Xeno Reacts and Rates the brand new Mandervillous Relic Weapons added to Final Fantasy 14 in Patch 6.55 (and he has some wrong opinions).
Original video by @DesperiusFFXIV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxcrQskm7F4
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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
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WHM is hands down the best. I would have loved SGE but the model itself is too big and didn't need the 2nd particle ring.
seriously, the whole point of the relic is to have a design that looks good for the job. All jobs' relics having the same effect is just laziness. At least it's not as bad as most of the ShB ones.
Day 69 of strummer eating in a video.
Gunbreaker weapons seem to go through this pattern of being either elegant, well balanced swords, or being monstrous cleavers. Someone really has to be into that Gundam butcher knife aesthetic to like the last step and Abyssos was just godly for a lot of glamour.
Lol they forgot to get the matte replicas
wrong because bald
Feels too samey, colors are cool, effect is cool, some base weapons are cool, but i agree its too much?
Love coming back to watch xenos wrong opinions on weapons😂
I feel like they had a low budget for relics this time around or something. Very low effort. All of them have an identical effect, every step was a flat 1500 tomes straight up, didn't feel like a relic at all. Maybe they figured combining it with the Hildibrand bullshit would even it out. Xeno's right though, the PLD, DRG, and WHM weapons stole the show this time.
Huh… Am I the only one who thinks these weapon designs should have been used for 7.0 instead?
Like their design fits more with Solution Nine & Arcadion.
Hmm, maybe they'll bring back some of the XI motifs for 7.0 relics then, that'd be interesting. I totally agree with Xeno btw, about how each style should be unique to the Job rather than one unified design.
However that would also result in a shitload of additional work for the art teams.
the asthetic was clearly picked to foreshadow the expac it makes sense
The GNB one looks rad just for the fact that the barrels/blade part resembles a rail gun
I'm so glad to hear someone agreeing with my opinion, I thought I was just being bitter or something; to me these look lazy and like crafted ex weapons, not relics. Like the effect is cool but I do wish at least they changed the color of the glow depending on the job at the very least =(
Monk weaps look like trash once again. Ive used the emperors fist since they came out cause of that. Shouldnt be blades. There are enough damn blades on everything. Should have been gloves that lit up a bit.
why do they make for smn and sch a cyperpunk themed glamour for a book. just give them a fucking tablet already ffs
A GNB Roth stood next to me when I pulled out my SMN book and asked why it wasn't touch screen. Now I really feel like SE did me dirty.
My favorite since zodiac weapons actually…
Love Xeno but holy fuck his taste sometimes is off the rails xD
if they were all gonna have the same effect the least they could do was make them different colors. gonna be real this might be worst finished version of relics yet and thats saying something cus the stormblood relics were kind of a let down.
the PLD relic gives me Xenoblade vibes. Absolutely love those games. I call(ed) them budget TOP weapons.
i like the weapons and will be getting most of them, and im not and endwalker complainer, but to me these are just objectively the worst relics, not only due to homogenity but just the designs and effects, but still good imo
its okay xenos we gunbreakers know being bald can lead to your head overheating and making bad calls. but we love you for it
It just feels lazy
Xeno: "Dude that gunblade is fucking hideous. It looks like shit. The model is horrible. Ugliest weapon in the game"
Me: "Hmm, interesting opinion. I cant wait to hear the reasoning behind this extreme reaction"
Xeno: "It doesn't look like what its supposed to be"
Me: "???"
Tbh, the previous tier of relics looks better because the weapons didn't have one glow style/color. PLD/DRG has the black and blue glow, WAR has the red and orange, RPR/GNB has the green and yellow and so on. I think the only reason they made this design is because they want to connect these relics to the next expac's relics.
yeah the weapons Feels kinda like an EX trial crafted weapons, not a Relics. but they are still good looking tho
I am a fan of the GNB. Looks straight outta Xenoblade and I am very biased.
The thing i don't like about GNB weapon is that it looks like someone ripped a laser cannon from a spaceship and said "here's your gunblade" if it had more gunblade shape rather than space ship salvage, it would be so much better!
Heck, shrink it and make those laser cannons the sage weapon instead of the stakes!
This just shows that they didnt really give a single shit on relics in this xpac…
Hardly even play GNB and I got offended at your take on the weapon lmao. It looks sick, you crazy 😛
Gunbreakers stay losing with shitty final steps
SMN relics have been trash since Heavensward. Like wtf are they doing? So many options based on summons and thats what they come up with?
Last relics for endwalker and the entire saga, should've been more epic. like godly, galaxy space theme. not another engineer robotic crap. just my opinion.
They are so uninspired with MCH. That ammo/mako pack on the hip never changes. Sums up the state of the job quite well. Half hearted. Could go a long way in sparking interest in the job if you could change that or simply hide it imo.
you can be as wrong as you want about the gnb weapons but TUNA? FROM SUBWAY?
the GNB weapon is pretty good tbh, it looks like a laser cannon
All of the weapons are AWESOME especially the gunblade!
this last tier is only as good as a random trial's weapon series. Didn't bring any unique weapon shapes like ARR or HW relics, and then they decided to slap shit load of effects and call it a day.