Xeno on Using an MMO Mouse and Tips on Hotbar Setup for FFXIV

Xeno explains his hotbar setup in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers and what you can do to improve your rotation and DPS. He also talks about the advantages of using an MMO mouse and gives tips on how to improve as a player.

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33 thoughts on “Xeno on Using an MMO Mouse and Tips on Hotbar Setup for FFXIV”

  1. What I do, I use a two button mouse (you can youse a 3rd button if you need a 3rd modifier. But I bind 12 buttons to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Q, E, R, F, G, Y, X – and then I put Alt and Ctrl modifiers on the mouse buttons (with mosue software), because my left pinky is basically useless for pushing the modifier keys. I prefer pushing the modifier keys with my thumb on mouse buttons. Also my right hand is overwhelmed with more then 3 extra mouse buttons, or rather my brain is.

    But this is somethign you could do, to achieve basically the same effect, that Xenos is describing here. In you can bind 12 buttons 3-4 times with the help of modifiers.

  2. My main row is

    QERFVCXZTG, then Shift+ those, Alt+ those and Ctrl+ those, and that's about more than enough, but I also use 1-6, Shift, Alt, Ctrl with those as well. Idk if this is a bad thing, but it's what I've used in MMOs since WOTLK WoW. Been heavily considering getting a MMO mouse though.

  3. I bound sprint, mount, surecast, push to talk, ctrl, and alt to my MMO mouse. Even though I hardly utilize it to its full potential, it saves my left hand from doing gymnastics

  4. If you don’t have an MMO mouse you can still use page back and forward along with middle mouse, that’s 6 keys if you use them twice. My keybinds go (squigly line left of 1) ~,1,2,3,4,5,M4,M5,M3,F1,F2,F

    You can hit all those keys without really moving your hand. (If you don’t have a full keyboard you might not be able to use the F keys but idk at that point get an MMO mouse)

  5. The biggest thing is how to set up the mouse buttons in game menu? Like, I haven’t been able to figure it out. So I’m a clicker 🙁 I’m so used to the WoW mouse over.

  6. I only have a few extra buttons on my mouse, but mapped 1-6 and then some letters that allow me to keep my hand in place as much as possible. Then use 1 mouse button as shift and another for control. I keep my AOE rotations in one spot, single target in another , etc. So glad to see the way I organize things makes sense to others. I'm sure I can optimize it, and will as I learn more jobs.

  7. i honestly don't get why people get so hostile about people clicking on skills. switching to hotkeys isn't going to suddenly make your rotation better or get you godlike dps. in my opinion you will almost always do better playing the way that is most comfortable to you.

  8. So my hot bars are set up like world of warcraft (2 main ones- bar 1 & 2, two right side mounted ones- bar 3 & 4, and two to the right of my main bars- bars 5 & 6). Bar 1's Keybinds: 1-6, QEVFRG. Bar 2's Keybinds: Shift+1 through Shift+=. Bar 3's Keybinds: ctrl+shift+1 through ctrl+shift+=. Bar 4's Keybinds: alt+shift+1 through alt+shift+=. Bar 5's Keybinds: F1 through F12.

    I use a Corsair Scimitar MMO mouse and in iCUE I put in a Macro that G1-G12 is 1 through =, thereby allowing me to substitute Bar 2, 3, 4 to shift+MB1, ctrl+shift+MB1, alt+shift+MB1 etc. Works out well

  9. I played MMO's for years and have never used an MMO mouse.
    like what's wrong with keyboard binds like?

    (shift+) or (ctrl+) 1-6
    (shift+) or (ctrl+) q-e-r-f-t

    it gives you a total of 38 keys, and you could easily add more keys.

  10. Im 50/50 atm was thinking about this problem last night, also just gave my mrs my Corsair mmo mouse so ordered the Naga, already have the charging dock. I setup similar with the combo in one set place, CDs in another. But CD wise i click, rotation i use keyboard. Be nice to get it all on to buttons with 0 clicking

  11. Modifier + mmo mouse. My brain just exploded and I've used mmo mice since the Naga first came out. I'm rebinding as soon as I log in. Thanks so much for that. Wow. Literally almost felt my brain get bigger than my skull

  12. Honestly having an MMO mouse for other tasks is a good idea as well. If you enjoy editing videos, having 12 shortcut keys can improve your speed by a lot. I even find having more than 2 buttons for fps games really good as you don't have to take your fingers off WASD at all. It even helps in Minecraft lol


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