Yoshi-P Actually Considered Time Mage for FFXIV…

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FF14 Dawntrail Media Tour article on jobs that Yoshi-P and team considered for FFXIV.

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46 thoughts on “Yoshi-P Actually Considered Time Mage for FFXIV…”

  1. I don't think the well of classic jobs is completely dry of jobs that would be able to have their job identity properly translated into FF14's systems. I can probably name one for each role.

    Tank: Defender – great shields : although this does crib a bit into Paladin's job identity, i think that pulling from this Bangaa job and giving it a bit of Goofy flavor from Kingdom Hearts could really work as a tank who is the master of mitigation

    Healer: Chemist – crossbow : take inspiration from the Apothecary from Octopath Traveler and flavor the pure heals and DoTs as something similar to how cartridges work for gunbreaker where you can mix/match the darts to create specific effects.

    Melee DPS: Master – Nunchaku : this callback to FF3 and FF1 has plenty of ways to differentiate itself from Monk in job design while highlighting a different form of martial arts. Probably leans more into the support end of things to give striking a range from Greed DPS to support DPS.

    Phys Ranged: cannoneer – Mortar/Bazooka : The master of AoE damage with slower GCDs that make way for a job that's built on double weaving; a direct answer to MCH's high APM playstyle.

    Magical Ranged: Illusionist – (get inventive,, but probably something like a mirror or a crystal ball) A job that's aobut ground-target AoEs that apply effects to the enemy rather than to allies. keeping mobs and raid bosses in their phantasmal illusions is key to the job. If Combat rez is still around when we get to Illusionist, it ends up being the job with a reraise style effect that only applies for a scant few seconds, so ideally it gets cast on someone who is clearly about to eat shit.

  2. They could use ff braver mobile games both versions for weapon types. And hook sword tofon or Oars and Successor Job evolution system or Make All rounder role classes or hybrid jobs with existing jobs really

  3. I know yoship has said no blitzball as a game mode AND spherical orbs being a difficult weapon to make. But I'd love a blitzball theme'd job after Wakka as a physical ranged

  4. Kind of interesting timing for the timing of this post since it was just a few days ago that I learned of the existence of the β€œGreen Mage” which is basically what the Time Mage would be. It would be interesting to think of how that could work, but I feel like it might get lost a bit in translation when it feels like all you could do is buff your team up while bosses would be able to bypass a good chunk of alimentary thrown against them. It wouldn’t be impossible to make a kit that would allow buffing teammate while debuffing enemies, but I can see why there probably were times they decided to not fully pursue the idea.

    Mind you, I am curious about what would come next. I just jumped into 14 a few months ago and just started shadowbringers. Going to miss the launch of dawntrail but the game has been such a delight for the time I’ve played up to now.

    I just wonder if they would ever plan to do like what they did with Summoner/Scholar where you can put a weapon for multiple classes. Mind you that is the only one we have, but could be interesting if we were to see this happen in the future for future classes.

  5. I had enviosioned a time mage as a healer before that would apply buffs, dots and extend the duration of those through its gauge by "freezing" the timer of those. it would also be able to remove regen effects from players, but heal them for the entire duration of the regen instantly like it was fast forwarding the effect. Weapon would be a staff chained to a large pocket watch, which the player would hold in the other hand.

  6. talking about the whip, that reminds me of that recent indiana jones gameplay and how rediculously SLOW the whip animations were. I can see why whips would be a lot of work for an MMO.

  7. I’m down for anything, so long as people shut the hell up with these cookie cutter suggestions like Time Mages, Necromancers, Blitzballers, and Geomancers. None of that shit is happening.

  8. idk what time mage did in other ff games but i feel like a time mage would be an epic concept for a healer where instead of healing wounds you rewind time on your allies, for instance lets say a tank ate a tankbuster, you pop a cooldown and he gets set back to his hp from a couple of seconds ago, or a buff that works kindof like dark knights invoul where if a person dies, time rewerts itself to before he died for them

  9. Time mage would actually be an interesting healer!
    Imagine this. You rewind time on someone, bringing them seconds back (thus healing them). You can buff them (haste, etc.), you can debuff enemies (slow, etc.). Time bombs could be used to attack enemies.

  10. "Cant use stop" same argument i saw in FFXI, when ppl used stun locking…
    its just stun with a different name…
    Haste is the one thats questionably broken, and would need to be nerfed to the point of feeling extremely lackluster (like how they nerfed it with SCH and AST) Otherwise Time Mage would be friggin great.
    (Another way to use "Haste" and "Quick", is to make Time Mage a HoT healer. Haste speeds up the tick of regen, and quick can instantly burst the regen into a heal for its full amount. Granted some might still be mad its not true haste though, but this is the mmo where none of the jobs are really their true selves)

  11. Only a moron would strike as a healer. Been a healer main since 3.0 and i’ve never once felt the need to try and protest…even when they ruined my main healer (ast) i just moved to another

  12. Thanks for reading, Quazii! As I've seen others suggest I'd love to see them try out a whip-sword. I can appreciate it might be awkward to animate in a way that works for a wide range of designs, though. Personally I'd be all for a hammer, especially after Gaia.

  13. The original astrologian was a time mage. They could extend buff times by significant amounts and they could haste people. If that's not manipulating time I don't know what is. So time mage existed and failed in ffxiv.

  14. Unfortunately, the limitations of XIV and the current rigid job design philosophy do not allow for unique playstyles that you see in other MMOs. The best they can do is use visuals to express class fantasy, but the job itself is never going to be a game changer.

  15. About whips: it’s not that the engine wouldn’t let it happen, we have weapons with lots of bones already, look at the DRK seiryu sword, it flips out like a chain whip. It’s got the bones. It’s just that the amount of animation of each bone of the weapon would require WAY too much work and QA to ensure every weapon looks good.

  16. If were not getting time mage WHY THE FUCK WAS AST GUTTED OF ALL ITS TIME ABILITES

    Same goddamn thing with geomancer never being real but all conjury roots destroyed on WHM. Why? To what point and purpose?

  17. Im sorry but I can't let Yoshi P scape gpat by on this one. Stop is the most extreme example in this instance but even in FF14 its not like its undoable. In fact as a limit break it could even come in clutch. But FF11 had haste, slow, and I think stop (idr) and it worked just fine. Now though its not EXPLICITLY time magic per say, it could totally work in 14 but 14 has pigeon holed itself into the 2 minute meta garbage. So its not that these things CANT work in an mmo its that 14 and the devs just dont want to develop it because like they already said, its just easier to develop things the way they are, and I honestly think that sine this has been an area of contention among many in the community that this will come to a head in DT.

    Lastly time magic normally involves things like gravity, demi, etc. Just like how smn has random "magic like" distance attacks, what would stop the team from giving something like that to a time mage. JS.

  18. I wont give up on the dream that one day Time Mage will make it to FF14. I wanted that job since Shadowbringers (wich was when I started to play), I get it that trying to make a class that can manipulate time in a MMO can be a really hard achievement, but C'MON YOSHI! Guild Wars 2 has the Chronomancer, WoW has the Augmentation Evoker, even ESO you can manipulate time through the Psijic Order skill tree! It can't be THAT hard! 😭


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