Yapmage #2 CHEATING in FFXIV

ohhh its a long one. lets talk psychology. Lets talk Cheating. Lets talk what we actually consider cheating versus not cheating.

Xeno’s Original Video for his clips:



22 thoughts on “Yapmage #2 CHEATING in FFXIV”

  1. they cant whitelist mods because the console playerbase would seethe its not fair. Its the only reason we have this weird situation. They could just add the basic tools to the game but they said they wouldnt in the past because of toxicity. We will never move on from this situation we are in now, its just part of the race at this point.

    edit: i cant remember who it was but someone did POTD for AGDQ and they were using alex to triple weave lmao.

  2. At the end of the day:
    – Can't prevent cheating without unacceptable surveilance
    – Cheating can happen off-device and completely removed from the game itself
    – Even if cheating is 100% removed, nothing stops these teams from having a separate team analyzing and timelining the entire fight on voice comms.

    Conclusion: world first is meaningless unless these teams travel to a physical tournament location and use local certified devices only.

  3. This topic is a reason why I always have a giggle when people compare the addon heavy world of warcraft endgame content with ff14 plugins.

    One is moderated and strictly gives you the api tools to work with, rotational bots are found (even if not frequently enough to my liking) and permabanned putting the stakes really high since mmorpg accounts usually have quite the time investment in them.
    Yes you likely will need a couple things to be competitive/not make it unnecessary hard on you and this should be worked on, but within that framework it's very fair and competitive.

    The other game is completely unhinged and you could automate an entire ultimate fight to perfection if you'd put in the hours as a software dev. without any official repercussions if you don't upload it lmao.

  4. I live in Brazil. Because of legging, titan was quite impossible in uwu. By the time the saw the stone marker we had 2s to move. Quite impossible. So we used a plugin to mark us 2s prier to accutal game marks us. So we had 4s to move.
    So stone marks came from server faster them the game showed us.
    A hard fight is different from a impossible fight. Sever tick shouldn't be a part of the difficulty.

  5. My stance on these "tools" is that as long as you don't gain a clear advantage (mechanics and rotation help when it matters, aka world first prog race), I couldn't care less what you use or where.
    The bigges issue for me is those people who impose or, worse, expect others to use them. Asking around for certain visual plugin codes to strangers or, the most evident nowadays, the use or auto markers in the more difficult content even when proper strats have been done and work.

    A distinction between QoL and actual cheats can be made, but it's always gonna be somewhat subjective and we've already gotten a lot of those as proper game features in the last few years. A plugin that helps with ping, does more legible markers or makes some graphics easier on the eyes shouldn't be in the same boat as a radar that shows you the safe spots or calls out all mechanics with infinite precision, but sadly it is.

    To be fair, if the solution is to implement those crappy anti cheat softwares that worsen all player's experience I'm not sure that's a good compromise, and people will always complain…

  6. For me, I think that any tool that automates things is crossing the line, but pretty much any other tool is quite fair game. I live in Brazil with ubearable ping, and playing Machinist, Ninja or even my main Samurai is close to impossible without clipping quite literaly everything. I have no objections against people using XIVAlexander, NoClippy, ACT (specifically for parsing damage/looking at timeline and logs), or any VFX or cosmetic mods. But things like Splatoon, Zoom Hacks, amongst other things is going waaay too far.

    It's definitely a spectrum, but to me the question becomes: Can you consistently beat the fight WITHOUT the plugin? Because if the answer is no and you need that plugin to use it as a crutch in order for you to beat the fight (Like AMs for UWU), I feel like that plugin is overstepping what's acceptable. I don't NEED Alexander to do content, I don't NEED ACT, I don't NEED my VFX or UI mods. Heck I did M1S and M2S week 1 with 0 plugins installed (and I know the conversation is more towards Ultis, but still). I don't need any of those plugins to play or be great at the game, they are a comfort thing that makes playing the game more enjoyable, with Alexander in particular allowing me to level the playing field with people that don't have atrocious ping.

    A lot of people argue that it's impossible for PF to do a mech like Gaols without AMs, and all I do is argue back that if lack of communication is the problem, discord exists. Ultimates in particular are developed with comms and a high level of organization in mind. If you want to compete and be able to beat the fight in a fair way without having to use crutches, communication is key. I understand many players have social anxiety and whatnot, but if your anxiety harbors so deep that you can't stay in a call muted to listen to someone's callouts, I'm not sure you're even fit to be in the ultimate scene. Using crutches to clear ultimates is like not clearing them at all. Plugins should be a way to improve what's already there, and not beat the fight, resolve a mechanic, or take an aspect of the game's skill expression for you.

    That being said, I don't care at all if people cheat. I'd much prefer if things like world first races had 0 cheats whatsoever, but oh well… To me most Legend titles are pretty worthless due to cheats and people just buying clears. All that I truly care for is for my own personal clear to not rely on any of that, so I can play the game with no weigh on my conciousness, knowing that I don't need any crutch or tool to beat even the hardest of content. If you think your achievement is just as valueable to someone's who didn't cheat at all, that's good for you! But imo, if you use any cheats that just cross the line or severely muddle it, your achievement is worth nothing at all.

  7. Ffxiv is a hard subject because there are so many outdated things they have not fixed. The biggest being the server ticks and how the server handles things. Skills not going off being annoying and getting hit by things we should have dodge. It already puts an unfair advantage with people closer to the server.

    But on another hand we cant just say somethings are ok because of x or y. We let it get out of hand this way.

    I dont personally care if someone cheats. But if someone is cheating in the face of world 1st, its just a bad look for the game and community as a whole. We already see less and less care about ultimate. Yoshi p didnt even congratulate people this year. Most people assume ultimate clears are cheated or paid for so even if you earn the stuff people wont care.

    Healthy competition of the game is dead. New players will feel like they have to cheat to get where other players are.
    Console players get fucked having disadvantages.

    All for magical title and weapon that tells people you are good at the game when people already dont believe those.

  8. Probebly on of the biggest Cheats in FF14 is not even seen as a Cheat if you consider Fairness and even playfield. Widescreen Monitor just makes alot of the Mechaniks so much easier. Just one example from the new Ultimate if you are the MT and you stand in the middle with the Boss in P2 and need to pull the Boss away from the Blue Mirror where you have around 2-3 secs. to do that you need to find the mirror first and in worst case it spawns left from you out of sight and you start turning you cam to the right and makes you spin around 270° until you see it and until you start moving there are already 2secs. gone. on the other side with Widescreen you just see it no problem at all and alot time to relax with that Mechanik.

  9. People are gonna use whatever mods/addons/plugins no matter what argument is brought up. It’s been like this for years. Even knowing if it gives them an unfair advantage. I used to get mad about it but there’s no point in being mad cause nobody is gonna change what they do. If you use those tools then whatever, play how you want. Just know that if you NEED them to play and you can’t do mechanics without them then you’re cringe as hell. Git gud. And no I’m not talking about NoClippy since it’s inevitable that someone will bring it up since it fixes their ping/lag issue.

  10. I pretty much accept that man will find ways to make their lives better by any mean necessary. So if one cheats, I expect everyone to cheat, including me. It just you can’t make it so obvious lol. Played the wait and see. The red dot memes cracking me up.

    I do agree with Xeno on this. Everyone cheats, have to accept. Whoever clears it first is the winner, but to SE’s eyes, they don’t, yet it doesn’t matter. I don’t see it changing , no point in doing so to be honest. I just enjoy the teams progressing into clear, then move onto something else. It didn’t really bother me.


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