dozen jobs, with multiple skills each, and still retain the job style. As for BLMs, I found that lately while fighting them that bad BLMs are still bad, but the handful of BLMs that are decent though… Whew, it seems like I can't even retreat with all the freezes or big burst damage.

  4. As much as I respect the devs, I feel like they've been losing their touch a little bit lately in terms of job design.

    They keep catering hard towards casuals and the more involved players suffer for it, for every good change they make on a job there's 2 bad ones on another, they keep simplifying it more and more and now even DPS are starting to feel like 1-button spam healers (hello SMN), bringing down the skill floor is universally good, but bringing down the skill ceiling isn't, and at some point the difference between a good player and a bad one will have disappeared completely.

    just looking at 2016 parses for Bard in Midas savage VS Pandaemonium savage, you can see that the difference between the median and the top players used to be almost double what it is now when adjusted for damage inflation, while the bottom players have moved up far too much, and all that on one of the few jobs that has managed to retain a semblance of complexity.

  5. Yep, Frontlines with the new PvP kit is scuffed in both good and bad ways

    Always fun being smacked by 6 different Biolysis from separate SCHs and tick for 16.5k

    Or just being completely mopped by DRG or/and SMN with 5BH and completely annihilate a whole 3 set of Alliance teams alone or pair

  6. 7:04 well said man, he is one of few game producers that I have actually seen give live feedback, answer community questions, and give detailed reports on what they are working on.

  7. – CC CC CC CC CC
    – Diminishing returns, diminishing returns, diminishing returns
    – Cheaters

    Until those are answered, crystalline conflict will be clownshoes and casual for me.

  8. HAHAHA! With all the BS about him playing black mage and tuning it for him, it's all a meme. Anyone who seriously thinks Yoshi has nothing else better to do than play his own game is crazy.

  9. Well the problem of they balancing BLM is also accompanied with changes to range dpsm BLM get a lot, meanwhile range is not and still in pathetic state.

    The changes on BLM in term of damage to their freeze is also a joke which not fix the reason why BLM not using fire. Shield also not fix even bit, it is annoying for lot of job to deal with BLM, but it does not even help BLM for relentless assault from MNK. If they serious about balancing BLM correctly, they shoud add the skill resistance to any debuff for short time (but cannot be use like purify thus it is an active button) and not buffing the shield.

  10. So BLM will become frustrating and back to least played and lowest winning job in PvP because the bloody community memed about BLM.

    If they revert all BLM changes to before 6.11a, Iโ€™m giving up on the BLM having played it for 10 years

    Damnit Yoshida. Leave BLM changes stay. BLM was frustrating as hell to play in PvP as it takes so long to build up stack to get a pathetic weak snare and a sleep cc that never seems to hit players. Lowest health so every job can easily kill them

    Iโ€™ve been 1v1 on a nin or Sam or mnk, and even with sleep snare, lb etc I could never kill the player. I have zero idea how their health never went below 40%

  11. This seems like a good place to ask this question, although it is not PVP related, but it is dps/nerf/ job tuning related. Have they properly adjusted the Stone Sky Sea dummies to accommodate the nerfing applied in 6.0? I can just barely beat the time limit when in the past I have significant time to spare. Anyone else notice this?

  12. The fact that hes willing to admit when hes "wrong", or admit to a mistake, i can oversee that because atleast they are listening to feedback and are aware

  13. They need to massively buff or change DRK for PvP. At least in CC.
    The problem with DRK is that it's actually useless in practice.
    Why play a DRK when you can play any other tank, cause they do basically what DRK does but better.

    I'm a crystal rank, not that it means anything, but hey. lol. Crystal is basically gold-Diamond+ for other games. They need to make ranks actually more balanced. There's so many players in crystal who don't know rotations, how to chain cc, how to disengage and regroup, etc. These players should be gold at best.
    But back to DRK.

    1. DRK doesn't actually have a reliable mitigation nor sustain ability.
    TBN is okay, but it doesn't hold a candle to the other tanks mitigation skill.
    If I see a DRK on the enemy team. I already assume it's gonna be a 4v5 as DRK can't sustain/mitigate enough damg to do anything meaningful without dying everytime they go in without their ult.
    Speaking of ult, PLD ult is the same thing but 200% better. Sure you can dps a little harder, but it's not that noticeable, I've never seen a DRK ever top the DPS charts. But a good pld ult, gives 2 players on your team invul and the other 3 50% damg reduction. That's FUCKING insane, compared to DRK which drops you to 1 and allows you to do 12k damg like 3 times. But leaves you at 1 hp so a good palyer will just stun you and youll die instantly. Comapred to PLD who will basically come out of ult at full hp.
    2. Give DRK 2 gap closers like EVERY OTHER TANK PLS. Like wtf?
    3. Either have salted earth follow the player OR make it 1.5x – 2x bigger. with 50% speed reduction as well. If a DRK salted earths you. You ignore them and just…walk out.
    Salted Earth is DRK's ONLY damg reduction skill. And is made useless by enemies just walking out, so you are just left alone in your ball pit of sadness. And make the 2nd skill be able to be used twice, or have it be 1-2 secs longer or something, because it's actually kinda useless. Or make it mark the enemies that are binded so that you deal more damg to them as well as healing HP from hitting them. Because DRK has no real sustain outside of their ult.
    4. Reduce the hp cost of shadowbringer and increase the damg. HP cost should be like 6000, and the damg should be 8000-12000. Shadowbrigner is actually a troll move. you take 1/4th of your hp to deal 6k. like ???. Or have it so shadowbringers MARKS THE OPPONENT SO YOU DEAL MORE DAMG TO THEM AND ALSO HEAL FROM THEM.

    I WANT to play DRK, but it's ridiculously underpowered that if I see a DRK, I just assume we lost/won. unless the enemy team has a DRK as well.

  14. I am confident speculating that Yoshi-P was playing/queueing for CC as he typed out this post farming Ranks on his BLM like the Gigachad developer he is ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  15. Sorry but that sounds like pure bullshit, they just been increasing and decreasing damage numbers, maybe based on win rates but it's just good old flat damage increases and decreases.

  16. I like meta shifts because I played WAR before this patch but now I switch to bard for the secret sauce of silencing BLMs. I'm more of a PvP gamer so I'm used to adjusting to meta changes.


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