In this video Xeno discovers Eorzea Collection, a website where Final Fantasy 14 players share their best glamour, cosplays and fashion styles. Xeno looks through a bunch of FFXIV glamour for all the races and genders and talks about his favorites. If you are looking for the best glams in Final Fantasy XIV, Eorzea Collection is a great place to find inspiration.
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#Xeno #FFXIV #glamour
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Background music by Sirius Beat
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submit your bia or vamp ninja as well!
The default Highlander idle stance for females is so terrible. The only thing that turns me off from them. I cpose my highlander so fast to avoid it. Everything else about them is fantastic.
I loved this website for years
Xeems prefers long haired girls so she can cover for the both of them. Smart thinking
He has discovered the true endgame.
Oi, that's my thighlander there in green! I'm glad you liked her 😀
I'm pretty much always on this site lmao so seeing Xeems find it is so funny.
I use this site to help with my glamours
Thank the Convocation this site exists, a shame you can't find things like where glam drops are located in-game under tooltips besides wikia if this site didn't exist. Or I guess the other games are like that…
But yes, this site is the shit. We gonna see Xeems glam contests soon? Pog
Also that Royal Rose RDM glam, faved, just found some other nice ones too, thx!
I love Eorzea Collection and I'm glad Xeems found it if he wants to dedicate himself to glamour, the true endgame.
It's about time to discover the fflogs for the real end game ^^
After all this time I can say this to the man who inspired me to tank… WELCOME TO FFXIV
6:31 what ff14 does to a self respecting man with a family
Xeno is showing that 99% of his head was ultimates
we've lost him boys
I'm not even a glamour hunter but, how did Xeno actually not know this site existed? It would be like playing WoW and finding out 8 years later "Wait, what's this Icyveins site? Never heard of it"
I love man mode xeems but I love cute strummer xeems more
Where do you get the Frontier Ribbon? The marketboard?!
dont see thighlanders cause middies are better
Bunny tails as well
Oh my, my hrothgar RDM glam get approved by xeno 😶
Thank you!
Anyone can share link ?
Ahh.. The true endgame. Try to do something like this in WoW.
So it begins
Hey, one of my glams made it into the video! ^-^ I love watching you explore other parts of the community, keep up the good work.
Plays game since 1.0
Doesn't know about ff colection.
Next you'll tell me he never did kugane ohashi
EDIT: you know what? I'm still waiting for him to visit ffclock. THEN he will know the game
Website's goated as hell
The reason is because Yoko Taro is an ass man.
You can get horns for any face but they are a hat you can get through the gold saucer prizecorner IRC it's a couple mill gp
I love how Xenos discorvers all the sides that FF has to offer. Even if he does not delve deep into it its nice to know that its at least acknowledged. That is my personal goal in this game to go and see every aspect of it, at least once.
Congrats on 69k subs man mode strummer
Dude, these videos lately are so fun. For someone like me who can't catch up the streams anymore because EU degen hours, this is my daily Xeems content. Much love bro and keep pumping. This is the best arc.
Alot of these use amnesis and gshader to up the quality of the screenshots not that I know what those mods are <.< Don't kill me yoshi
one of the more impressive glams i've seen was someone coplaying as Esdeath from Akeme Ga Kill. Like anyone can do a Shaggy or a Velma but more complex cosplay that you can instantly recognize is much harder.
Aaahh this was so much fun to watch, i just cant believe that Xeno did not know about that website!